“Nemo me impune lacessit” – “No one attacks me with impunity.”

The introduction of Resolution 901 by Republican Senator Richard McCormick on November 30, 2023, followed by its referral to the US Committee on Foreign Affairs on March 21, 2024, and its tabulation in the House on June 24, 2024, is nothing short of a strategic maneuver aimed at undermining Pakistan’s sovereignty and progress. Elements within the US government are employing all sorts of tactics to undercut Pakistan with this semiotic war being waged against Pakistan in this age of media and propaganda. This resolution, cloaked in the guise of supporting democracy and human rights, is a deliberate attempt to distort the truth about Pakistan’s robust democratic framework and human rights record. It seems as if the US Beltway community knows when to concoct schemes to hinder Pakistan’s progress.

“Qui bono?” — “Who benefits?” — is the question we must ask when examining the true motives behind this resolution. The timing and content of Resolution 901 reveal its true agenda: to politicize Pakistan’s internal issues.

Resolution 901’s concerns about democracy and human rights is replete with not only unsubstantiated claims but also disconnected from the realities on the ground. Pakistan, a nation of 240 million, successfully conducted general elections on February 8, 2024. These elections led to a political government operating efficiently and in the true spirit of democracy. The resolution’s baseless allegations are a blatant attempt to cast aspersions on Pakistan’s democratic institutions, undermining the significant strides ensuing in Pakistan.

Contrary to the misleading narrative presented in Resolution 901, Pakistan’s human rights situation is far superior to many neighboring countries and even some developed nations. The government, with the full support of the armed forces and other state institutions, is committed to creating a secure environment for both domestic and foreign investors. The recent military initiative, “Operation Resolute Stability,” aka “Operation Azm-i-Istehkam” exemplifies dedication to maintaining peace and security within borders.

Fifth columnists are cavorting to their western masters with their entrenched interests. To “poison all the wells” so that if they cannot have the run of the place then no one can.

Resolution 901 fails to acknowledge the significant economic progress Pakistan has achieved. Through stringent economic measures, the government has effectively curtailed the illegal flow of dollars, smuggling, and cartel monopolies. These efforts have led to improved crop production, a decline in inflation, and a historic rise in Pakistan’s stock exchange, which crossed 78,000 points for the first time.

Leading economic platforms like Bloomberg have recognized Pakistan’s economic resurgence. With a 27 percent stock rally leading Asia and an additional 10 percent growth expected by year-end, Pakistan’s economic indicators are on a healthy upward trajectory. The Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) has proven to be a successful initiative, fostering a favorable environment for foreign direct investment (FDI) and yielding tangible benefits within its first year.

Platforms like Bloomberg have recognized Pakistan’s economic resurgence. With a 27 percent stock rally leading Asia and an additional 10 percent growth. 

Resolution 901 appears to be a component of what can only be described as “Operation Goldsmith 2.0” – a systematic smear campaign targeting Pakistan and its armed forces. This operation seeks to distort facts and spread unfounded doubts about Pakistan’s performance in democracy and human rights. It is no coincidence that such resolutions surface whenever Pakistan begins to stabilize and progress.

This deliberate campaign, employing tactics of crypsis — the art of disguise — aims to create instability in Pakistan at a time when our security situation is improving, the anti-Pakistan forces, supported by Zionist and capitalist elements, are threatened by the progress and work tirelessly to undermine it. These forces support and finance certain political dissidents within Pakistan, portraying them as victims to gain international sympathy and weaken Pakistan’s resolve.

This resolution is a strategic move to gain political leverage for the ex-chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), who, in a display of staggering hypocrisy, first accused the United States of orchestrating his ouster and regime change, is now lobbying for resolution from the same country, this blatant contradiction undermines his credibility.

“Qui bono?” — “Who benefits?” — is the question we must ask when examining the true motives behind this resolution. The timing and content of Resolution 901 reveal its true agenda: to politicize Pakistan’s internal issues on a global stage under the guise of freedom of speech and human rights. This resolution is nothing more than a strategic move to gain political leverage for the ex-chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), who, alongside the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), stands in opposition to the security operations essential for Pakistan’s stability, rendering nothing other than as fifth columnists cavorting to their western masters with their entrenched interests. This can be most aptly described with an analogy such as “poison all the wells” that if they cannot have the run of the place then no one can.

This resolution is nothing more than a strategic move to gain political leverage for the ex-chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), who, in a display of staggering hypocrisy, first accused the United States of orchestrating his ouster and regime change. The ex-chairman vehemently blamed the US for meddling in Pakistan’s internal affairs, stirring public sentiment against foreign intervention. However, in a perplexing turn of events, the same individual who decried American interference is now lobbying for this very resolution from the country he accused of undermining his government. This blatant contradiction not only undermines his credibility but also exposes the political machinations at play. By leveraging US Congressional support, he aims to destabilize the current government under the guise of championing democracy and human rights, despite his prior claims of US culpability. This duplicitous behavior underscores a calculated effort to manipulate international narratives to his advantage, revealing the resolution as a tool for political maneuvering rather than a genuine concern for Pakistan’s democratic and human rights landscape.

The Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) has proven to be a successful initiative, fostering a favorable environment for foreign direct investment (FDI) and yielding tangible benefits within its first year.

Rather than genuinely supporting democracy and human rights, Resolution 901 seeks to jeopardize Pakistan’s development. It aims to discredit the significant economic recovery achieved with the support of armed forces and the resilience of the people. This is a politically motivated attempt to weaken Pakistan at a time when we are on the cusp of becoming stable.

Despite these challenges, Pakistan remains steadfast in its commitment to democracy, human rights, and economic development. The cooperation between our civil and military leadership, coupled with the unwavering spirit of people, positions Pakistan for a promising future. While the path to economic stability and development is fraught with challenges, determination and strategic vision promise a bright future for Pakistan.

Resolution 901 is an unwise and politically charged document that fails to reflect the realities of Pakistan’s progress and potential. As a sovereign nation, Pakistan continues to strive for democratic excellence, uphold human rights, and pursue economic prosperity, undeterred by baseless external criticisms. We urge the international community to see through the falsehoods of this resolution and recognize Pakistan’s genuine efforts towards building a stable and prosperous future.

This resolution is not an act of support but a smokescreen for political intrigue designed to destabilize Pakistan, such tactics will not deter Pakistan, and will continue to march forward with resilience and determination.


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