The diplomatic relationship between Saudi Arabia and Turkey has been historically complex, characterized by a blend of cooperation, competition, and occasional friction. Both nations are key players in the Middle East, each wielding considerable influence in their own right. However, recent developments have brought their relationship into sharper focus, with a mixture of deepening cooperation and underlying tensions reshaping the landscape of their bilateral ties.

To understand the current state of Saudi Arabia-Turkey relations, it’s essential to delve into the historical backdrop. Despite differing geopolitical aspirations and ideological leanings, the two nations have often found themselves navigating a delicate balance of cooperation and rivalry. Throughout the 20th century, their interactions were shaped by regional power dynamics, particularly during the Cold War era. During the early decades of the 21st century, relations between Riyadh and Ankara experienced periods of convergence and divergence.

Economic ties flourished, with significant investments flowing between the two countries. However, political disagreements, particularly regarding the Arab Spring and its aftermath, occasionally strained their diplomatic rapport.

In recent years, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have witnessed deepening cooperation in certain areas and escalating tensions in others. One notable aspect of this evolving dynamic is the economic partnership between the two nations. Despite occasional political disagreements, bilateral trade and investment have continued to grow, with both countries recognizing the mutual benefits of economic cooperation. Furthermore, efforts have been made to enhance collaboration in energy and infrastructure development areas. Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 initiative, aimed at diversifying the kingdom’s economy, has opened up opportunities for Turkish companies to contribute to various projects. Similarly, Turkey’s ambitions to expand its influence in the region have led to closer engagement with Saudi Arabia on strategic issues.

However, a complex web of geopolitical rivalries and ideological differences lies beneath the surface of economic cooperation. One primary source of tension between Riyadh and Ankara has been their contrasting approaches to regional conflicts and alliances. The war in Syria, in particular, has been a point of contention, with Saudi Arabia backing opposition groups and Turkey supporting rebel forces. Moreover, the aftermath of the Jamal Khashoggi incident in 2018 strained relations between the two countries. The Saudi journalist’s murder inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul drew widespread condemnation and sparked a diplomatic crisis between Riyadh and Ankara.

Turkey’s role in exposing the incident and its calls for accountability further heightened tensions with Saudi Arabia.

Beyond bilateral issues, Saudi Arabia and Turkey find themselves on opposite sides of various regional conflicts and alliances. For instance, the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran has often led Riyadh to view Ankara’s growing influence with suspicion. Turkey’s support for Qatar during the Gulf crisis further exacerbated tensions with Saudi Arabia and its allies. Similarly, differences over the Muslim Brotherhood have fueled ideological disagreements between the two nations. While Turkey has been supportive of the Islamist movement, Saudi Arabia has viewed it as a threat to its own interests and has sought to counter its influence in the region. These differing perspectives have contributed to mistrust and rivalry between Riyadh and Ankara.

Despite the challenges and tensions that have characterized their relationship, Saudi Arabia and Turkey are willing to engage in dialogue and cooperation on certain fronts. Economic interests, in particular, strongly incentivize both countries to maintain a functional relationship and explore areas of mutual benefit. Moreover, efforts have been made to de-escalate tensions and find common ground on regional issues. Diplomatic initiatives, such as the recent talks between Saudi and Turkish officials, indicate a recognition of the need for constructive engagement and conflict resolution.

While deep-seated differences may persist, there remains potential for pragmatic cooperation in areas where their interests align.

The relationship between Saudi Arabia and Turkey is a complex tapestry woven from a mixture of cooperation, competition, and conflict. While economic ties continue to deepen, underlying geopolitical rivalries and ideological differences present significant challenges to their bilateral relationship. However, recent diplomatic efforts and a recognition of shared interests suggest that there is potential for constructive engagement and collaboration in the future. As regional dynamics continue to evolve, Saudi Arabia-Turkey relations will likely be shaped by a delicate balance of pragmatism and strategic calculation.