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Another Crescent: Iran’s Brewing Influence in the Sahel Region


Iran’s influence in the Sahel region is a complex and multifaceted issue that will continue to evolve in the coming years. Iran’s influence in the Sahel region is expanding due to a combination of political, economic, and military strategies. The Sahel region, which encompasses 11 countries in West and North-Central Africa, faces significant challenges such as population growth, poverty, climate change, and violent insurgencies. To address these issues, local governments are seeking foreign assistance.

While the Iranian opponent, the United States, and Israel, remain fixed on the potential dangers emanating from the Iranian-dominated Shia crescent spanning from Lebanon to Yemen, Tehran is discreetly establishing the foundation for a second Iranian crescent that will soon present a significant peril to the U.S. interests in the Sahel region. However, within Africa’s strategically important Sahel region, Iran is capitalizing on the vulnerabilities of Western powers to enhance its economic and military sway further, gain access to vital resources, destabilize moderate governments, and subvert the process of Israeli-Arab normalization. Moreover, Iran has several objectives in the Sahel region. Firstly, it aims to enhance its international legitimacy and gain an advantage in its rivalry with Saudi Arabia and the West.

Iran seeks to spread its Shi’ite ideology and increase markets for its commercial exports.

The Sahel region is home to significant Shi’a communities, particularly in Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, northern Nigeria, and Senegal. These communities are often considered a minority among the predominantly Sunni population, and their economic and political connections are influenced by their relations with Iran and other regional powers.

Iran maintains bilateral diplomatic relations with Sahel countries and has engaged in numerous high-level visits and agreements on cooperation in various fields, including counterterrorism, economic development, and education. Economically, Iran aims to access the region’s natural resources, such as gold, uranium, and other valuable minerals, to support its economic needs. It also seeks to provide economic assistance to Sahel countries, including infrastructure projects, to increase its influence.

Furthermore, the recent wave of coups in the Sahel region presents Iran with opportunities to advance its anti-Western agenda. As local populations grow weary of French and other Western neo-colonialism, Iran can capitalize on this shift in regional dynamics. This could lead to a new economic battleground between Iran and Western powers in the Sahel region. Turkey, Iran, and Morocco are competing for a larger economic and military presence in the Sahel, with Turkey selling advanced combat drones and developing a trans-Saharan corridor from the Gulf of Guinea to Algeria.

Historical Context

Iran’s engagement in the Sahel region has a historical background that can be traced back to the early 1980s, following the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Before this period, Iran was aligned with the United States and its allies during the Cold War. However, after the revolution, Iran embarked on a mission to spread radical Shi’ite theological teachings in West Africa/Sahel through various means such as cultural, diplomatic, and media initiatives. This endeavour faced opposition from countries and groups in the region led by Saudi Arabia, which supported its interests.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Iran maintained bilateral diplomatic relations with Sahel countries, which involved frequent visits by Iranian leaders to the region and reciprocal visits by Sahelian leaders to Tehran. This period marked a continuation of Iran’s efforts to establish and strengthen its presence in the Sahel. In the 2000s, Iran’s involvement in the Sahel region intensified, with a particular focus on countering terrorism and extremism. Additionally, Iran sought to promote economic ties in various sectors as part of its engagement strategy.

In the 2010s, Iran’s diplomatic outreach to the Sahel region persisted, characterized by high-level visits and agreements on cooperation in multiple fields.

These areas of cooperation included counterterrorism, economic development, and education, reflecting Iran’s multifaceted approach to expanding its influence in the region.

In the 2020s, Iran capitalized on the growing divide between post-coup leaders in the Sahel and Western countries, notably the United States and France. This rift allowed Iran to expand its influence in the region further. By leveraging the strained relations between the Sahelian leaders and their Western counterparts, Iran aimed to strengthen its position and extend its reach in the Sahel.

Shi’a Communities in the Sahel Region

The perception of Iran’s influence among local Shi’a communities in the Sahel region varies. While some view Iran as a defender of their interests and a promoter of their religious beliefs, others approach its involvement with caution. Those who support Iran’s presence believe that it helps counterbalance the influence of Sunni extremist groups and Western powers, particularly due to historical ties with Lebanon. Additionally, they appreciate Iran’s efforts to spread Shi’a theological teachings and cultural practices, as it strengthens their religious identity and fosters connections with other Shi’a communities worldwide.

However, local Shi’a business communities, concerned about potential damage to their economic and political connections with Sunni commercial interests and pro-Western entities, tend to maintain a low profile in political activities supporting Iran. Moreover, the appeal of extremist Sunni groups in the region, such as al-Qaida and the Islamic State, may make some local Shi’a communities less receptive to Iran’s radicalizing influence, as their primary focus is countering the threat posed by these groups. Furthermore, the need to maintain good relations with predominantly Sunni governments, which may be wary of Iranian influence, also contributes to the cautious approach of local Shi’a communities towards Iran.

Iran’s Soft Power Strategies

Iran’s soft power strategies in the Sahel region encompass a diverse range of approaches, including educational, cultural, and charitable initiatives. These multifaceted efforts are carefully crafted to advance the ideological and political objectives of the Islamic Republic, bolster its international standing, and extend its influence within the region.

One significant aspect of Iran’s soft power strategy involves the expansion of its renowned Islamic Azad University beyond its national borders, with a particular focus on the Sahel region. This strategic move is crucial to Iran’s sophisticated approach to promoting its ideological and political goals. In line with this strategy, Iran has proposed establishing branches of the Islamic Azad University in prominent cities of Syria and Iraq, including Damascus, Karbala, Najaf, Baghdad, Basra, and Erbil.

Iran aims to solidify its presence and influence in these key locations, furthering its regional objectives.

Another key element of Iran’s soft power strategies is the promotion of Shi’ite Islam, especially in areas with significant Shi’a populations. This entails providing support to local Shi’a communities and disseminating Shi’ite theological teachings. By actively engaging in these endeavours, Iran seeks to strengthen its ties with the Sahel countries and bolster its influence among the local populace.

Moreover, cultural exchange programs are vital to Iran’s efforts to foster connections with Sahel countries. Iran endeavours to deepen its relationships with local communities through educational and cultural initiatives, thereby enhancing its regional influence. These programs serve as a platform for mutual understanding and collaboration, facilitating the spread of Iran’s cultural and ideological values.

Furthermore, Iran’s charitable organizations, such as the Red Crescent Society, actively operate in the Sahel region, providing essential humanitarian aid and disaster relief. These philanthropic endeavours contribute to the well-being of the local population, cultivate goodwill, and enhance Iran’s reputation as a benevolent actor in the international arena.

Security Implications of Iran’s Presence in the Sahel Region

Iran is taking advantage of the growing divide between post-coup leaders in the Sahel and Western nations such as the United States and France. Iran’s goal is to step in where French troops have left and aid local armed forces in defeating Sunni Muslim extremist organizations. This strategy enables Iran to push forward its anti-Western agenda and contest Western authority in the area.

Suspicions have arisen regarding Iran’s collaboration with Russia to supplant Western influence in the Sahel by offering financial backing, security collaboration, and military training. The presence of Iranian-supported factions like Hezbollah in the region raises worries about potential proxy conflicts and further unrest.

The Sahel region boasts abundant natural resources like gold, uranium, lithium, and other minerals. Iran is looking to exploit these resources to circumvent severe sanctions and strengthen its economy, potentially sparking economic rivalry with the West.

Iran’s objective is to propagate its Shi’ite beliefs in the predominantly Sunni Sahel region, backing local Shi’a communities and disseminating its religious doctrines. This move could escalate sectarian tensions and fuel radicalization, especially if it clashes with the widespread appeal of Sunni extremist groups in the area. Iran’s engagement in the Sahel could create openings for terrorist and extremist factions to establish a presence in the region, exacerbating the already delicate security situation.

In conclusion, Iran is expected to further strengthen its presence in the Sahel region by deepening economic partnerships, particularly in natural resource exploitation and infrastructure development. Additionally, Iran will persist in offering military assistance and training to Sahel nations, bolstering their defence capabilities and countering Western influence.

The Economic Situation in Pakistan

Pakistan, a nation with a rich cultural heritage and a diverse population, has been facing severe economic challenges over the past few years.

Pakistan, a nation with a rich cultural heritage and a diverse population, has been facing severe economic challenges over the past few years. Despite its potential and abundant resources, the country’s economy has struggled to grow, hindered by a multitude of internal and external factors. This article examines the reasons behind Pakistan’s economic predicament, the implications of its dependence on the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the steps that need to be taken to steer the country toward a path of sustainable growth and stability.

One of the most glaring indicators of Pakistan’s economic distress is the contraction of its economy. Over the past two years, the total size of Pakistan’s economy has shrunk to $341 billion. In stark contrast, neighboring Bangladesh’s economy has grown to $460 billion, and India’s has reached an impressive $3,400 billion. This stark disparity highlights the extent of Pakistan’s economic challenges. The shrinking economy has had a cascading effect on employment and poverty levels. With fewer job opportunities available, approximately 100 million people are now living below the poverty line.

Industrialists lament the stifling business environment, citing expensive electricity and high interest rates as major impediments to their operations.

When a country seeks assistance from the IMF, it often signifies a loss of economic self-sufficiency. The IMF, as a lending institution, imposes strict terms to ensure the repayment of its loans. These terms typically include economic reforms and strict fiscal discipline, which, while beneficial in the long term, can be harsh on the populace in the short term. Pakistan has had to turn to the IMF repeatedly, leading to a vicious cycle of debt and economic hardship. The government’s reliance on loans has ballooned the national debt to over 64 trillion rupees. Each new loan brings with it stringent conditions that often necessitate unpopular measures like raising the prices of essential utilities such as electricity, petrol, and gas. In recent days, there has been a significant increase in the prices of gas and electricity, further burdening the already struggling population.

The economic forecast for Pakistan is grim. According to the World Bank, the inflation rate is expected to hit 26% in the current fiscal year. Moreover, the country’s growth rate is projected to be less than 3% over the next three years, with an expected growth rate of just 1.8% for the current financial year. This dismal economic performance is largely attributed to the acceptance of the IMF’s demands, which have increased inflation and stifled growth. The country is currently in a state of chaos and anarchy, which is having very negative effects on the economy. The poor are going through an extremely critical period, struggling to make ends meet as their incomes remain stagnant while expenses have soared. The worst storm of inflation has hit them hard, with prices of basic commodities like flour, rice, sugar, ghee, and oil increasing several hundred times.

The prices of essential utilities have also reached their highest levels in history, making it difficult for people to provide their children with a decent education and basic necessities.

Political instability has further exacerbated Pakistan’s economic woes. Frequent changes in leadership, corruption scandals, and a lack of long-term policy continuity have severely undermined economic planning and investor confidence. Inconsistent economic policies across different administrations have created an environment of uncertainty that is detrimental to business and investment. Inadequate infrastructure, including roads, ports, and energy supply, has hampered industrial growth and export capacity. Additionally, widespread tax evasion and a large informal economy have limited government revenues, further straining the country’s financial resources.

The economic turmoil has disproportionately affected the poor and salaried classes. The federal budget for 2024-2025, which was expected to distribute the economic burden more equitably, has instead placed the brunt of it on the common people. Additional taxes totaling 30 trillion rupees have been imposed, leading to a budget deficit of 8,500 billion rupees. Government expenditures remain exorbitant, with millions spent on official vehicles, petrol, repairs, and free utilities for government officials. This lavish spending stands in stark contrast to the everyday struggles of ordinary Pakistanis, many of whom cannot afford basic necessities.

To navigate its way out of this economic quagmire, Pakistan needs a multifaceted approach. The government must commit to long-term economic reforms that prioritize sustainable growth and development. Reducing corruption, improving infrastructure, and broadening the tax base are essential steps. Additionally, the economic burden should be distributed more fairly, ensuring that the elite also contribute their fair share.

The ruling class and elite need to bear the burden alongside the common people, breaking the cycle of imposing all economic hardships on the poorer sections of society.

Ultimately, Pakistan must strive to regain its economic sovereignty and reduce its dependency on external loans. This requires not only sound economic policies but also political stability and the rule of law. Respecting the decisions made by the people through their votes is crucial to building a more equitable and prosperous nation. Long-term policy continuity, political stability, and an environment conducive to investment and business growth are imperative for sustainable economic development.

Pakistan’s economic situation is dire, but with the right measures and a collective will, there is hope for recovery and growth. The journey will be challenging, but it is one that the nation must undertake for the sake of its future. By addressing the root causes of its economic problems and implementing comprehensive reforms, Pakistan can pave the way for a more stable and prosperous economy. The resilience and potential of its people, coupled with effective governance and strategic planning, can ultimately lead to a brighter economic future for Pakistan.

Unapologetic Animal Cruelty in Pakistan


Scrolling through social media, we see a fresh case of animal abuse every now and then. We get disheartened, perhaps express our outrage, and scroll away to the next post until a new day brings us another brutal case. Despite many renowned activists working tirelessly to prevent animal cruelty or rehabilitate abused animals, the matter persists most gruesomely.

Long-standing laws like “The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act” of 1890 (which only applied to domestic animals) or the recent animal welfare reforms introduced (which are more comprehensive) are all well and good, and we have seen relatively more crackdown against animal abusers in the recent years, especially with the 1819 hotline to report cases of abuse. The efforts of Justice Minallah in 2021 on animal well-being, in his ruling on the case of Kaavan (the abused elephant), are admirable. Animal shelters in the twin cities of Lahore, Karachi and other cities are doing commendable work to protect animals. Yet, within a week, we heard two separate cases of animals having their limbs chopped off by landlords.

A camel grazing in the fields in the Sanghar district and a donkey somewhere in Hyderabad faced this brutality. Previously, we heard of a dog being thrown from the roof by a man in Liaquatabad. Such news is weekly headlines.

The more important question to ask here is not why there aren’t enough laws or crackdowns against animal abusers but why people become animal abusers. Why are most people in Pakistan sensitized to the cruelty around animals? Why do most children not know kindness when handling or playing with animals? Do we not realize that cruelty in any shape and form, expressed towards anyone or anything, remains a dark deed? If one finds in oneself the ability to impart pain, then does it matter who/what the recipient of this pain is? Children who turn a blind eye to when they snatch the fur on kittens when playing, pluck the feathers of a caged bird, or smack a pet bunny and enjoy their painful reaction are the children who grow up and turn into heartless animal abusers.

So, perhaps our society has failed to create awareness at a grassroots level from day one. Perhaps we have been wired to believe that it isn’t our duty to spread awareness and educate people when we see animals being abused. Let’s say a donkey being beaten on the roadside, a cage of sparrows caught to be released for money, a chained monkey forced to perform acts, or our neighbour’s child beating their pet cat, etc. Brutality of any sort is better prevented than punished. It is through collective action that we must reshape the definition of ethics of our people, make kinder individuals out of our children, and eradicate violent acts of all kinds from our society.

The culture of zoos and the confinement of exotic animals is a colonial trend that we must snap out of, especially since the conditions of zoos in Pakistan, a country always on the verge of economic ruin, are deplorable. Licenses to acquire exotic pets should be completely curbed. Animals of the vast jungle, physiologically designed to run free for miles and hunt live prey each day, being kept in a cage of a few feet and flashed with cameras, is a disgrace to nature.

Other than this, we observe many cases of violence against animals arising out of the anger of humans. This extremely damaging habit of expressing unchecked anger or emotion upon animals, whether it is cutting off a camel’s leg, or raping a kitten, must be addressed at a more serious level since these cases are not isolated; they are an increasing occurrence.

A sense of empathy needs to be inculcated in the public regarding all life forms through educational institutes, home parenting, advertisements, or guidance through actions.

Animal testing, over-labouring of animals, and under-maintained shops selling animals/pets for profit are separate matters from the above-mentioned category of abuse since the motivations behind these do not root from a place of hatred or ill-psyche but from greed and desperation. Abuses like these can best be handled by law-enforcement authorities and strict policies.

Violence and abuse of any form can grow exponentially. Pakistan is a country with an increasingly intolerant population. We do not have empathy for species that are not us; within our own species, we do not have empathy for religions that aren’t ours; within our religion, we do not tolerate belief systems that aren’t similar to ours. Hence, cruelty must be addressed both legally and lawfully, academically, systematically and psychologically.

Modi’s Third Term and the Future of Indian Democracy

Modi's Third Term and the Future of Indian Democracy

As Narendra Modi’s government embarks on its third term, the debate surrounding the recent election process and its results in the world’s largest democracy continues. While the success of the BJP in these elections is noteworthy, several challenging aspects of Indian democracy have emerged, raising concerns about the future political landscape and the integrity of democratic values.

One of the most contentious issues is the presence of representatives in the Lok Sabha who face serious terrorism charges. For instance, Amrit Pal Singh, a 31-year-old Sikh from Punjab and the leader of Waris Punjab De, has positioned himself as the heir to Bhindranwale. Despite facing terrorism trials, Singh has managed to secure a seat in the Lok Sabha, leading to questions about the judicial and legal processes that allow him to participate in parliamentary sessions. Singh’s charismatic leadership and oratory skills have garnered him significant support, but his presence in the Lok Sabha underscores a disturbing trend.

Similarly, Sheikh Abdul Rasheed, a prominent figure in Kashmiri politics, has won a Lok Sabha seat by defeating the former Chief Minister of IIOJK, Sheikh Omar Abdullah, by a significant margin. Rasheed’s victory highlights the complex and often volatile political landscape of IIOJK, where historical grievances and aspirations for autonomy play a significant role. Another controversial figure, Sarbjit Singh Khalsa, the son of Indira Gandhi’s assassin, has also been elected to the Lok Sabha.

While being related to a criminal is not a crime, the popularity of individuals associated with heinous acts raises critical questions about the values and principles upheld in Indian politics.

The election of such figures highlights a deeper societal issue. If individuals who take the law into their own hands and commit acts of violence are celebrated as heroes or leaders, it perpetuates a cycle of violence and glorification of criminal acts. This cycle can only be broken if there is a clear and principled stance against coercion and violence. Until such an approach is strengthened, the region will continue to produce leaders who gain popularity through violent means, undermining the very foundations of democracy and non-violence. This dilemma of non-violence and popularity is a significant challenge for Indian democracy, where the sanctity of human dignity and the rule of law must be upheld to prevent the normalization of violence as a means to political power.

Furthermore, Modi’s participation in International Yoga Day at Dal Lake, where he engaged in yoga with the local populace, symbolizes a concerted effort to integrate IIOJK into the national mainstream. The return of sports events, bustling bazaars, markets, and reopened cinema halls signal a different change in the region, reflecting the dedication of the BJP government over the past decade.  However, despite these development initiatives, the BJP did not secure any seats in IIOJK or Punjab in the recent 2024 elections. This electoral setback suggests a disconnect between the BJP leadership and the local populace, particularly in regions with a history of extremism and violence. The BJP needs to understand the reasons behind the continued sympathy for extremists and work towards bridging this gap.

The question arises: why could not the local leadership of IIOJK and Punjab stand with the BJP despite the development work? The answer may lie in the deep-rooted historical and socio-political contexts that continue to influence voter sentiments.

To move forward, the BJP must engage in genuine dialogue with the local leadership and communities in these regions. Addressing their concerns and aspirations with empathy and understanding is crucial. The party must also reaffirm its commitment to non-violence and democratic principles, ensuring that those who seek to disrupt peace and harmony through violence are not glorified or given political legitimacy. The path to sustainable peace and development in these regions lies in fostering a culture of non-violence, inclusivity, and respect for the rule of the UN.

As the Modi government begins its third term, it faces significant challenges in balancing development initiatives with the need to address the root causes of extremism and violence. The presence of controversial figures in the Lok Sabha underscores the need for a principled approach to non-violence and human dignity. Moving forward, the BJP must strive to connect with the local leadership and populace in regions like IIOJK and Punjab, ensuring that the lessons of humanity, democracy, and non-violence are not just taught but also practiced and embraced by all. Only through such efforts can India continue to uphold its democratic values and pave the way for a peaceful and prosperous future.

The Sacrifice of Sepoy Haroon William

The last rites of Pakistan Army soldier Haroon William, who heroically lost his life in an operation against terrorists, were performed with solemnity and respect.

The last rites of Pakistan Army soldier Haroon William, who heroically lost his life in an operation against terrorists, were performed with solemnity and respect. According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the 29-year-old soldier sacrificed his life in defense of the motherland during an operation in Karam. This tragic incident has once again highlighted the immense sacrifices made by the soldiers of Pakistan in their unwavering commitment to the nation’s security and sovereignty.

The funeral service for Sepoy Haroon William was held at St. Paul’s Church in Rawalpindi. The church was filled with an air of solemn reverence as family, friends, and colleagues gathered to pay their last respects. The ceremony was attended by prominent figures, including Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, Army Chief, and Defense Minister Khawaja Asif. Their presence underscored the nation’s recognition of his bravery and the ultimate sacrifice he made for Pakistan. The attendance of such high-ranking officials served as a testament to the importance of honoring those who lay down their lives for the country.

ISPR also reported that the funerals of other brave soldiers, including Havaldar Aqeel Ahmed, Lance Naik Mohammad Tafir, Sepoy Anush Rufan, and Sepoy Mohammad Azam Khan, were conducted in their respective native areas. These soldiers, like Sepoy Haroon William, were honored for their unwavering commitment and service to the country. Their sacrifices, though deeply mourned, are a source of immense pride for their families and the nation.

The collective grief felt by the community is matched by a profound respect for the courage these men displayed.

During the ceremony, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif took a moment to speak, praising the contributions and sacrifices of the Christian community in the development and defense of Pakistan. He emphasized that the armed forces of Pakistan are a diverse group comprising individuals from various backgrounds, all united in their mission to protect the nation. “The armed forces are a collection of people from different backgrounds, striving for the collective defense of the state,” he stated. This unity in diversity is one of the core strengths of the Pakistani military, reflecting the broader societal fabric of the country.

Reflecting on the tragic incident, the Prime Minister expressed his deep sorrow, stating, “As a result of a very sad incident yesterday, Haroon William sacrificed his life for the country. I salute the sons of those who sacrificed. The Pakistan Army is committed to defending the state.” He highlighted the enduring legacy of the martyrs and the importance of their sacrifices for the nation’s security, asserting that such sacrifices will not go in vain. The Prime Minister’s words resonated with many, as they underscored the high regard in which these fallen heroes are held.

The Prime Minister further acknowledged the significant contributions of the Christian community, noting their roles in the Army, Air Force, and Navy. He reiterated the constitutional and legal equality of all citizens, calling for the protection of children from becoming orphans and ensuring that every individual has equal opportunities to live and thrive in Pakistan. “The Christian community has made great sacrifices for Pakistan. They have offered their services in various branches of the military, contributing to the defense of the nation,” he added.

His statements highlighted the integral role played by minority communities in the country’s development and security.

The Army Chief also spoke at the ceremony, commending the services of Sepoy Haroon William, Sepoy Anush Rufan, and their fellow soldiers. He remarked on the unity and bravery demonstrated by these soldiers, calling it a testament to the strength of the nation. “The unity and bravery of these soldiers is an example of the strength of the nation. The nation will always be indebted to the services and sacrifices of these soldiers for the motherland,” he said. Army Chief remarks served as a poignant reminder of the collective resilience and dedication of the armed forces.

The ceremony concluded with a renewed commitment to honor and remember the sacrifices of those who have laid down their lives for Pakistan. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of grief and pride, as attendees reflected on the bravery of the fallen soldiers. The collective strength and resilience of the nation in the face of adversity were palpable, demonstrating a unified front against any threats to the country’s sovereignty.

The last rites of Sepoy Haroon William, along with his fellow soldiers, serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by the Pakistan Army in its mission to protect the nation. Their sacrifices, while deeply mourned, are a source of national pride and inspiration. The nation stands united in honoring these heroes, with a pledge to never forget their contributions and to continue striving for the safety and security of Pakistan. As the nation bids farewell to its brave sons, their legacy lives on, inspiring future generations to serve with the same dedication and courage.

The Truth Behind Pakistan-China Relations

In a recent press conference, Federal Minister for Development and Planning Ahsan Iqbal addressed ongoing rumors about Pakistan-China relations.

In a recent press conference, Federal Minister for Development and Planning Ahsan Iqbal addressed ongoing rumors about Pakistan-China relations. He asserted that the opposing political party’s claims that China has lowered its relationship level with Pakistan are not only unfounded but also harmful to national interests. According to Iqbal, such behavior is undemocratic and counterproductive, equating to playing with the state’s interests, a move that neither the government nor the nation will tolerate.

Iqbal emphasized that India should not mislead the international community regarding the Pakistan-China joint statement on the Kashmir issue. Jammu and Kashmir, he pointed out, is an internationally recognized disputed territory that has been on the United Nations Security Council’s agenda for seven decades.

It is, therefore, unacceptable for anyone to question the steadfast friendship between Pakistan and China or their aligned stance on major projects like the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the situation in Occupied Kashmir.

The roots of Pakistan-China friendship trace back to 1949, two years after Pakistan’s establishment, with Pakistan being one of the first countries to recognize the People’s Republic of China. The relationship solidified during the 1962 Sino-Indian War when Pakistan supported China, enhancing its prestige in Chinese eyes. This friendship deepened further during the 1965 Indo-Pak War when China supported Pakistan, showcasing true camaraderie. Again, in 1971, during another critical period for Pakistan, China demonstrated its unwavering support, further cementing the bond between the two nations.

Over the past 75 years, regardless of the various governments and political dynamics within Pakistan, one constant has been the unshakeable friendship between Pakistan and China, often described as “higher than the Himalayas.” This sentiment is shared across political spectrums and by the general populace. The relationship is not only strategic but also deeply rooted in mutual respect and cooperation, transcending changes in political leadership and regional dynamics.

A significant milestone in this enduring relationship came in 2013 with the launch of the historic CPEC project, aimed at regional development. This mega-project includes energy initiatives, the Sendak copper-gold project, Gwadar Port, a double-track railway from Karachi to Peshawar, and an extensive road network.

The project is divided into three phases: the first phase was set for completion by 2020, the middle phase by 2025, and the final phase by 2030. To date, 27 projects worth $19 billion have been completed, while 63 projects worth $35 billion remain pending.

However, the last six years have seen a significant slowdown in the CPEC project, which was originally slated to have its second phase completed by 2025. This slowdown can be attributed to various factors, including political instability within Pakistan and external pressures. The recent visit of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his team to China was a crucial step towards reviving this critical initiative. Both governments are now working diligently to recover from the setbacks of the past six years, with a focus on agricultural and industrial revolutions, increased trade links, and revolutionary developments in communications—essential measures in the face of Pakistan’s rapidly deteriorating economic situation.

The strategic partnership between Pakistan and China has always been a cornerstone of both nations’ foreign policies. This partnership has seen various facets, from defense cooperation to economic collaboration, and has been a stabilizing factor in the region. The CPEC project, in particular, symbolizes the depth and breadth of this relationship, aiming to transform Pakistan’s infrastructure and boost its economy. The benefits of CPEC are envisioned to extend beyond economic gains, fostering closer people-to-people ties and cultural exchanges.

In light of the recent propaganda, it is imperative for the political parties in Pakistan to rise above partisan politics and prioritize national interests. The continuation of the Pakistan-China friendship is not just a political necessity but a strategic imperative. Political parties must transcend all kinds of differences and promote mutual cooperation as a national cause.

This united front is essential to maintain the historic and strategic partnership that has been a cornerstone of both nations’ foreign policies.

Moreover, it is crucial to recognize the external forces at play. India, by misleading the international community, aims to drive a wedge between Pakistan and China. This tactic is not new but has gained momentum in recent times. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the Pakistani leadership and its people to counter such narratives with facts and a united stance. The international community should also be reminded of the long-standing and legitimate claims of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, who have been awaiting justice for seven decades.

Ultimately, the baseless propaganda suggesting a rift in Pakistan-China relations is not only inaccurate but detrimental to national interests. The unyielding friendship between Pakistan and China remains as robust as ever, underscored by decades of mutual support and strategic cooperation. Political parties in Pakistan must rise above partisan politics to ensure the continuity and strengthening of this vital alliance. The strategic, economic, and cultural ties between Pakistan and China are too significant to be undermined by unfounded claims. As both nations look forward to the future, their partnership will continue to play a pivotal role in the region’s stability and prosperity.


Putin Meets Kim Jong Un: A Strategic Bromance

Early Wednesday morning Russian President Vladimir Putin was welcomed with a red carpet upon his arrival in North Korea.

Early Wednesday morning Russian President Vladimir Putin was welcomed with a red carpet upon his arrival in North Korea. It is his first trip to the dictatorial regime in twenty-four years. Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, met Mr. Putin on the tarmac upon his arrival. Under the watchful eye of a military guard of honor, the two leaders had a lengthy and enthusiastic discussion. Both leaders had previously met in September 2023 at the Vostochny cosmodrome in the far eastern part of Russia. But this is Putin’s first trip to Pyongyang since 2000. Their relations have improved recently, especially in the wake of Russia’s full-scale military invasion of Ukraine. Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, North Korea has continuously sided with Russia; it voted against the UN resolution denouncing Russia’s invasion and joined Russia in recognizing Luhansk and Donetsk as separate republics.

Both the US and South Korea are concerned that North Korea has been providing Russia with large quantities of artillery shells and other munitions, which are said to be meant for use against Ukraine. North Korea has refuted these claims, nevertheless. According to South Korean Defence Minister Shin Won-sik in a recent interview, North Korea might have sent Russia up to five million shells and several ballistic missiles. Shin claims that Russia has been helping North Korea with its financial problems by sending containers—probably with food and other kind of aid. Russia responded in March by doing Pyongyang a political favor and voting in support of the UN Security Council panel dissolution of the North Korea sanctions monitoring system. The two increasingly isolated nations have engaged in a sequence of bilateral diplomatic and cultural interactions during the past year. Visits by Russia’s defense minister and North Korea’s foreign minister have been part of these exchanges. Kim Jong Un visited testing facilities and weapons plants a lot during the same period.

Before Putin arrived, he praised North Korea in a letter that appeared in the official Rodong Sinmun newspaper. He praised North Korea for supporting Russia’s military operations and presented the two countries as fighting a parallel conflict against the United States and its supporters.

The Russian supremo pledged to establish alternative trade and settlement systems that are independent of Western supervision, as well as create a fair and unified security framework in Eurasia. Additionally, efforts will be made to enhance interpersonal connections. Yuri Ushakov, Putin’s foreign policy adviser, suggests that instead of previous bilateral agreements, the presidents have the option to sign a comprehensive strategic cooperation treaty.

On the other hand, North Korean experts in both the US and South Korea are not sure if the friendship will grow much beyond the current talks. Cho Han-bum, a researcher at the Korea Institute for National Unification in Seoul, a government think tank, says, “The upcoming visit will probably be a kind of political lip service.” He also says that it will help Putin keep Kim Jong Un’s support during the long war and raise Kim’s profile both at home and abroad. “Once the war in Ukraine ends, North Korea will no longer be important to Russia,” says Cho. Compared to trade between Russia and South Korea is much more as compared to North Korea. Based on its relationship with South Korea, the Institute for National Security Strategy, a think tank connected with South Korea’s top intelligence agency, says that Russia would be cautious about making big offers to the North, like giving the North advanced military technology or signing a mutual defense treaty commented by Jenny Town in-charge of the Korea Programme at the Stimson Centre, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank for foreign policy. She says that even if the two countries agree on more military cooperation, they would not want to make it official or make it public.

Many of North Korea’s military activities are also restricted by sanctions. The country also tries to be self-sufficient and avoids appearing to depend on other countries.

The latest summit between Kim and Putin may change China’s strategy. This development has created both challenges and opportunities for China. Historically, China has consistently been North Korea’s primary ally and a crucial source of economic support. This connection ensures the stability of the region and grants them authority over Pyongyang. However, the growing closeness between Russia and North Korea could make it harder for Beijing to fully control North Korea on its own, which would have an impact on China’s strategic goals. Russia and North Korea are working together more, which could be seen as a way to weaken the US’s position as the leader in East Asia. This is in line with China’s goal of stopping American domination. Because of recent events, China might need to rethink its political and economic goals to make sure it can keep having a long-lasting effect on North Korea.

Russia gives North Korea help with the specific goal of making its military stronger, especially when it comes to its nuclear weapons project. This could make it harder for China to reach its goals of promoting peace in the area and stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. There will be even more trouble on the Korean Peninsula because of this.

China has been the leader in this business for a long time, so it’s possible that the new measures will make it harder for North Koreans to get instruments and get economic opportunities.

The Chinese government might decide to step up its diplomatic efforts with Russia and North Korea to help people understand each other better and protect China’s position as the dominant country in the area. There is a chance that people who are against the US plan will work together after Putin and Kim discuss it. Also, it would give China new problems that it would have to carefully deal with in order to keep its strong control over the area. China needs to deal with and solve these problems right away.

There will be big and sudden changes in the world’s politics after the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. This meeting is very important to the United States of America. The West is putting more pressure on North Korea, which is making its separation from other countries worse. This meeting makes it clear that North Korea and Russia want to work together more. There have been a lot of armed events in the US since the peace process started. The sanctions against North Korea might not work as well if things keep going the way they are. They are more likely to keep talking about nukes. North Korea and China could work together to help Russia win its war with the West. Along with other places, this makes it harder for the US to weaken Russia’s power. Big changes could happen in the safety of the Asia-Pacific area because of this link. Since new threats come up all the time, the US will have to change its plans for the military and the government. Things between Russia and North Korea could change a lot when Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin meet. Changes like these could hurt the US’s long-term plans and make things worse in other places.

Modi 3.0 and Indian Economy


As PM Modi’s BJP has secured a third term last in Lok Sabha elections, it is projected that a tough time lay ahead for the Indian PM. In his previous two terms, Modi enjoyed the overwhelming support of the people and won consecutive terms with a clear and thumping majority. Owing to the popularity of the BJP, the Modi government passed various controversial laws to accomplish its objectives. The abrogation of Article 370, the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the construction of Ram Mandar boosted Modi’s political campaigns.

Dwindling economic indicators also caused concerns to the BJP, but Modi ignored them and continued to paddle the narrative of a strong Indian economy.

On the foreign policy front, the Modi government faced various setbacks as it pursued Hindutva-driven policies to accomplish its strategic objectives. PM Modi failed to bring peace to the region and rather escalated tension with China, Pakistan and other neighbours such as Nepal and Bangladesh. In their third term, Modi has raised the slogan of a greater and stronger India. However, the facts on the ground are different this time again. Modi government has failed to secure even a simple majority in Lok Sabha. For that matter, Modi’s BJP will have to work and collaborate with unusual collation partners, and it will not be an easy task.

The election campaign of BJP and PM Modi was focused on hate and communal division. BJP leaders vowed to end special quota for Muslims and other underdeveloped communities. Some of BJP’s hardliners, such as Yogi Aditiyanath and Amit Shah, during their campaign, called Muslim intruders. Their campaign went all out against non-Hindu groups. However, the people of India have punished them and proved that they do not agree with the Hindutva-centric agenda of the BJP. The BJP, therefore, secured only 241 seats out of 538 across the country. It is not in a position to stake claims for the government formation. The allies of Modi have shown resentment against the nationalist and Muslim policies of the BJP.

Therefore, Modi 3.0 will face various challenges in completing its term. Interestingly, political commentators claim that Modi is unlikely to complete his tenure as a PM at this time as some collation partners may withdraw their support in the near future due to policy differences. Besides this, collation partners have demanded key positions and powers from the Modi government. For instance, they want statehood in the state of Andhra Pradesh and more share in central development funds. Additionally, they have asked for key central ministries and the Lok Sabha speaker position. These demands have upset BJP leaders. Although the BJP refused to accept these demands, it will have to act in favour of them in future to keep the alliance and government intact.

Likewise, on the economic front, the Modi government is facing challenges due to the decline of the national currency against the US dollar. However, critics argue that Modi’s policies in his previous two terms could not yield the desired results and tangible gains, particularly regarding job creation. PM Modi has claimed that he has transformed India into a developmental and economic hub. However, independent research findings denied his claims. Instead, inflation and unemployment rates during the ten years of the Modi government increased extensively.

The demonetization policy in 2016 triggered massive inflation across the country and made the lives of the general masses miserable. It has also increased General Sale taxes on various commodities, ultimately creating more economic miseries for the people and the country in particular. Moreover, Modi didn’t allow people to criticize the government policies and used authoritarian tendencies to stop them. Similarly, the Indian people are facing various challenges today. Their dreams for a bright future seem dim. They are trapped under Modi’s nationalist policies.

Economic issues, rising inflation, unemployment, partisan politics, and foreign policy challenges are likely to dominate Modi 3.0.

Likely, the government will not complete its tenure, and a Congress-led alliance may take over the reins of government next year. Therefore, Indian economic miseries are likely to grow in the near future. Addressing these challenges requires multi-pronged strategies to facilitate the common man. As India stands at the crossroads of history, our choices today will shape the destiny of future generations.

The Modi government should stop manipulating economic indicators. Manipulation of the economic sector may increase miseries for the general masses. It will have to take tangible steps to ease inflation and the burden that was put on the shoulders of poor people. Rising inflation and falling economic indicators are likely to decrease Modi’s popularity.

Advancing Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Human Security


The revolution in Artificial Intelligence (AI) confronts us with the greatest challenge our generation has ever incurred. The convergence of biotechnology and information technology is making humans obsolete. Though emerging technologies hold wonderful promises, threats and dangers are also inevitable.

The emersion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaping different sectors at an expeditious pace like sustainable development, equality and inclusivity, productivity, and environmental change.  The concept of AI is often labelled as fuzzy and difficult to define due to emerging transformations. However, to understand the nuance of AI, one must try to grasp its definition: “System’s ability to correctly interpret external data, to learn from such data, and to use those learnings to achieve specific goals and tasks through flexible adaptation”.

Various viewpoints and opinions are presented on the future of AI in enhancing human security, but less is discussed regarding the implications it will induce in the near future.

It is not easy to grasp all the angles of how AI will impact human security. Artificial intelligence is, without a doubt, transforming the world and will continue to do so. However, despite AI’s potential to bring positive change, there is still a chance it will have detrimental effects on society.

What does the future holds for us?

Consumers frequently concentrate on privacy and anti-discrimination since it’s easier to anticipate potential problems in these areas. However, the deeper issue is the handling of data by big corporations and using algorithms to manipulate the thoughts of humans. The sole objective that humans have been pursuing for ages is freedom of expression, yet big data algorithms curtail human authority and undermine the idea of individual freedom.

Like the democratic system, the political process does not revolve around what we think but rather about what we feel. States used personal data obtained by elite corporations in the name of safety to exploit for their political process. In his book, Yuval Noah Harari indicates, “For once somebody gains the technological ability to hack and manipulate the human heart, democratic politics will mutate into an emotional puppet show”.

States might not have reached into the hearts of humans, but they accomplish tracking human activities. States are using emerging algorithms to restrict people’s voices against their policies. A striking example of infringements on privacy occurred when Social Sentinal provided sophisticated technology to colleges for the safety and security of students through social media platforms, but Kennesaw State University authorities used those systems to track down the students involved in demonstrations. Similarly, China used AI to censor speeches against lockdowns during a pandemic.

Privacy is not the only solicitude faced by humans in advancing technology. AI is often praised for its good usage in achieving sustainable development goals, i.e. AI4Good. However, the environmental effects of growing technological use are disregarded in the flurry to develop cutting-edge technologies. A study illustrated that an estimated 600,000 lb of carbon dioxide emissions could result from training a single deep learning natural language processing (NLP) model on a GPU because of substantial energy consumption.

Looking at about the same amount of carbon dioxide emissions created over the course of five cars. Similarly, Google’s Alpha produces 96 tonnes of CO2 over the course of 40 days of training. In a crucial time when the global community is calling out for a reduction in carbon emissions to mitigate environmental hazards, one can question the carbon footprint left by algorithms just playing games.

AI is not just restricted to manufacturing; it is expected to become as ubiquitous as cell phones and the internet.

A Way Forward: Sustainable AI

At present, there is no centralized approach to measuring the impacts of AI and Machine learning on human security. Rapid technological transformations make regulating and monitoring the system’s ethics difficult. The phenomena of Sustainable AI is an initiative to promote change towards higher ecological integrity and social justice throughout the whole lifecycle of AI products, including concept generation, training, implementation, and governance. Sustainable AI is more centred on socio-technical systems rather than AI applications.

Data privacy and ethics should be monitored under the Universal Human Rights Declaration; a promising approach to understanding the impact is to use AI human rights impact assessment (HRIAs). HRIA system works through understanding the effects of specific projects when developers and deployers still have a chance to modify or abandon the project. It will help to mitigate the possible threats to human security.

The carbon footprint left by AI/ML is not inescapable and needs not only to be the price of progress. AI needs to be seen as a societal experiment being done on people. We still have a lot to learn about this technology. Since AI is now clearly experimental, it is crucial to implement moral precautions to keep both people and the environment safe.

State-led AI projects should be regulated under a “proportionality framework” to assess the carbon footprint left while tuning and training machines.  Additionally, carbon trackers should be used by AI machines to not only indicate the carbon footprint of training a particular model is monitored but it should also be projected to halt model training if the anticipated environmental cost is surpassed.

In the race to achieve the most advanced technology in every walk of life, we certainly cannot ignore the cost of it. Humans must be protected in technological revolutions to make sense of this world.

Social Media’s Truth Crisis: How to Stop the Proliferation of Lies?


Social media has changed the human condition like nothing before it; the way we communicate, disseminate news, and experience the world are all completely different due to social media platforms. The revolution has come in many forms, in proliferation through connectivity and the democratization of information. Yet, for the young, this digital revolution has raised many pressing questions that must be answered quickly and creatively.

In a way we’ve never seen before, social media has become the force that has defined our digital generation.

They have become daily haunts for hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis, allowing them to communicate and express themselves like never before. Although it has a lot of benefits, it also has its fair share of misinformation. The presence of misinformation on these platforms is particularly dangerous for a society like Pakistan, where misinformation can lead to public health problems and amplify political tensions. This issue deserves a comprehensive response, including government tasks, media literacy, and cooperation among actors.

Given the speed and scope of information generation, it is nearly impossible for any of us to separate the wheat from the chaff. Misinformation leads to the creation and dissemination of fake material. Social media often transmits erroneous content akin to inanity. Therefore, the world is teeming with fakes, conspiracy theories, and special operations. But that leads to the question: how can we ensure freedom of expression without helping to spread fake news?

Misinformation on social media is a problem Pakistan shares with many other countries worldwide. Today, the internet spreads fake news, scams, and conspiracy theories, often resulting in fatalities. Misinformation is a big problem, especially in Pakistan, where digital literacy is very low. Secondly, more and more people, fragmented and isolated by poverty in rural Pakistan, have either had no schooling or have experienced only the most rudimentary form of education. This may prevent them from developing the critical thinking skills to distinguish between fact and fiction.

Since social media has managed to bring smartphones and cheap Internet to everyone, it has had no significant impact, keeping a large percentage of Pakistanis capable of accepting online lies.

Furthermore, droning disinformation merchants can hoodwink and manipulate a substantial portion of Pakistan’s population at the drop of a hat without any government censorship or civil rights intervention, let alone multinational corporations selling information rather than commodities. Addressing these issues comprehensively in Pakistan requires regulation, education, and collaboration from the government, civil society, and social media.

Firstly, it is the government’s responsibility to issue strict guidelines for the media’s release of information on social networking sites. This legislation should include regulations making social media companies bear the responsibility for combating misinformation, regardless of what sense or method they use. Apart from regulations, Pakistan will also need to start a large project on information literacy that informs Pakistanis about the risks of fake news and teaches them how to distinguish between real and false news items.

In a country like Pakistan, you can even have a 10-year-old’s social media account. A lack of age verification could allow children as young as primary school to sign up without knowing or having someone tell them they are legally taking risks and responsibilities the moment they open a profile. Here is a simple solution to the problem of making government policy: there will be policies on social accounts at age 18.

Research indicates that individuals between the ages of 15 and 18 are primarily responsible for disseminating false information, partly because of their incapacity and the simplicity of their ideas.

The fight against fake news on social media contains too much effort and requires everyone to come together under one umbrella. While the challenges of fake news are solvable, they will require an adaptive approach that targets both the technology and social dimensions of the problem. Navigating the terrains of this digital age requires that we maintain our integrity, transparency, and, most importantly, our education.

By promoting media literacy, enforcing regulations effectively, and collaborating with the government, civil society, and social media platforms, Pakistan can take positive steps towards preventing misinformation from permeating the entire society and becoming an insidious phenomenon that hinders the development of an informed, resilient, and democratic society. The journey ahead will not be easy, but with resolve and a united front, we can shape a world where truth still matters and the common individual is educated enough to tread the digital landscape with confidence and prudence.