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Supreme Court’s Role in Pakistan’s Democratic Evolution

The Supreme Court of Pakistan recently issued a landmark decision with far-reaching implications for the country’s democratic evolution.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan recently issued a landmark decision with far-reaching implications for the country’s democratic evolution. This pivotal ruling not only mandated the Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to return specific seats but also asserted that no political party should be excluded from elections due to the absence of an electoral symbol. The judgment underscores the necessity and entitlement of democracy for Pakistani citizens, emphasizing that democracy was a promise made to their forefathers—a promise that must be fulfilled.

The ruling is particularly significant in light of the numerous obstacles that have been placed in the path of democratic progress in Pakistan. Both legal and illegal tactics have been employed to maintain power, often at the expense of democratic principles. Amidst these challenges, the Supreme Court’s decision represents a beacon of hope for democratic development.

The judges, under immense pressure from various quarters, have delivered a verdict that strengthens the foundation of democracy in Pakistan.

In the wake of this decision, the onus now falls on political parties to collaborate and foster a society that upholds democratic values and traditions. Political leaders must reach a consensus to avoid the use of non-democratic means in the future and to prevent any party that ascends to power with such means from forming a government. The appeal against the Practice and Procedure Act should be withdrawn immediately to reinforce this commitment.

The Supreme Court’s decision arrives at a critical juncture when many Pakistanis feel disillusioned with politics. The focus of politics in Pakistan has shifted towards power acquisition, sidelining the resolution of fundamental issues faced by the populace. This alienation has roots in the actions of non-democratic forces, which have historically impeded democratic progress.

The political trajectory of Imran Khan serves as a stark example of this interference. Initially propelled into politics without adequate political grooming, Khan’s subsequent ousting in 2022 was another misstep that ultimately enhanced his stature as a persecuted hero in the eyes of many Pakistanis. This sequence of events underscores the detrimental impact of neo-colonial and modern imperialist interventions, which have bolstered the civil and military bureaucracy, making it more robust than other institutions in Pakistan.

For democracy to thrive, it is essential for the people of Pakistan to organize and reclaim power from these entrenched bureaucracies. The historical context provides further insight into the challenges faced by Pakistan’s democratic evolution. Shortly after the country’s formation, the dismissal of Prime Minister Khawaja Nazimuddin’s government by Governor-General Ghulam Muhammad set a precedent for political instability. This was compounded by the postponement of elections in East Pakistan in 1954 and the subsequent imprisonment of thousands of political workers.

The Muslim League’s defeat in East Pakistan, where it secured only 10 out of 309 seats, was a direct result of state policies that obstructed the political rights of East Pakistani citizens.

Analyzing Pakistan’s political history since 1952 reveals a consistent pattern of attacks on democratic processes, leading to the erosion of democratic foundations and the fortification of dictatorial structures. The civil bureaucracy’s subsequent involvement of the military in politics further entrenched these non-democratic elements. This has resulted in the loss of an institutional concept within Pakistani society. If democratic institutions had been allowed to flourish, they would have weakened the exploitative groups that act as barriers between the state and the people.

For 76 years, Pakistani politics has been trapped in a vicious cycle, with ruling classes reluctant to allow democracy to take root. Despite the existence of Parliament and the Constitution, the quality of life for the average Pakistani continues to deteriorate. In this context, the Supreme Court’s recent decision offers a historic opportunity for political leaders to set aside personal differences and work towards establishing democracy and civil supremacy. By doing so, they can pave the way for Pakistan’s 240 million citizens to enjoy peace and prosperity and move towards becoming a welfare state in the 21st century.

The Supreme Court’s decision is not just a legal victory but a call to action for all political stakeholders in Pakistan. It is a reminder that democracy is not merely a system of governance but a cherished ideal that the Pakistani people deserve. By embracing democratic values and working together, political leaders can honor the legacy of their forefathers and ensure a brighter future for the nation.


The Philippines and Japan’s New Defence Pact

A new chapter has emerged in the region following the defence pact between the Philippines and Japan.

During tensions between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea, a new chapter has emerged in the region following the defense pact between the Philippines and Japan. The Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) is designed to deploy forces on each other’s soil, conduct joint military exercises, and allow Filipino forces to carry out combat training in Japan. This pact is tailored due to the shared threat posed by China to both Japan and the Philippines in the East China Sea and South China Sea, respectively. However, the pact still requires ratification by their respective parliaments. The defense pact carries significance for both signees to create an impression of deterrence and unity against China. Most significantly, the pact is a step towards containing China’s influence, with the assistance of the United States, in the South China Sea.

The pact is a consequence of continuous skirmishes between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea. The most serious incident occurred on June 17, when Chinese Coast Guard personnel wielding sticks, knives, and an axe surrounded and boarded three Philippine navy boats during a resupply mission to Second Thomas Shoal in the disputed Spratly Islands.

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. denounced China’s actions in the South China Sea and warned that the death of any Filipino at the hands of China would be deemed close to an act of war. The Philippines demanded financial compensation of $1 million for the June collision.

However, the Chinese Foreign Ministry termed it a provocation and warned the Philippines to stop, claiming it was safeguarding its rights and enforcing the law. They asserted that the Philippines should bear the consequences of its infringement activities.

The dispute in the South China Sea has numerous reasons. Firstly, the region is rich in fishing resources, and with China controlling much of the area, it has become one of the largest fishing industries in the world. The fishing industry in China has significantly contributed to its economy, making it the biggest exporter of aquatic products globally. Secondly, the region is rich in energy resources. The US Geological Survey estimated in 2012 that the entire South China Sea contains around 12 billion barrels of oil and 1900 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Thirdly, control over the South China Sea would guarantee security in distant waters and expand maritime navigation, potentially outmatching US maritime dominance in East Asia. The South China Sea connects the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean, facilitating global commerce of goods and energy shipments to China, Japan, South Korea, and Russia.

Control over this region enables China to thrive through exports and mitigates any vulnerability to attacks through the South China Sea.

China is engaged in a tussle with the Philippines over four islands: the Spratly Islands, Paracel Islands, Macclesfield Bank, and Pratas Island and Reefs. China claims historical rights over these islands, which are covered by a nine-dash line in the South China Sea. The Nine-Dash Line encompasses much of the South China Sea, even cutting into the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines. The Spratly Islands, rich in marine resources, minerals, and hydrocarbon deposits, have been a bone of contention for standoffs among China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei. Reportedly, except for Brunei, all others have established garrisons on the Spratly Islands.

China has also constructed artificial islands in the South China Sea to claim much of its territorial waters. De facto, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) permits the construction of artificial islands under Article 60, but it allows construction only within a country’s exclusive economic zone, with the restriction that the island-constructing country should inform nearby coastal states and prevent any harm to those countries.

In this regard, the Philippines filed a case in the Permanent Court of Arbitration, wherein in 2016, the court favored the Philippines, declaring the nine-dash line without legal basis. However, China refused to comply with the decision, arguing that the court lacked jurisdiction over the case. Notably, powerful countries often do not comply with international court decisions because these courts lack specific implementing mechanisms. Countries comply with decisions in contentious jurisdictions, which remain binding on the parties involved.

When decisions are implemented by the United Nations Security Council, countries with veto power often use their veto to prevent the implementation of decisions against themselves or their allies.

With this pact, the Philippines is also expected to benefit from a Japanese program launched in April 2023, designed to provide weapons and equipment free of charge to like-minded countries to expand security cooperation. This will assist the Philippines in acquiring weapons and equipment to engage in any standoff with China effectively, though it may still be unable to outmatch China. Additionally, in November, Japan provided the Philippines with five surveillance radars to strengthen its coastal supervision capabilities, which will improve surveillance in the South China Sea.

Most importantly, the Philippines is strategically useful for the United States because the South China Sea dispute could drag the USA into conflict. Due to its proximity to Taiwan, the Philippines is crucial for the USA in any potential war over Taiwan, as American analysts believe that China will eventually invade it. Thus, the USA has played an active role in forming this pact to strengthen its allies against China, maintain its influence, and contain China’s growing power globally. For Japan, the pact may not seem as immediately constructive since Japan is not directly engaged with China in a territorial dispute in the South China Sea.

The presence of Japanese forces on Philippine soil and joint drills may serve as a deterrent for China and signal unity among China’s antagonists.

Japan and China have been in a tussle over a group of islands named Senkaku by Japan and Diaoyu by China. These islands can be strategic frontiers for safeguarding China from Japan and the USA. China could use these islands to establish submarine bases, missile bases, and radar systems, expanding its security and military presence in the region. For instance, Mischief Reef in the South China Sea has been armed with anti-aircraft weapons and a CIWS missile defense system. Similarly, the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands could be used for defense purposes in the East China Sea.

If the pact is ratified, it will signal a capable deterrence against China, though it may not help the Philippines gain its due share in the South China Sea, as China claims historical rights over the region with the nine-dash line.

The Strategic Implications of Sino-Russian Naval Exercises

On Sunday, July 14, 2024, Chinese and Russian naval forces carried out joint exercises at a military port in Guangdong, a southern Chinese province.

On Sunday, July 14, 2024, Chinese and Russian naval forces carried out joint exercises at a military port in Guangdong, a southern Chinese province. This collaboration came just days after NATO allies characterized Beijing as a “decisive factor” in the Ukraine conflict. On the preceding day, the Russian Ministry of Defence announced the arrival of two Steregushchiy-class Russian warships, “Gromki” and “Ryzky,” at the shores of Zhanjiang, southern China, to participate in the “Maritime Cooperation – 2024” exercises with their Chinese counterparts.

The Russian Ministry of Defence confirmed that these exercises would involve training for rescue missions at sea, joint air defense, and anti-submarine exercises, featuring the naval anti-submarine aviation of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Meanwhile, the Chinese Ministry of Defence stated that the exercises were routine and unrelated to current international and regional tensions, emphasizing that they did not target any third party. Official Chinese media reported that these exercises aimed to demonstrate the capabilities of the Chinese and Russian naval forces in addressing security threats and maintaining global and regional peace and stability.

The activities included anti-missile training, naval strikes, air defense, and military simulation exercises conducted in Zhanjiang City, China.

These joint exercises occurred amidst rising tensions between China and NATO allies. At the NATO summit in Washington, 32 member nations issued a statement describing China as a significant factor in Russia’s war against Ukraine. NATO leaders accused China of deepening relations with Moscow, raising concerns about Beijing’s nuclear arsenal and space capabilities. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasized NATO’s stance on China’s role in enabling Russia’s war efforts.

During the NATO meeting, American military officials reported an incident where a US Coast Guard boat encountered several Chinese military ships in the Bering Sea, raising concerns in Washington. This encounter, coupled with the broader geopolitical tensions, led NATO to urge China to halt all support for Russia’s war efforts, highlighting China’s provision of dual-use items to Russia’s defense sector. The American officials were particularly alarmed by the presence of Chinese ships near the Aleutian Islands, an area considered sensitive and strategically significant for the US. This incident was seen as part of a broader pattern of increased Chinese naval activity in areas of strategic interest to NATO countries.

In response, China accused NATO of seeking security at others’ expense and urged the alliance to avoid causing chaos in Asia. The Chinese Foreign Ministry insisted on its fair and objective stance on the Ukraine conflict and denied providing direct military aid to Russia, emphasizing that their relationship remained primarily trade-focused. Beijing expressed dissatisfaction with NATO’s increasing interest in Asia, deeming it provocative and full of Cold War mentality.

The Chinese government argued that NATO’s expansion of influence into the Asia-Pacific region was unwarranted and destabilizing, further complicating the already tense international environment.

The NATO statement also accused China of malicious cyber activities and rapid nuclear arsenal expansion. Former US Assistant Secretary of State for Asian Affairs, Danny Russell, commented that NATO’s unity against China and Russia highlighted the failure of Beijing’s attempt to appear neutral and divide Western Europe from Russia. Russell’s remarks underscored the perception that China’s strategic maneuvers were aimed at exploiting divisions within the Western alliance, a strategy that appears to have backfired by consolidating opposition to Beijing’s policies.

Further intensifying the situation, Chinese forces conducted joint military exercises in Belarus, a Russian ally, for the first time since the Russian-Ukrainian war began in February 2022. This move drew objections from Poland, a NATO member and ally of Washington, which expressed concerns about the use of these exercises for misinformation and propaganda purposes. Poland’s statement highlighted the broader apprehension within NATO about the strategic implications of the Sino-Russian military cooperation, particularly in regions adjacent to NATO’s eastern flank.

In response to NATO’s accusations, China continued its assertive military stance, conducting joint exercises with Belarus. These maneuvers, named “Falcon Attacks,” started on July 8, 2024, and were scheduled to continue until mid-July. The Chinese Ministry of Defence highlighted these exercises as an effort to deepen cooperation with Belarus in facing common threats.

The choice of Belarus as a partner for these exercises was seen as a clear message to NATO about China’s commitment to supporting its allies and countering what it perceives as Western encroachment.

The backdrop of these joint Chinese-Russian naval exercises illustrates the complex geopolitical landscape marked by rising tensions between NATO allies and the Sino-Russian axis. As NATO scrutinizes China’s role in supporting Russia, China steadfastly defends its position, leading to an intricate interplay of military maneuvers, diplomatic statements, and strategic posturing. These developments underscore the broader context of shifting global alliances and the ongoing power struggle between major world powers.

The joint exercises between China and Russia serve as a tangible demonstration of their military capabilities and cooperation, potentially altering the strategic balance in the region. This dynamic interplay continues to shape the global political and security environment, with significant implications for international relations and stability. The exercises are not merely about military preparedness but also about signaling to the world the growing strategic partnership between China and Russia in the face of what they perceive as Western antagonism.

The Taliban’s Special Forces have killed an IS-KP Commander in an Operation near Pakistan’s Border

IS-KP insurgency in Afghanistan

The slain commander Zakir Ullah aka Abu Sher, was a chief of IS-KP’s Achin cell. IS- KP began its activities in Nangarhar in 2015 and designated “Achin” as its base for operations in the region. According to The Taliban‘s Intelligence sources “During a recent intelligence-based operation, Special Forces targeted an operational base of IS-KP, killing their chief and some of his associates”.

During the operation, the Special Forces also seized a large cache of modern weapons and ammunition. However, some IS-KP fighters managed to escape by taking advantage of the darkness of the night. The official declined to provide further details. Located on the border with Pakistan, Achin district is Afghanistan’s key eastern province of Nangarhar, which had been heavily contested by the Taliban, IS-KP, and US-led forces.

During a recent operation, Special Forces targeted an operational base of IS-KP in Nangarhar, resulting in the death of their chief and several associates.

During their presence in the region, US forces conducted frequent operations against IS-KP, resulting in the deaths of many of its top commanders. IS-KP has conducted various suicide attacks on security personnel and the minority Shiite community in Afghanistan since the Taliban regained power.

These attacks resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people, including key Taliban leaders and religious figures. One of the deadliest attacks by IS-KP was carried out in 2021 at Kabul International Airport during the withdrawal of US troops, resulting in the deaths of 170 Afghans, including US soldiers.

The incident was a tragic conclusion to the US longest war in history, resulting in the deaths of 13 US Marines in a single incident. The deceased Afghans were desperately seeking US assistance to escape the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul. However, a recent US military revealed that” The man who detonated a bomb outside the Kabul airport in August 2021, resulting in the deaths of 170 Afghans and 13 American service members, was identified as an Islamic State operative.

The report further revealed that “the bomber had previously been detained in a coalition detention facility in Afghanistan but was released by the Taliban, according to a new U.S. military review that has revealed his identity for the first time”. After the Taliban retook power in Afghanistan in August 2021, the Islamic State-Khorasan Province (IS-KP) intensified its insurgency, launching a series of deadly attacks across the country.

IS-KP has been responsible for numerous deadly bombings and suicide attacks across Afghanistan, targeting both civilians and security forces.

IS-KP has targeted various groups, including Taliban forces, Afghan civilians, and minority communities, aiming to destabilize the new Taliban government and assert their influence. The suicide bombing amid the US withdrawal highlighted IS-KP’s capability to carry out large-scale operations in highly secured areas.

In October 2021, IS-KP carried out a deadly bombing at a Shia mosque in Kunduz during Friday prayers, killing over 50 worshippers and injuring scores. The attack underscored IS-KP’s intent to incite sectarian violence and target religious minorities. Another attack on a Shia mosque in Kandahar later that month resulted in at least 47 deaths, further exacerbating fears of sectarian strife.

IS-KP has also targeted Taliban security personnel and government officials in various provinces, employing tactics such as assassinations, bombings, and ambushes. In November 2021, a series of bombings in Kabul targeted Taliban vehicles, causing multiple casualties. These attacks demonstrated IS-KP’s continued ability to operate within the capital despite heightened security measures. Throughout 2022 and 2023, IS-KP continued its campaign of violence. In April 2022, a bombing at a boys’ school in a predominantly Hazara neighbourhood in Kabul killed at least six and wounded many others. This attack, along with others targeting educational institutions, aimed to sow fear and disrupt daily life.

The group has leveraged its media operations to claim responsibility for these attacks, propagating their extremist ideology and attempting to recruit disaffected individuals. Despite the Taliban’s efforts to root out IS-KP through military operations and intelligence efforts, the group remains a potent threat to Afghanistan’s security and stability. The persistent threat posed by IS-KP underscores the ongoing challenges the Taliban faces in maintaining control and ensuring security across Afghanistan. The group’s ability to conduct high-profile attacks and target a wide range of victims highlights the complexity of Afghanistan’s security landscape in the post-Taliban takeover era.

The Taliban have escalated their military operations against IS-KP, focusing particularly on Nangarhar province.

The Afghan Taliban also have been actively combating the Islamic State-Khorasan Province (IS-KP), a regional affiliate of ISIS. They have launched numerous military operations targeting IS-KP strongholds, involving raids on hideouts that result in the capture or killing of IS-KP fighters. Additionally, the Taliban have ramped up security measures in areas known for IS-KP activity, including increased patrols, checkpoints, and intelligence operations aimed at disrupting IS-KP networks.

To enhance their efforts, the Taliban have improved their intelligence-gathering capabilities and, in some instances, reportedly collaborated with regional intelligence agencies to track and eliminate IS-KP operatives. Reliable sources indicate that the US has come to believe that IS-KP, rather than the TTP, poses a significant threat to its interests in the region. This time, bypassing Pakistan, to counter this threat, the US is directly engaging with the Afghan Taliban.

Sources recently claimed that” in May 2024, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officials were scheduled to meet with Top Afghan Taliban intelligence officials in Doha. The sources based in Kabul said that” the basic agenda of the meeting was bolstering collaboration and broadening the scope of US over-the-horizon unmanned aerial systems operations within Afghan airspace.”

In response to the IS-KP threat, the U.S. has initiated direct engagement with the Taliban to enhance security cooperation and counter-terrorism efforts.

The sources added, “The crucial meeting was convened at the behest of the CIA, with Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs overseeing its arrangements.” Mullah Abdul Haq Wasiq, head of the Taliban’s intelligence services led the Afghan delegation that includes senior officials such as Mullah Noor Ul Haq Noor. Besides his role as a top negotiator for the Taliban, Noor is renowned for his negotiation skills and expertise in engaging with US intelligence. Wasiq, as the delegation leader, spent several years detained at the US Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) for hostile acts against US forces. He gained prominence as one of five prisoners exchanged in 2014 for US soldier Robert “Bowe” Bergdahl, who was captured by the Taliban in 2009. In terms of anonymity, A Kabul former Intel official revealed “The Taliban’s intelligence chief recently visited London and met with the MI-6 chief.”

The Historical Visit of Ilham Aliyev to Pakistan

President Ilham Aliyev

The formal two-day visit of Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev to Pakistan on the invitation of Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, has marked a significant development in the ongoing multileveled cooperative bilateral relations between Baku and Islamabad. The two-day visit, July 11-12, 2024, contains substantial significance for the two-sided governments due to the changing geo-strategic landscape of the international system, where the geo-economic interests of the states have become overwhelming forces.

The two-day visit led the leaders of both states to conclude a $2 billion investment deal in diverse areas.

By hosting Azerbaijan’s President, the formal state authorities of Pakistan showed their strong ambitions for upholding the broader agenda of high-level discussion covering several vital areas of bilateral collaboration. This state-level meeting emphasizes the significance of multifaceted cooperation between two key players of the Muslim world. Moreover, the governments of these two Muslim states share a common vision in strategic, political, economic, and social domains. The main purpose of this short visit is to increase the diplomatic engagement of two states located in different regions.

Despite territorial disconnects, both nations have substantial potential for supporting their shared economic plans in different regions. In this way, the initial meeting of the visit led the leaders of both states to conclude a $ 2 billion investment deal in diverse areas. This business deal instructed the state authorities of both states to develop various investment plans of shared trading values while upholding and supporting each other’s economic vision at the regional and international levels.

To endorse the vision of mutual engagement covering wide-ranging areas of economic collaboration, both nations signed fifteen different agreements and Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) in diverse domains during this visit. It aimed to untapped each other’s potential in highly valuable economic sectors. For the promotion of people-to-people contacts, the areas of cultural exchange, information technology, tourism, and literature and science remained prominent in the list of signed agreements and MoUs. The two-sided governments fundamentally introduce these agreements and MoUs to flourish their existing bilateral trading connections, parallel to exploring new avenues for future cooperation.

Fifteen different agreements and Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) were signed, covering economic collaboration, cultural exchange, information technology, tourism, literature, and science.

During the formal interaction of two-sided mainstream political authorities during this visit, the statements of Azerbaijani and Pakistani state authorities acknowledged the ongoing multileveled cooperation between Baku and Islamabad, which was parallel to defining the future of their cooperation. The initial round of two-day meetings showed the commitments of two-sided governments to appreciating and benefiting from each other’s potential of billions of dollars for future cooperation. Apart from witnessing landmark progress in the economic domain, the participating leadership also appreciated the political coordination between Baku and Islamabad during this meeting.

The genesis of political coordination can be traced in the history of Pakistan-Azerbaijan bilateral relations, a relationship that has weathered many challenges and grown stronger over time. Pakistan suffers from the Kashmir issue in the South Asian region and always tried to cultivate the widespread support of the international community against brutal Indian force deployments in certain areas of Kashmir. Akin to Pakistan, Azerbaijan has passed through similar circumstances on the former Karabakh issue.

In this way, the leaders of both nations realized each other’s suffering in their respective regions and adopted supportive policies on Kashmir and Karabakh issues. The increasing political coordination on the disputed territorial issues directed the strategic communities from Baku and Islamabad towards upgrading their bilateral collaboration in security and defence.

The expansion of cooperation in this domain resulted in the trilateral military exercise, Three Brothers-2021, among the formal conventional defence forces of Pakistan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey. This military drill aimed to ensure the high growth of military cooperation parallel to improving the conventional war-fighting capabilities of their regular armed forces, which ultimately supports the broader framework of trilateral strategic partnership.

The formation of a strategic connection between three key players of the Muslim world, Azerbaijan (the resources-rich country), Turkey (a nation with advanced ideological values), and Pakistan (the only Muslim nuclear power), inflicted a sense of confidence in Baku’s strategic calculation and led Azerbaijan to secure an appreciable victory in its territorial clash with Armenia. In this way, the Karabakh and Kashmir issues were the prime forces for generating multi-layered cooperative bonds between the two states.

The trilateral military exercise, Three Brothers-2021, among Pakistan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey, aimed to enhance military cooperation and conventional war-fighting capabilities.

The resolution of the Karabakh issue now demands the Azerbaijani authorities to extend their support of Pakistan on the Kashmir issue beyond conventional fixed frameworks of Pakistan-Azerbaijan bilateral cooperation. The Azerbaijani government is required to uphold the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue in its bilateral and multilateral dealings with New Delhi while highlighting the massive human rights abuses of the Muslim community living in occupied areas of Kashmir. It is pertinent to mention here that the Indian human rights violations of the Kashmiri Muslim population have been officially confirmed in the two reports of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in 2018 and 2019.

Further cooperative scenarios between Baku and Islamabad could be augmented by emphasizing the common problems of Islamic countries and the sufferings of the Muslim population living under specific occupational forces. The increasing focus on the Muslim world will enable two-sided leadership to empower their standings in the Islamic countries, parallel to cultivating massive diplomatic support of Muslim leaders in their respective regional politics. In addition to strategic considerations, the societal dimension of Pakistan-Azerbaijan ties must be recognized, as people-to-people contacts between both nations have flourished in the past few years.

Baku’s promotion as an appropriate and new tourist place in Pakistan witnessed a dramatic rise in tourism in Azerbaijan due to its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and fascinating historical places. Therefore, a high rate of Pakistani visitors has been recorded in Baku with the support of easy visa facilities in Azerbaijan for Pakistani citizens. The inclusion of Pakistan in the list of Azerbaijani e-visa services has already rationalized the countrywide spread of visa facilities to Pakistani travellers. This facility supported both states’ shared economic vision by increasing the avenues of foreign direct investment between the two nations.

Furthermore, the recent initiation of direct flights between Baku and Azerbaijan has become an admirable feature, increasing interconnectedness between two-sided business and tourist communities. Direct air connectivity started attracting more investments in various areas analogous to advancing cultural exchanges because direct flights generally fostered cooperative connections between states.

The only challenge in the social domain is language, which hinders the greater support of growing cultural collaboration between Baku and Islamabad. The language barrier hampers progress in several important sectors, such as diplomacy, investment, education, and tourism.

The language challenge could be addressed productively by introducing various language training programs, improving professional language proficiency, and translating services to the business and tourist communities.

The creation of bilingual resource centres and the societal-level promotion of these resource centres in both states could empower the governments of both states to widen the scope of business and investment in their bilateral economic ties. Thus, the improved societal communication capabilities would help two-sided governments enhance and maintain collaborative solid connections between their respective business communities while empowering the broader scope of cultural exchanges between Baku and Islamabad.

Therefore, the present visit of Ilham Aliyev to Pakistan could be pivotal to empowering the ongoing matrix of Pakistan-Azerbaijan ties, which communicates ideological solid connections, healthy economic collaboration, diverse social interaction, and active strategic cooperation to the entire international community. This visit would augment the bilateral collaboration areas and contribute to the scope of regional stability and prosperity based on the shared values of mutual interest and common goals.

The Fallout from the Trump Attack

The recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the ongoing presidential election campaign in the United States.

The recent assassination attempt on former US President Donald Trump has sent shockwaves through the ongoing presidential election campaign in the United States. The attack, which left Trump with a bloodied face, was captured on footage and quickly broadcasted as breaking news by both American and international media outlets. In the aftermath, US President Joe Biden reached out to Trump via phone to check on his well-being and condemned the violence during a national address. Biden emphasized the importance of national unity and the need to promote decency, distinction, and respect within the political arena.

The attack on Trump has sparked widespread condemnation from politicians and citizens globally, including within the United States. However, it has also intensified the already deep divisions within American society. Some individuals have criticized Trump’s policies and actions in light of the attack, while others view the incident as an attempt to sabotage the ongoing presidential campaign. This polarization is evident in the social media reactions, where terms like “staged drama” quickly became top trends on X (formerly Twitter). Despite this, many users rejected such conspiracy theories and expressed solidarity with Trump.

The assassination attempt has exacerbated the rift in American society, highlighting the contrasting perceptions of Trump. For some, he is seen as a victim of political violence, while for others, he remains a controversial figure whose policies and behavior have contributed to the current state of the country.

This incident has also fueled online rhetoric, with some elements exploiting the situation to push one-sided narratives for personal gain.

Adding to the complexity, American media organizations have questioned why Iran’s rulers have not issued any condemnation statements following the attack on Trump. Several Western media reports have openly implicated Iran in the attack. According to these reports, American intelligence agencies had received information about an alleged plan to assassinate Trump orchestrated in Iran. Prominent newspapers like The Washington Post and The New York Times published articles about threats to Trump’s life, citing sources from American security officials, though the identities of these sources remain undisclosed.

The media’s focus on Iran stems from an event during Trump’s administration over four years ago when a US airstrike in Baghdad killed Iran’s top military commander, Qassem Soleimani, and his colleagues. This attack, carried out under Trump’s direct orders, led to vows of revenge from Iran. In February of last year, Amir Ali Hajizada, a leader of the Revolutionary Guards’ Air Force, reiterated intentions to avenge Soleimani’s death by targeting Trump.

Despite these accusations, Iranian officials have vehemently denied any involvement in the recent attack. Representatives of the Iranian mission to the United Nations in New York and the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson have both dismissed the US media’s allegations as baseless and malicious. They maintain that there is no evidence to suggest a foreign hand behind the assassination attempt.

The assailant who attempted to kill Trump was reportedly killed on the spot, and no official evidence has emerged to confirm foreign involvement. Nevertheless, this incident has raised significant concerns about the safety of political figures in the United States and the potential for political violence within American society. It has also heightened fears of diplomatic conflict, particularly with Iran’s newly elected leadership.

An escalation in diplomatic tensions could have far-reaching international ramifications, further destabilizing an already troubled global landscape.

In response to this crisis, it is crucial for the United States to conduct a fair and transparent investigation to bring those responsible for the attack to justice. As a global superpower, the US should avoid blame-shifting and instead focus on stepping up its diplomatic efforts to address the situation constructively. Ensuring the integrity of the investigation and maintaining a commitment to justice will be vital in navigating the political and diplomatic challenges that have arisen from this violent incident.

The implications of the attack on Trump extend beyond immediate political concerns. It highlights the vulnerability of public figures and the potential for escalating violence in the polarized climate of the United States. The attack underscores the urgent need for enhanced security measures for candidates and elected officials, ensuring their protection during an already contentious election season. This incident also calls into question the broader issues of political discourse and the role of media in shaping public perception.

In the wake of the assassination attempt, there is a need for introspection within American society regarding the nature of political engagement and discourse. The attack on Trump has revealed the dangerous potential of political rhetoric to incite violence and deepen societal divisions.

Political leaders, media organizations, and citizens must foster a culture of respectful dialogue and reject all forms of violence as a means of political expression.

Internationally, the attack has the potential to strain diplomatic relations, particularly with Iran. The accusations and counter-accusations between the US and Iran could lead to increased tensions and undermine efforts toward diplomacy and conflict resolution in the region. The global community will be watching closely to see how the US handles this crisis and whether it can navigate the delicate balance of seeking justice while maintaining international stability.

The attack on Trump is a stark reminder of the volatile nature of contemporary politics and the critical importance of upholding democratic principles and processes. It is a call to action for all stakeholders to work towards a more united, respectful, and peaceful political environment. The path forward must involve a collective commitment to justice, transparency, and the protection of democratic values, ensuring that such violent acts do not undermine the integrity of the political system.

India’s Subterfuge Abroad


In an internationally themed state-sanctioned violence and a transnational killing shadow operation, India faces scrutiny over extra-judicial and extra-jurisdictional conduct. The incident of the plot to kill Sikh separatist leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in New York City has also brought to the fore the unlawful operations of the Indian government in an extraterritorial and extra-judicial conduct outside its territory similar to the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Canada.

A prominent activist of the Khalistan movement escaped a hit by Indian officials on his life. This sinister plot was exposed when Nikhil Gupta backed by Indian RAW.

Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, a man possessing dual citizenship of USA and Canada, a prominent activist of the Khalistan movement escaped a hit by Indian officials on his life. This sinister plot was exposed when Nikhil Gupta an Indian national was extradited from the Czech Republic to face charges in the United States. Gupta was charged with conspiring with Indian intelligence services to assassinate Pannun, where he offered $100,000 to a cooperative federal agent imaginary as a hitman.

The United States has been very clear and decisive in opposing assassination plots that were planned by India pointing to the fact that such acts are unlawful and inexcusable. This information is of paramount importance because the US State Department, through their spokesperson Matthew Miller affirmed that they have taken these allegations very seriously and so they expect India to investigate the allegations transparently. This issue has already been taken to the appropriate authorities in India through the White House, stressing that it is unacceptable to have people’s lives endangered in America. A Republican US congressman has joined the Democrats in moving the Secretary of State Antony Blinken to further demand accountability. US Attorney Damian Williams who is prosecuting Nikhil Gupta has vowed to pursue justice to the highest level, as the US reiterated its stand that it would not allow such acts of aggression and infringement of sovereignty and international laws.

Tried in a Manhattan federal courtroom the case against Nikhil Gupta was similar was as much high-profile. Gupta has denied any wrongdoings and currently is detained, To a degree, this is paradoxical since one cannot overemphasize the severity of the charges: conspiring to murder a US resident in the United States of America. According to the declaration of the US Attorney Damian Williams, “Nobody will be allowed to attempt to murder US citizens on US soil.”

US State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller once again, stressed that these charges are being treated rather solemnly in the US.” We hope India does, too” Miller stressed, pointing to the belief that India should approach the issue seriously by conducting a comprehensible investigation. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has slammed the charges of torture as ‘unwarranted and unsubstantiated’; however, the international community remains unconvinced having an apprehensive view in light of the history of Nijjar’s case.

A vocal proponent of the Khalistan movement, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, was killed in Canada in a gruesome manner, a kill that Canadian PM Trudeau connected to Indian secret agents.

A vocal proponent of the Khalistan movement, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a prominent speaker for the movement was killed in Canada in a gruesome manner, a kill that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau connected to Indian secret agents. Its truth was vehemently denied by New Delhi Nevertheless, the said claim has worsened relations between India and Canada as well as compromised India’s reputation on the international stage.

The assassination of Sikh separatists in foreign nations is unlawful as well as a symbol of great risk to the increasing savageness of Indian state institutions in suppressing dissent. It is pertinent to remember that the United Nations Charter or other several human rights conventions disparage any such extrajudicial measures. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to which India is a party requires that life be protected and that nobody’s life be taken arbitrarily. Any activity that is against these principles is likely to diminish the structures of international law and order.

The implications of these revelations have a direct connection to the legal processes that will be taken against the culprits. They concern state sovereignty, extension of protective measures of the domestic nations’ security, and ethical considerations when conducting espionage. In a world that requires the principle of the rule of law to be strictly observed and applied, these events indeed signify potential threats that may ensue from abuses of state power.

The implications of these revelations have a direct connection to state sovereignty, security, and ethical considerations when conducting espionage

The movement for a fundamental Sikh state in the Punjab area of India has its base in the middle of the 20th century with an escalation in the 1970s and 1980s. The movement aims at establishing an independent country, Khalistan for the Sikhs as they are the overly oppressed religious minority in India. While the internal situation has limited the movement and caused its supporters to be suppressed, the movement efficaciously continues its activity among the Sikh population in foreign countries such as Canada, the United States, Great Britain, and Australia. Although the Indian administration regards the Khalistan movement as a terrorist organization and banned the group, Khalistan’s demand for independence complies with the principles of International Human Rights law. The UN frames the struggle as being based on the right of self-determination, provided in the UN Charter, thus posing a counter-discourse to the domineering Indian state’s narrative.

The people across the world are now observing that India has some concerns about explaining this issue transparently and fairly – and everyone prefers justice. That is what is necessary for international relations and human rights to be distinguished and protected.

The integrity of international relations and the protection of human rights demands nothing less. ‘It is said that it is dangerous to be right when authority is wrong’ Speaking of Voltaire; it is imperative to press for the truth in these episodes to uphold our world order.

Strengthening Azerbaijan-Pakistan Cooperation

The recent two-day visit of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, to Pakistan marks a significant milestone in the bilateral relations between the two countries.

The recent two-day visit of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, to Pakistan marks a significant milestone in the bilateral relations between the two countries. Highlighting a shared determination to transform their mutual political relations into a robust economic partnership, both nations have taken substantial steps towards this goal. During the visit, a total of 15 Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) were signed, encompassing a wide range of areas such as transit trade, preferential trade, technology and science, tourism, air service, mineral reserves, cultural exchange, and information fields.

President Aliyev’s visit underscored the harmony and warmth inherent in Pakistan-Azerbaijani relations. This was evident at every stage of his visit, from the warm welcome he received to the mutual support both countries exhibit on critical international issues. Pakistan’s principled stance on the Kashmir issue received solid backing from Azerbaijan, just as Islamabad has consistently supported Baku on the Karabakh conflict.

In their speeches at the official reception ceremony, both President Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif acknowledged the mutual respect and unity that characterize their bilateral and international affairs. Prime Minister Sharif described Azerbaijan as Pakistan’s “best friend and real brother,” emphasizing that the current trade volume of $100 million does not fully reflect the depth of their friendship.

President Aliyev expressed his country’s intention to invest $2 billion in various areas of mutual interest, indicating a strong commitment to bolstering economic ties.

The statements made by the two leaders highlight a shared vision for increased cooperation across multiple sectors. This vision is set to be further realized during Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s upcoming visit to Azerbaijan in November. The current visit of President Aliyev is expected to enhance cooperation in various fields, including the defense industry, and amplify the united voices of both nations on global forums.

The transformation of political relations into an economic partnership is a strategic move that holds substantial promise for both nations. By focusing on transit trade and preferential trade agreements, Pakistan and Azerbaijan can significantly boost their economic activities. The MoUs signed in these areas are likely to facilitate smoother trade flows, reduce tariffs, and create a more favorable business environment for enterprises from both countries.

In the field of technology and science, collaboration can lead to significant advancements. Both nations have unique strengths that can complement each other, leading to innovations and developments that can benefit their economies and societies. The exchange of knowledge and expertise will likely result in the establishment of joint ventures and research projects, further solidifying the partnership.

Tourism is another sector where both countries see immense potential. By enhancing air service links and promoting each other’s tourist attractions, Azerbaijan and Pakistan can increase tourist inflows, thus boosting their economies.

Cultural exchanges will also play a vital role in deepening mutual understanding and appreciation of each other’s heritage, fostering stronger people-to-people connections.

The emphasis on exploring and utilizing mineral reserves is a forward-thinking approach that can bring significant economic benefits. Collaborative efforts in this area can lead to the discovery and efficient extraction of valuable resources, contributing to the economic prosperity of both nations. Moreover, the focus on the defense industry signifies a strategic alliance that can enhance the security and defense capabilities of both countries, making them more resilient to regional threats.

The deepening of Azerbaijan-Pakistan cooperation has broader implications for the region. Strengthening economic ties and strategic partnerships between these two nations can contribute to regional stability and prosperity. As both countries play pivotal roles in their respective regions, their collaboration can serve as a model for other nations seeking to enhance bilateral relations.

The investment of $2 billion by Azerbaijan in Pakistan can lead to significant economic growth, creating job opportunities and fostering economic development. This investment is likely to attract further foreign investment, as it signals a stable and conducive business environment. The focus on technological collaboration and scientific research can position both countries as leaders in innovation within the region.

Furthermore, the unity displayed on international platforms by Pakistan and Azerbaijan can amplify their influence in global affairs. Their common stance on issues such as the Kashmir and Karabakh conflicts demonstrates a commitment to supporting each other’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

This united front can garner greater international attention and support for their causes, leading to more effective resolutions of these long-standing issues.

Eventually, the visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Pakistan opened new avenues for collaboration and mutual growth. The agreements and understandings reached during this visit are poised to strengthen the economic partnership between Islamabad and Baku, laying a solid foundation for future progress. The mutual respect and shared interests that define Azerbaijan-Pakistan relations will continue to drive their cooperation forward, bringing tangible benefits to both nations and contributing to regional stability and prosperity.

As both countries look towards a future of increased collaboration, it is evident that the groundwork laid during this visit will lead to a stronger, more resilient partnership. The shared vision of economic growth, technological advancement, and strategic cooperation will not only benefit Azerbaijan and Pakistan but also set a precedent for other nations in the region. The journey ahead promises to be one of mutual success and shared prosperity, marking a new chapter in Azerbaijan-Pakistan relations.

Gunfire at Trump Rally

In a shocking and unprecedented turn of events, US Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump was injured by gunfire during an election rally.

In a shocking and unprecedented turn of events, US Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump was injured by gunfire during an election rally. The incident, which took place while Trump was addressing a large and enthusiastic crowd, has sent ripples across the political landscape both domestically and internationally.

The rally, held in a crucial swing state, was abruptly terminated when gunfire erupted only five minutes after Trump took the stage. Eyewitnesses reported hearing between 8 to 10 gunshots, causing immediate panic and chaos among the attendees. Despite the severity of the situation, Trump remarkably continued his address for a brief period before the event was called off, demonstrating his characteristic resilience.

Medical teams quickly attended to Trump, who was visibly injured with blood marks on his head and ear. After a thorough examination at a nearby hospital, Trump was discharged. In a statement following the incident, he revealed, “I was shot in the upper part of the right ear.”

The quick medical response and Trump’s rapid discharge have underscored the gravity yet manageability of his injuries.

The security response was swift, resulting in the death of the primary attacker responsible for the gunfire. Another individual was also killed during the confrontation, and a suspect has been arrested in connection with the attack. Authorities have confirmed that there were two possible attackers, both of whom were shot by security forces. One of the attackers remains in critical condition. Both assailants were identified as snipers positioned several hundred yards away from the rally venue. The weapon used in the attack, a rifle, has been recovered by the authorities, and investigations are ongoing to uncover the motives behind this brazen act of violence.

This incident has had an immediate impact on the American election landscape. Donald Trump, a leading figure in the Republican race, has always been a polarizing character, and this attack has only heightened the political tension. His supporters have rallied around him, viewing the incident as a direct attack on their political ideology and on Trump’s vision for America.

On the other hand, his critics argue that this incident underscores the deep-seated divisions and rising violence in the political arena.

In the short term, this attack is likely to bolster Trump’s position as a winning candidate. His ability to continue addressing the crowd despite his injuries is being hailed by his supporters as a testament to his toughness and commitment. This narrative of resilience may strengthen his appeal among undecided voters who view him as a strong leader capable of facing adversity head-on.

Moreover, this incident has significant implications for the security protocols surrounding political events. The attack has exposed vulnerabilities and has led to urgent calls for increased security measures to protect candidates and attendees at such events. Future rallies are expected to see heightened security, with more rigorous screening processes and strategic planning to prevent similar occurrences.

The impact of this incident extends beyond the borders of the United States. Internationally, Trump is a well-known figure whose policies and rhetoric have had a global impact. This attack has drawn widespread attention and concern from world leaders and international bodies. Many have condemned the violence and expressed solidarity with Trump and the American political process.

The incident has also sparked debates about the influence of American politics on global security and the potential for political violence to spill over into other regions.

Countries with close ties to the United States are particularly attentive to the developments. Allies are concerned about the stability of American leadership and its implications for international alliances and agreements. Adversaries, on the other hand, may perceive this as an opportunity to exploit perceived weaknesses or divisions within the United States.

Finally, the shooting incident involving Donald Trump during an election rally is a significant event with far-reaching consequences. Domestically, it has intensified the political climate and could potentially influence the outcome of the election by galvanizing Trump’s supporters and swaying undecided voters. Internationally, it has highlighted the interconnected nature of global politics and the importance of stable and secure democratic processes. As investigations continue and security measures are ramped up, the world watches closely, recognizing that the reverberations of this attack will be felt far and wide.

NATO Seeks to Build Ties with Asian Partners to Counter China

In a strategic move to counter China's growing influence, NATO is looking to build stronger relationships with its Asian partners.

In a strategic move to counter China’s growing influence, NATO is looking to build stronger relationships with its Asian partners. This development was highlighted at the end of a pivotal summit held in Washington, where NATO leaders underscored the importance of bolstering these ties amidst rising geopolitical tensions. As the global power landscape shifts, this move by NATO is likely to have significant economic, political, and security implications on the international stage.

During the summit, NATO leaders openly criticized China, designating it as a “decisive facilitator” of Russia’s ongoing war efforts. This criticism was formally encapsulated in a NATO declaration, which asserted that Beijing has played a crucial role in supporting Russia’s military actions against Ukraine. By highlighting China’s role in the conflict, NATO aims to build a coalition that can effectively counteract China’s growing influence and its alignment with Russia.

In response to NATO’s accusations, a spokesperson for the Beijing Mission to the EU urged NATO to cease its rhetoric about the so-called “China threat.” The spokesperson argued that NATO’s actions are only serving to stoke confrontation and antagonism, rather than fostering cooperation and understanding.

The Chinese representative emphasized that the global community should focus on collaborative efforts to ensure peace and stability, rather than engaging in blame games.

The evolving dynamics between NATO, China, and Asian partners will have profound economic implications. By strengthening ties with Asian countries, NATO could influence trade policies, investment flows, and economic partnerships. For instance, increased cooperation between NATO and Asian economies such as Japan, South Korea, and India could lead to more robust economic ties and potentially counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). China’s BRI has been a cornerstone of its strategy to expand its influence through infrastructure investments across Asia, Africa, and Europe. By building closer ties with Asian partners, NATO could offer an alternative to China’s BRI, promoting investment from Western nations and creating new economic opportunities. This could lead to a rebalancing of economic power in the region, as countries may have more options for infrastructure development and investment.

Politically, NATO’s move to deepen relationships with Asian partners signals a shift in the global geopolitical landscape. This strategy could lead to a more cohesive bloc of countries that share common interests in countering China’s influence. Countries like Japan and South Korea, which already have strong ties with the West, could play pivotal roles in this new alignment. Furthermore, the move could encourage other nations in the region to reassess their foreign policies. Countries in Southeast Asia, which have historically balanced their relationships between major powers, might find themselves aligning more closely with NATO and its Asian partners.

This realignment could result in a more unified stance on issues such as maritime security in the South China Sea and responses to China’s territorial claims.

From a security perspective, closer ties between NATO and Asian partners could lead to increased military cooperation and joint exercises. This would enhance the collective defense capabilities of these countries and serve as a deterrent to potential aggressions. The increased presence of NATO in Asia could also provide a counterbalance to China’s growing military power, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. For instance, joint military exercises and intelligence sharing between NATO and Asian partners could improve the readiness and interoperability of their armed forces. This would not only strengthen the defense posture of individual countries but also contribute to regional stability. Enhanced security cooperation could also address non-traditional security threats, such as cyber-attacks and terrorism, which require coordinated international responses.

The Chinese spokesperson’s remarks pointed towards a broader vision for international relations, advocating for concrete steps to improve the global situation. According to China, this would involve moving away from antagonistic policies and towards more cooperative and constructive engagements. This call for cooperation highlights the contrasting perspectives between NATO’s current strategy and China’s advocated approach. Despite the tensions, there remains a possibility for dialogue and cooperation. Issues such as climate change, global health, and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic require collaborative efforts from all major powers.

If NATO and China can find common ground on these issues, it could pave the way for a more stable and cooperative international order.

Among these developments, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his concerns about the escalating tensions. He noted that any possibility of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO is deeply troubling. Erdogan’s remarks underscore the delicate balance that must be maintained in international relations to avoid a broader conflict.

As NATO seeks to strengthen its ties with Asian partners, the international community watches closely. The organization’s recent declarations and the subsequent responses from China reflect the complex and evolving dynamics of global geopolitics. While NATO aims to counter China’s influence, voices from both within and outside the alliance call for a more cooperative and peaceful approach to resolving international conflicts. The future of NATO’s relationships with Asian partners and its strategy towards China will undoubtedly have significant implications for global peace and stability.

Eventually, NATO’s efforts to build ties with Asian partners mark a significant shift in international relations, with wide-ranging impacts on economic, political, and security fronts. As the world navigates these changes, the importance of dialogue, cooperation, and mutual understanding cannot be overstated.