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Global Summits, Cooperation and Conflicts


Global meetings are often an opportunity for world leaders and diplomats to come together to discuss important issues and potential conflicts that may be looming on the horizon. These meetings can be crucial in preventing or resolving conflicts before they escalate into more significant problems. One of the most significant global meetings is UNGA, UNSC, and G-20 which brings together representatives from all 193 member countries to discuss a wide range of issues affecting the world. The UNGA provides a platform for leaders to discuss important issues such as climate change, human rights, poverty reduction, and international security.

One of the most significant global meetings is UNGA, UNSC, and G-20 which brings together representatives from all 193 member countries to discuss a wide range of issues affecting the world.

Other global meetings, such as G7 or G20 summits, bring together leaders from the world’s most powerful economies to discuss economic issues and other pressing global challenges. These meetings can be important for shaping global economic policy, addressing trade disputes, and preventing financial crises. While global meetings can be an important opportunity for world leaders to work together to prevent conflicts, they are not always successful. Tensions between countries can sometimes escalate, leading to more significant conflicts, despite efforts to resolve them through diplomatic means. In some cases, global meetings may even exacerbate existing conflicts, as leaders take hardline stances or refuse to compromise on key issues.  Overall, global meetings can be a valuable tool for preventing or resolving conflicts, but they are not guaranteed solutions. Diplomacy, dialogue, and compromise are essential for preventing conflicts from escalating into more significant problems.

Global meetings can be a valuable tool for preventing or resolving conflicts, but they are not guaranteed solutions. Diplomacy, dialogue, and compromise are essential for preventing conflicts from escalating into more significant problems.

If the Indian government did propose holding G20 meetings in Kashmir, it is possible that this could be seen as a political move to assert India’s control over the region. China and Pakistan, who both have their own claims to parts of Kashmir, will object to such a proposal, with logical legal arguments, on the grounds of territorial disputes.

The global summits must talk about cooperation, peace, and global economic integration. It shouldn’t divide different ethnicities.


The meeting of the G-20 is very crucial given the current geo-strategic circumstances of the world. The Ukraine war and Russian nuclear threats are dominating the global arena. The world is at a critical juncture right now. The international community has a major role to play in the prevention of more conflicts. India, being the current chair of the group, has a massive and pivotal role to play. However, nationalist elements within the Indian establishment are working to make the G20 event successful. Unfortunately, Indian leaders are targeting people of minorities to vacate their properties near the venue of G20 meetings. Indian government plans some events of G20 in the disputed region of Kashmir. The Kashmir valley is a globally recognized territory between India and Pakistan. Therefore, India cannot hold any global event in disputed territory as it will create insecurity and security dilemmas for the entire region.

The global summits must talk about cooperation, peace, and global economic integration. It shouldn’t divide different ethnicities. Unfortunately, this time situation is different as G20 is events are taking place at a time when people are on the street in India due to discriminatory policies of the government.

The Kashmir valley is a globally recognized territory between India and Pakistan. Therefore, India cannot hold any global event in disputed territory as it will create insecurity and security dilemmas for the entire region.

It is important to note that the decision to hold any meeting of the G20 in a specific location is usually determined through a consensus among all the member countries of the G20. If India has indeed proposed holding a G20 meeting in Kashmir, it must obtain the agreement of all other G20 members for the proposal to go ahead. Ultimately, the decision on whether to hold a G20 meeting in Kashmir would be up to the member countries of the G20 to decide through their own diplomatic channels.

For the international community, they need to come forward and clear its stance regarding the developments taking place in India with regard to holding G20 summits. They can press India through diplomatic channels to hold the summit at any other location in India excluding Kashmir, which is a disputed territory between India and Pakistan. It should also press New Delhi to follow global practices while holding summits. Targeting minorities to vacate their properties for mere events is not a solution to any problem.

In Kashmir, reports of human rights violations by security forces and other authorities. These violations include arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearances, and restrictions on freedom of speech and movement. Such actions violate the basic human rights of the people of Kashmir.

Human rights are a fundamental aspect of international law and are recognized by the UN and many other international organizations. As such, it is important for all countries including India to ensure that they are respecting and protecting the human rights of their citizens. In the context of Kashmir, there have been reports of human rights violations by security forces and other authorities. These violations include arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearances, and restrictions on freedom of speech and movement. Such actions violate the basic human rights of the people of Kashmir. It is the responsibility of the Indian government to ensure that human rights are respected and protected in Kashmir. The international community, including other countries, international organizations, and civil society groups, can play a role in promoting and protecting human rights in Kashmir by urging the Indian government to take action to address any human rights violations, and by providing support to human rights defenders and victims of human rights abuses.

Addressing human rights violations in Kashmir requires a sustained effort from all stakeholders, including the Indian government, civil society, and the international community, to address the root causes of the conflict and work towards a peaceful resolution that respects the human rights of all parties involved.

However, it is important to note that international pressure alone may not be sufficient to bring about change. Addressing human rights violations in Kashmir will require a sustained effort from all stakeholders, including the Indian government, civil society, and the international community, to address the root causes of the conflict and work toward a peaceful resolution that respects the human rights of all parties involved. If India fails to comply with international laws regarding the provision of rights to the people, G20 should pull out from the upcoming events of the group in India.


Russia’s Trade Diplomacy with Africa


During the first Russia-Africa summit in 2019 in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Russia’s president Vladimir Putin vowed to increase trade with African governments within five years as he sought new allies with promises of nuclear power projects and fighter jets. Only some of those promises have been fulfilled three years later, but Russian influence on the continent has risen faster than ever since the Cold War.

Russian influence in Africa has risen faster than ever since the Cold War. Russia is the largest provider of armaments to Africa and has become a vital partner for African nations via investments and business links in items ranging from diamonds to citrus fruit.

According to IMF statistics, Russian commerce with Africa in 2021 was worth $15.6 billion, a tenth of the continent’s trade with China and a quarter more than in 2018. Yet, Russia remains the largest provider of armaments to Africa and has become a vital partner for African nations via investments and business links in items ranging from diamonds to citrus fruit.

Russia did not previously see Africa as a priority in its foreign policy, but much has changed recently, especially after the Russian actions in Ukraine. When Russia became isolated from Europe and the United States, establishing diplomatic and commercial links with sympathetic African governments was critical to the Kremlin’s narrative that Moscow had options.

Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, was greeted in Bamako by his Malian colleague, Abdoulaye Diop, and traveled to South Africa and Angola. In July, he visited Egypt, the Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Ethiopia and met with African Union leaders in Addis Abeba. Russia has adopted a policy of putting politics first, with economic preferences emerging as a natural result of successful political cooperation. Since the contrary method of first the economy, then everything else has shown to be shaky, this technique will likely be efficient.

When Russia became isolated from Europe and the United States, establishing diplomatic and commercial links with sympathetic African governments was critical to the Kremlin’s narrative that Moscow had options.

Russia’s presence in Africa has been around for a while. In 1960, the Soviet Union supported the UN General Assembly’s statement recognizing colonized countries’ independence and helped finance liberation movements in South Africa, Angola, Mozambique, and others. Relations were strained with the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. However, investments by state-owned Russian mining and energy businesses such as Alrosa and Gazprom resumed participation in nations such as Angola and Nigeria in the 2000s.

After Putin’s re-election in 2012, a number of Russian corporations, notably the state-owned VTB Bank, launched an aggressive pursuit of African possibilities. However, several of VTB’s African initiatives got mired in controversy, including its collaboration with Credit Suisse in the supply of $2 billion in loans to Mozambique in 2013 and 2014, dubbed the “tuna bond” crisis. Three former Credit Suisse executives pled guilty to bribery charges.

VTB aided Rostec, a state-owned Russian firm, in its quest to invest in two copper-cobalt mines in the Congo controlled by Congolese state miner Gécamines in 2015. The proposal was favorable, but Russia could not compete with China’s clout. Four years later, a joint venture between Gécamines and China’s state-owned CNMC commenced production at one of the locations, Deziwa.

The tactic, aimed to undermine Western interests while increasing Moscow’s reach, has frequently succeeded, most recently in the Central African Republic, where mercenaries from the Wagner Group and other Russian private military companies have helped expand Russian influence while gaining access to lucrative gold and diamond mining areas.

Regarding trade and investment in Africa, Russia needs more economic might to compete with China, the United States, or the European Union. Russia’s economy is nine times smaller than China’s and marginally bigger than Spain’s. Russia, on the other hand, has tended to play the role of a disruptor. Russia’s involvement in Africa has been steady since the early 2000s when they realized they did not have a solid hand to play compared to other foreign players; therefore, the most they could do was be the spoiler.

The tactic, which aims to undermine Western interests while increasing Moscow’s reach, has frequently succeeded, most recently in the Central African Republic, where mercenaries from the Wagner Group and other Russian private military companies have helped expand Russian influence while gaining access to lucrative gold and diamond mining areas. Although such mining activities are expected to generate hundreds of millions of dollars, there needed to be more proof that the funds were being returned to the Kremlin and most likely used to fund Wagner’s operations.

The most successful pillar of Russia’s traditional commerce with Africa is weaponry, administered mainly by the state-controlled Rosoboron. Russian weapons shipments to Africa surpassed those of any other provider between 2010 and 2021 and were three times bigger than China’s.

Other Russian firms with substantial activities in Africa include Alrosa, which runs diamond sites in Angola and is exploring in Zimbabwe; Rusal, which mines bauxite in Guinea; and Rosatom, which is developing a nuclear power station in Egypt. The US sanctioned Alrosa in April as part of its campaign to cut the Kremlin’s financial sources after last year’s Russian action in Ukraine. Yet, new restrictions against Russian enterprises or diplomatic pressure on governments will unlikely persuade African countries to cut trade links.

Oil is one sector where Russia has dramatically boosted its supplies to Africa since the invasion of Ukraine. In December 2022, Russia shipped 214,000 barrels per day of refined petroleum products to Africa, approximately three times higher than in December 2021. Traders anticipate that the shipments, mostly traveling to Tunisia, Morocco, and Nigeria, will grow due to the EU ban on Russian oil imports. Although African nations appreciate Russian commerce and investment, they also value Russia’s political backing, especially given the country’s permanent place on the United Nations Security Council. Regardless of how little the business involvement is, being a friend of the Kremlin is a method for many African governments to get Russian backing in order to keep them off the UN Security Council agenda.

Russian Retaliatory Measures against Finland’s NATO Accession


Russia has maintained that Finland’s military non-alignment stance “served as the cornerstone for stability” in northern Europe, but that this is no longer the case. The challenges to Russian national security posed by Finland’s NATO membership have poised Russia to execute military-technical and other retaliatory actions, according to the Russian Foreign Ministry. A major shift has occurred in Northern Europe, which has historically been one of the world’s most stable areas, as a result of Finland’s accession.

Russia’s border with NATO has almost quadrupled; Finland, which borders Russia for more than 830 miles, officially became the 31st member of the NATO alliance.

Russia’s border with NATO has almost quadrupled; Finland, which borders Russia for more than 830 miles, officially became the 31st member of the NATO alliance. The nation’s accession was formally announced at NATO’s headquarters in Brussels. In May, two months after Russia invaded Ukraine, Finland submitted its application to join NATO. Finland has abandoned its long-held neutrality in the wake of Russia’s decision to launch a military operation in Ukraine.

Notwithstanding commitments made to the ex-president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, NATO has progressively expanded for decades.

Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of NATO, predicted that ‘it will be a positive day for Finland’s security, for Nordic security, and for NATO as a whole.’ As per Stoltenberg, ‘Finland will be stronger and safer as a result of becoming a member and said we are reducing the possibility for miscalculation in Moscow about NATO’s readiness to safeguard Finland.’ Notwithstanding commitments made to the ex-president of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, NATO has progressively expanded for decades.

In reaction to perceived security risks brought on by Finland’s NATO membership, Russian President Vladimir Putin condemned NATO expansion and vowed to take “retaliatory measures.” If the U.S.-led security alliance deploys more personnel or equipment to Finland, Russia has threatened to beef up its military there. Likewise, in reaction, Russia is expanding its military might in the western and northwestern hemispheres. In the event that soldiers and assets from other NATO countries are stationed in Finland, Russia will take further steps to protect its military security. Moreover, he said that NATO nations were intensifying their “anti-Russian strategy” and that providing more military supplies to Ukraine would also escalate the conflict.

Russia has threatened to beef up its military as it is expanding its military might in the western and northwestern hemispheres. In the event that soldiers and assets from other NATO countries are stationed in Finland, Russia will take further steps to protect its military security.

Russian officials have repeatedly warned that the expansion of the Western alliance closer to Russia wouldn’t make the region more stable or secure. Russia has expressed strong concerns about NATO expansion in North Europe and has taken several measures to respond to it. Here are some of the ways Russia has responded:

  • Military buildup: Russia has increased its military presence along its western and northern border in response to NATO expansion. This includes deploying troops and equipment, conducting military exercises, and building new military bases.
  • Diplomatic protests: Russia has repeatedly protested NATO expansion, calling it a threat to its national security. It has also accused NATO of encircling Russia and trying to isolate it from the international community.
  • Economic measures: Russia has used economic measures to respond to NATO expansion. For example, it has imposed trade sanctions on some NATO countries and has restricted imports of certain goods.
  • Persuasion campaigns: Russia has used information operations to sow doubt and distrust about NATO among its own population and in other countries. This includes the spreading of reactive information about NATO’s intentions and actions.
  • Cyberattacks: Russia has been accused of carrying out cyberattacks against NATO countries in an attempt to undermine their security and destabilize their governments.

Consequently, Russia’s response to NATO expansion in North Europe has been one of major concern and opposition and has led to increased tensions between Russia and NATO.

A denial-of-service assault against the website of Finland’s Parliament was attributed to NoName057 (16), a pro-Russian hacking group. Despite the fact that this allegation has not been independently verified, the organization claimed that the attack was in reprisal for Finland to join NATO.

Russian embassy’s official account, accused outgoing Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin of abandoning the country’s long-standing policy of non-alignment. Russia’s embassy called new NATO member Finland a “nuclear target.”

Moscow has observed successive waves of NATO enlargement to the formerly communist east of Europe with much consternation since the conclusion of the Cold War three decades ago, and the issue was a cause for contention even before the Ukraine war.

All of this raises the possibility of a substantial war escalation, but it has no bearing on how the military operation in Ukraine turns out. In these circumstances, retaliatory actions are being taken in support of and in defense of Russia’s security. Certain ground-attack aircraft in Belarus now has nuclear bombs that can be used to attack targets. Moreover, operational-tactical missile systems Iksander M were given to the Belarusian Military Forces for both conventional and nuclear use.

Moscow has observed successive waves of NATO enlargement to the formerly communist east of Europe with much consternation since the conclusion of the Cold War three decades ago, and the issue was a cause for contention even before the Ukraine war. Russia sees NATO enlargement as an “existential” threat to its security, and Finland has used Ukraine’s war to join the alliance justifying its offensive move.

The US militarily strengthened Ukraine to essentially become integrated into the NATO system without being an official member of the alliance.

Strengthening NATO in the face of Russian actions in Ukraine provides Washington with more leverage over the fate of Europe. Similarly, the US militarily strengthened Ukraine to essentially become integrated into the NATO system without being an official member of the alliance. Russia’s military action in Ukraine could have been avoided if the US had not relentlessly provoked it. The accession of Finland to NATO is bound to change the outlook of Europe and the world at large, and it is important to note that the situation between Russia and NATO is complex and multifaceted.

The Influence of Technology on the Future of International Politics


Nobody believed Ukraine would survive as Russian armies marched on Kyiv in February 2022. Compared to Ukraine, Russia had more than twice as many troops. More than ten times as much money was allocated to its military. According to the U.S. intelligence community, Kyiv would fall in one to two weeks.

Ukraine resorted to its technological edge over its adversaries. The Ukrainian government uploaded all of its crucial data to the cloud soon after the invasion to protect data and continue to run even if Russian rockets destroyed its ministerial offices.

In the face of overwhelming odds, Ukraine resorted to its technological edge over its adversaries. The Ukrainian government uploaded all of its crucial data to the cloud soon after the invasion to protect data and continue to run even if Russian rockets destroyed its ministerial offices. Only two years earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky launched the Ministry of Digital Transformation, which repurposed the nation’s e-government mobile app, Diia, for open-source intelligence gathering so that individuals could share images and videos of adversary military formations. The Ukrainians relied on SpaceX’s Starlink satellites and ground terminals to keep connected when their communications infrastructure was in danger. As Russia launched drones built in Iran over the border, Ukraine bought its drones explicitly developed to stop Russian strikes while its military learned how to employ foreign weaponry provided by Western partners. Ukraine proved more agile in the cat-and-mouse game of innovation. Russia had anticipated a simple and swift invasion, but that has not happened.

Ukrainian President launched the Ministry of Digital Transformation, which repurposed the nation’s e-government mobile app, Diia, for open-source intelligence gathering so that individuals could share images and videos of adversary military formations.

The Ukrainian people’s tenacity, the Russian military’s frailty, and the potency of Western backing all contributed to Ukraine’s triumph. Yet it also owes something to innovation power, the defining new force in world politics. The capacity for innovation is the capacity to create, adopt, and modify new technologies. It helps both hard power and soft power. Modern platforms and the rules that govern them provide economic leverage, high-tech weaponry systems boost military might, and cutting-edge science and technology broaden its appeal worldwide. States have a long history of using innovation to export their authority overseas, but the self-perpetuating nature of scientific advancements has altered. In particular, advances in artificial intelligence not only open up new fields for scientific discovery but also hasten the process itself. The capacity of scientists and engineers to develop ever more potent technologies is accelerated by artificial intelligence, promoting advancements in both artificial intelligence and other sectors while also transforming the world.

The capacity for innovation is the capacity to create, adopt, and modify new technologies. It helps both hard power and soft power. Modern platforms and the rules that govern them provide economic leverage, high-tech weaponry systems boost military might, and cutting-edge science and technology broaden our appeal worldwide.

The result of the great-power conflict between the United States and China will depend on whether the country can innovate quicker and better, which is the current basis for military, economic, and cultural strength. The United States still has the lead for the time being. Yet China is making up ground in certain sectors while leading in others. Business as usual will not cut it in this century-defining competition if we want to win. Instead, the U.S. government will need to get over its stifled bureaucratic instincts, foster an innovation-friendly environment, and invest in the talent and resources required to ignite the positive cycle of technological growth. It must commit to advancing innovation to benefit the nation and democracy. The future of free countries, open markets, democratic governance, and the international system as a whole are all at risk.

The link between technical advancement and world dominance has existed for centuries, starting with the muskets that Francisco Pizarro used to overthrow the Inca Empire and continuing with the steamboats that Captain Matthew Perry used to force Japan’s opening. Nevertheless, there is no precedence for the rate at which innovation is occurring. Artificial intelligence, one of the pillars of modern technology, is the best example of this transformation.

Using AI, the Ukrainian military has effectively scanned information, surveillance, and reconnaissance data from various sources. Yet eventually, AI systems will start making judgments and supporting human decision-making.

When it comes to the military, today’s AI systems may already provide significant benefits because of their capacity to analyze millions of inputs, spot trends, and notify commanders of enemy activities. For instance, using AI, the Ukrainian military has effectively scanned information, surveillance, and reconnaissance data from various sources. Yet eventually, AI systems will start making judgments and supporting human decision-making. The phrase “OODA loop,” which stands for observe, orient, decide, and act, was created by military strategist and colonel of the U.S. Air Force John Boyd to explain how decisions are made during the conflict. Importantly, AI can complete the OODA loop’s many steps considerably quicker. Computer speed, not human speed, is the pace at which conflict may occur. So, command-and-control systems that depend on human decision-makers or, worse, intricate military hierarchies will be outperformed by quicker, more effective systems that combine people and robots.

The phrase “OODA loop,” which stands for observe, orient, decide, and act, AI can complete the OODA loop’s many steps considerably quicker. Computer speed, not human speed, is the pace at which conflict may occur.

Earlier periods’ geopolitical technologies were mostly solitary from bronze to steel, steam power to nuclear fission. After a nation attained a certain degree of technical expertise, the playing field was leveled. In contrast, artificial intelligence is creative in nature. It may inspire innovation by providing a forum for ongoing scientific and technical advancement. The AI era differs significantly from the Bronze Age and the Steel Age as a result of this event. A nation’s strength today derives from its capacity for constant innovation rather than from its natural resource richness or mastery of a particular technology.

Artificial intelligence is creative in nature. It may inspire innovation by providing a forum for ongoing scientific and technical advancement. The AI era differs significantly from the Bronze Age and the Steel Age as a result of this event.

This positive spiral will continue to accelerate. Superfast computers will enable the processing of ever-larger volumes of data once quantum computing is mature, leading to ever-smarter AI systems. These AI systems will therefore be able to create ground-breaking advancements in other developing domains, such as semiconductor production and synthetic biology. The whole character of scientific inquiry will alter as a result of artificial intelligence. Scientists will find the answers to enduring issues by analyzing enormous data sets rather than making progress one research at a time, enabling the world’s brightest brains to invest more time in creating new ideas. In the fight for innovation power, artificial intelligence (AI) will be essential as a pillar technology, underpinning a plethora of future advancements in drug research, gene therapy, material science, sustainable energy, and AI itself. Faster computers will aid in developing faster computers, although faster aircraft did not contribute to their construction.

Artificial intelligence (AI) will be essential as a pillar technology, underpinning a plethora of future advancements in drug research, gene therapy, material science, sustainable energy, and AI itself.

Drone technology advancements have shown that innovation power underlies military power. First and foremost, a nation’s capacity to conduct war and its deterrent powers are strengthened when it has technical superiority in key fields. Innovation, however, also affects economic power since it gives nations influence over supply networks and the capacity to set norms for others. Nations that depend on commerce or natural resources, particularly those that must import essential or rare items, confront vulnerabilities that other nations do not.

A nation’s capacity to conduct war and its deterrent powers are strengthened when it has technical superiority in key fields. Innovation, however, also affects economic power since it gives nations influence over supply networks and the capacity to set norms for others

Take into account China’s influence on the nations it provides with communications equipment. It is hardly surprising that nations reliant on Chinese infrastructure, such as several in Africa, where Huawei-produced components make up over 70% of 4G networks, have been reluctant to condemn Chinese human rights abuses. Therefore, Taiwan’s supremacy in semiconductor manufacture offers a major deterrent to invasion, as China has no interest in removing its greatest supplier of microchips. Countries that are at the forefront of innovative technology benefit as well. The United States has long had a place at the table determining Internet legislation because of its contribution to the creation of the Internet. For instance, during the Arab Spring, technology firms based in the United States, which served as the Internet’s backbone, were able to reject censorship demands from Arab governments.

The United States has long had a place at the table determining Internet legislation because of its contribution to the creation of the Internet. A nation’s soft power is boosted by technical innovation, which is less evident but as important.

A nation’s soft power is boosted by technical innovation, which is less evident but as important. Hollywood and digital giants like Netflix and YouTube have amassed a wealth of material for an expanding worldwide customer base, aiding in disseminating American ideals. These streaming services introduce the American way of life to international living rooms. The reputation of American institutions and the wealth-building prospects offered by American businesses also draw aspirants from all over the world. In other words, a nation’s capacity to project influence internationally—militarily, economically, and culturally—depends on its capacity to innovate more quickly and effectively than its rivals.

A nation’s capacity to project influence internationally—militarily, economically, and culturally—depends on its capacity to innovate more quickly and effectively than its rivals.

The United States and China will need to support fundamental research and commercialization to invest in all phases of the innovation cycle. The capacity to execute and market discoveries at scale and creativity is necessary for meaningful innovation. This is often the biggest obstacle. For instance, research into electric vehicles aided General Motors in releasing its first model in the market in 1996. However, it took another two decades for Tesla to mass-produce a model that would be profitable. The apparent objective of commercialization must be sought for every new technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), quantum computing, and synthetic biology.



Explainer : PM Netanyahu’s Judicial Overhauling


Israel is a country in Middle East that has been involved in a long-standing conflict with Palestine over issues such as borders, security, and status of Jerusalem. The situation in Israel has been complex and volatile, since last few months with occasional outbreaks of violence, protests, and political tensions. In recent months, Israel has also been dealing with domestic issues such as economic inequality, political corruption, and social divisions.

Recent Protests over Judicial Reforms

Since the arrival of PM Netanyahu in the power corridors again, there have been protests in Israel over proposed judicial reforms. Netanyahu’s far-right government has proposed several measures that would limit the powers of the Supreme Court and give the government more control over the appointment of judges. The proposed reforms have been criticized by opposition parties, civil society groups, and legal experts, who argue that they would undermine the independence of judiciary and rule of law. Protests against the proposed reforms have taken place in various cities across Israel, with thousands of people taking to the streets to voice their opposition. The protesters have called for government to abandon proposed reforms and respect the independence of the judiciary.

Retired and serving Israeli diplomat and security officials have been among those who have expressed opposition to the proposed judicial reforms. These officials have argued that the reforms would undermine the independence of the judiciary and could have negative implications for Israel’s standing in the international community.

In a letter signed by dozens of former ambassadors and security officials, the signatories warned that proposed reforms would harm Israel’s image and could make it more difficult for Israel to defend itself against international criticism and pressure. They argued that strong and independent judiciary was crucial for maintaining the rule of law and protecting Israel’s democratic institutions.

The opposition of these officials highlights the broader concerns that many Israelis have about the proposed reforms and underscores the importance of ensuring that any changes to Israel’s legal system are consistent with the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

What Opposition is Saying?

The issue of judicial reform has been a contentious one in Israeli politics, with supporters of reforms arguing that they are necessary to restore balance between branches of government and prevent the judiciary from overstepping its bounds. Opponents of the reforms argue that they represent a dangerous erosion of democratic principles and could undermine the checks and balances that are essential to the functioning of a healthy democracy.

The proposed judicial reforms in Israel have been controversial and have been criticized by many who argued that they would undermine the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law. One of the key concerns is that the reforms could give the government more control over the appointment of judges, which could lead to judges being selected based on their political views rather than their qualifications and expertise.

Critics of the reforms also argue that they could limit the powers of the Supreme Court and make it easier for country’s parliament to overturn its decisions. The Supreme Court in Israel has been seen as a crucial institution in upholding the rule of law and protecting the rights of citizens, and there are concerns that the proposed reforms could weaken its ability to fulfill these roles.

What Supporters of Proposed Judicial Reforms Are Saying?

Supporters of the reforms argue that they are necessary to restore balance between the branches of government and prevent the judiciary from overstepping its bounds. They also argue that the Supreme Court has become too powerful and that its decisions have sometimes been at odds with the will of the people and the elected government. However, opponents of the reforms argue that they represent a dangerous erosion of democratic principles and could undermine the checks and balances that are essential to the functioning of a healthy democracy.

Regarding the proposed judicial reforms, PM Netanyahu and his government had been among the supporters of the reforms. Netanyahu had argued that Supreme Court had overstepped its bounds and that proposed reforms were necessary to restore balance between the branches of government. However, the proposed reforms faced significant opposition from opposition parties, civil society groups, and legal experts. Despite this opposition, Netanyahu’s government had continued to push for the reforms.

Way Forward?

The way forward regarding the proposed judicial reforms will depend on various factors, including the political will of the government, public opinion, and the actions of civil society groups and legal experts. If the government continues to push for the reforms, it may face continued opposition from those who argue that they would undermine the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law. This opposition could take the form of protests, civil society campaigns, and legal challenges.

On the other hand, if the government decides to abandon the proposed reforms, it may need to find alternative ways to address any perceived imbalances between the branches of government or concerns about role of Supreme Court. Ultimately, the way forward will require a careful balancing of the competing interests and priorities of different stakeholders, including the government, civil society, legal experts, and the public. It will also require a commitment to upholding the principles of democracy, the rule of law, and the protection of human rights.

G20 Summit: Indian Trap of Stability in Kashmir


India has already begun setting the tone for its use of the G20 platform to promote its geopolitical and geoeconomic goals, which are primarily related to South Asian regional politics. To maintain regional politics in its favor, India’s tense interactions with Pakistan have launched several political and diplomatic maneuvers. Hosting the international community in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) can give them the chance for the world to witness the true suffering of the Kashmiri people. As the Indian government is working hard to transform the situation in Kashmir in the aftermath of the G20 summit, the Modi administration would undoubtedly not permit the visiting officials from other capitals to openly probe or evaluate the situation in the area. Almost two-thirds of the world’s population, representing all continents, is represented by the G20, which also includes significant national and regional actors for a number of the world’s current hotspots.

The G20, often known as the Group of Twenty, is an international organization made up of 19 states that account for two-thirds of the world’s population, 75% of worldwide commerce, and 85% of global GDP.

Under Narendra Modi’s rule, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) regime in India has implemented several ground-breaking policies to alter New Delhi’s role in international politics. Modi’s administration has adopted a variety of political measures against the countries that border India on a geographical basis, with Pakistan being the exception, to bring Indian internal politics into line with shifting trends in global politics. The main motivation for Modi’s choice to adopt increasingly aggressive and less conciliatory steps against Pakistan was the long history of tense interactions with New Delhi and Islamabad.

The core tenet of New Delhi’s South Asian strategy is to maintain India’s dominance in the region and its status as a major player on the global stage.

Its aggressive behavior in its territory is the outcome of combining both agendas. The Kashmir problem cannot be disregarded in discussions about India’s aggressive behavior within its own territory. The Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India has gone through several phases, reflecting the shifting characteristics of South Asian regional politics. Because of the two nuclear-armed adversaries’ rigid positions, an endless arms race has developed from India’s aggressive behavior and Pakistan’s defensive strategies.

The world should be reminded that Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally acknowledged “disputed” region between Pakistan and India. Furthermore, India’s intention to host the G20 summit in the disputed valley would be a clear violation of the relevant UNSC Resolutions, international treaties, and bilateral agreements. A cruel strategy to alter the demographics of IIOJK involves the killing and eviction of Kashmiris from their homes. Under international law, Modi’s conduct in Kashmir might be characterized as genocide or a war committed against humanity. Moreover, Pakistan firmly demands the world community force India to stop its flagrant and persistent impunity for human rights violations in IIOJ&K, retract its unlawful and unilateral measures from August 2019, and release all political detainees, including the real Kashmiri leaders. The move by the Indian government has been criticized by a representative for China’s foreign ministry, Zhao Lijian, who stated that “It is a legacy matter between India and Pakistan.” It must be properly resolved in compliance with the pertinent bilateral and UN resolutions. We must also resolve our differences through dialogue and consultation to safeguard peace and stability.

This Indian publicity attempt to host the G20 in Jammu and Kashmir is on display. In terms of internet freedom, the Modi administration placed last. Global internet outages are detailed in the study for 2022, with India’s largest criminal accounting for 58% of disruptions in IIOJK. How can the world community disregard such government actions and let the G20 be held in Kashmir, a territory that is not legally part of India? In response to India’s crimes of human rights in IIOJK, the world must denounce the action and apply penalties for it. To end the genocidal treatment of Kashmiris, the UN must intervene decisively. The G20 summit will be held in Kashmir in 2023 as part of the Modi administration’s effort to portray Jammu and Kashmir as normal areas. However, this policy is an attempt by India to hide the territory’s real nature. How the Indian government claims to be bringing the situation in the valley back to normal while impeding the locals’ basic rights. The Modi administration uses this as their sole tactic to divert attention away from violations of human rights and hold the G20 meeting in the valley.

In reality, the goal of holding the G20 summit there is directly related to the Modi administration’s attempt to undermine Pakistan’s posture towards the Kashmir conflict by projecting a sense of normalcy in the occupied parts of Kashmir.

The nations that engage in frequent economic exchanges with New Delhi bear a higher share of responsibility since those nations’ business relations with India might be useful in resolving the Kashmir problem.

The Indian government’s strategy is to make money off of its citizens and resources. The administration is solely interested in luring foreign investors who will promote their interests, not that of the local population. If the G20 summit is held in Jammu and Kashmir, it would only serve to advance the goal of the Indian administration rather than fostering regional stability. Moreover, it would suggest that Pakistan’s claims regarding IIOJ&K are no longer true. New Delhi’s aggressively rigid stance on the Kashmir conflict is primarily motivated by Islamabad’s necessity of having adequate counterbalancing potential over Indian regional hegemonic plans. The only option for the two nuclear neighbors is to resolve the Kashmir conflict peacefully, which might contribute to the spreading of peace and stability in the nuclearized region.

The Geopolitical Struggle for Dominance: An Analysis of the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry


The Saudi-Iranian rivalry is often narrowly portrayed from the perspective of sectarian conflict. Essentially, this rivalry between the Iranian theocracy and the Saudi monarchy is a geopolitical struggle for religious legitimacy, military, and economic supremacy, and imperial aspiration. This geopolitical struggle for dominance in the region predominantly emerged after the Iranian Revolution in 1979, also known as the Islamic Revolution. Moreover, in contemporary times, this enmity is fueled by proxies, Shia-Sunni ethnicity, the acquisition of advanced military technology, and predominantly by foreign encouragement. External powers like the USA, Russia, and Israel may also be successful in achieving political and military ambitions, especially in terms of the private military-industrial complex resulting from the dysfunctional relationship between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The regional hegemonic geopolitical, military, and economic objectives of both rival and external powers create regional instability by indulging both states in the arms race.

Furthermore, the elements of proxies sponsored by both states create a humanitarian crisis and threaten the peace and stability of the Middle East. From the theoretical perspective, neorealism, one of the shots of realism, which is a landmark theory of International Relations (IR), provides a concise, comprehensive, and better lens for the understanding of steps taken by both rivals.

After the revolution, under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran adopted a policy of nationalism and cut off diplomatic relations with the Western States. Whereas, Saudi Arabia has a rapidly expanding strategic alliance with the Western states, especially the USA. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia gets multidimensional benefits from the West. On the opposite end of the spectrum, Iran, because of its revolutionary, discriminatory, and incompetent nationalist policies, faced criticism and economic restraint from the West.

Moreover, the direct or indirect involvement of both states for geopolitical objectives, in the different conflicts like Yemen and Syrian wars and proxies in the region and outside the region intensified the relations between the two rivals. Recently, Iran’s ambition to become a nuclear power in the region and the rigorous policies of Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, known as MBS, towards Iran, may prove the leading factors in the perpetual rivalry. When discussing the roots of the Saudi-Iran rivalry, it is also impossible to ignore the fact that both states have provided state support for militant groups operating in the region.

Ambitious and Perspectives of Iran

Iran has an extensive natural resource base, a crucial geostrategic location, a rich cultural heritage, and a long history of Persian civilization. Due to its unique strategic location, and religious and cultural influence in the region and throughout Central Asia and the eastern Mediterranean, Iran itself is considered the regional dominant power. In addition to this, some pro-Iranian scholars and journalists argued that Iran has superiority in the Persian Gulf, but the presence of the US has threatened Iran’s hegemonic aspirations and created obstacles for Iran to achieve its regional geopolitical objectives. Moreover, it is also claimed that alliances like the Islamic Military Alliance and a coalition like the GCC formulate to sabotage the Iranian political and economic structure.

Iran also considered Israel one of the obstacles to achieving the regional geopolitical objectives.

To eliminate the post-existential threats from hostile regional powers, Iran used asymmetrical tactics by using Islamist militant groups like Hezbollah, which is considered an integral part of the doctrine of Iranian regional engagement.

Iran employs proxies for deterrence and to avoid direct conflict with the major powers. Furthermore, the Iranian leadership justifies its nuclear program.

Saudi’s Ambitious Perspectives

Saudi Arabia was deeply agitated about Iranian geopolitical ambitions after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The Saudi monarch argued that they were betrothed to take steps to maintain the status quo counter to the expansionist regime of Shia theocracy and the militaristic and revolutionary ideology of Iran. Simultaneously, the Saudis themselves were considered the custodians of Islam, so they argued that they maintained the regional geopolitical order while Iran adopted a revolutionary ideology to disturb the regional order. Furthermore, it is clear from history that Saudi Arabia criticizes Iranian religious practices using the Wahhabi doctrine. The Saudi monarch considered Iran an existential threat to Saudi Arabia’s geopolitical ambitions.

Saudi monarch claim that the presence of Iran in the Strait of Hormuz, where 40% of world trade passes through, can create security and instability for the region and the entire world.

Is Rapprochement Possible?

MBS recently made it clear in a statement that the region would benefit more from good relations between these bitter rivals. He also emphasizes the need for mutual cooperation and de-escalation for the stability and prosperity of the Middle East. Whereas, the Iranian leadership appreciated the MBS initiative for de-escalation.

Contrarily, the two countries were previously opposing any initiative for negotiation; even Saudi Arabia labeled Iran a “revisionist nation.” But there the question has been raised “Is rapprochement possible or not?” Yes, a rapprochement is probable at any time. It has been observed that the worst enemies in history have fraternal relations today. As “it’s never too late,” the patterns of enmity can be erased from the base. Effective and trustworthy diplomatic channels are both desperately needed right now.

By encouraging bilateral and regional economic arrangements, both states can maintain good relations.


From history, it is evident that every conflict has been resolved through negotiation, not by violent means. For the sake of stability and regional development, it is imperative to negotiate a settlement to the political conflicts that have existed since the beginning of time. Since the region has a unique geostrategic location and rich natural resources, including oil, which contribute effectively to the world economic system. In a nutshell, without the stability of the Middle East, it is quite difficult to say that peace and stability would be possible in neighboring countries as well as across the entire globe.

The Road to Recovery: CPEC and Pakistan’s Economic Future


In its seventy-fifth year, Pakistan’s economy is again mired in catastrophe, despite numerous episodes of economic crisis throughout its history. The country’s current economic situation is the consequence of the relentless issues in its economy’s structure, such as a flaring current account deficit and spiraling inflation owing to political turmoil in the country. Moreover, the appalling flash floods of 2022, an upshot of the drastic climate change, have also been proven to be a great blow to the country’s already crippled economy, inflicting a loss of billions of dollars.

At present, while Pakistan is confronted with abysmal economic challenges, there is a great need to diversify the country’s economy to put it back on track. In this regard, China Pakistan Economic Corridor offers Pakistan a great opportunity to strengthen its financial, geo-economic, and geostrategic standing and overcome this economic mayhem.

Pakistan’s vital geostrategic location_ a gateway to South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe, gives a major benefit to it, which has been regarded as a focal point for regional connectivity by both Islamabad and Beijing.

Since early 2016, Pakistan has been projecting the CPEC, worth US$46 billion, as the pivot of regional connectivity for its economic progress. The Pakistani leadership of PML-N has been quite optimistic about making the country a regional hub of transit, trade, and economic activity. However, with the political transition, the CPEC experienced a severe slowdown during the government of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf. In realistic terms, Pakistan’s trade and connectivity with its neighbors, apart from China and Afghanistan, has remained relatively low.

Now, if we assess the potential of CPEC to uplift the deflating economy of Pakistan, CPEC, by increasing regional connectivity and setting up an affordable integrated transportation system, will lower the transportation fee for Islamabad. Moreover, the GDP of Pakistan is expected to rise by 7.5 percent by 2030, with an investment of more than $40bn in Pakistan’s infrastructural, energy, industrial, and agricultural sectors.

Through investment in manufacturing areas of the economy and development in energy production capacity, CPEC assures an increment of nearly two million jobs in the labor market.

The need for energy and fuel is also anticipated to increase exponentially due to rising economic activity and urbanization, leading to long-term effects on Pakistan’s energy supply security amid the country’s present energy crisis. CPEC can help cater to this need.

Pakistan’s Maritime sector is another important avenue with enormous scope and great potential to flourish economically under the umbrella of CPEC. Presently, maritime trade has become an indispensable element of the global economy. The significance of Gwadar port has grown exponentially in the blue economy, as it has the potential to increase Pakistan’s seaborne trade significantly. Unfortunately, Pakistan has not been able to realize its potential to become a marine hub, and current maritime tourism contributes only $300m in GDP, equivalent to 0.4 pc of total GDP, which is far behind the current maritime revenue of India valued at $6bn and Bangladesh’s valued at $5.6bn.

The poor access to the port, out-of-date policies rejecting foreign investment, bad governance models, inadequate finances for modernization projects, lack of local professional and technical skills, inept bureaucratic set-up, and marine pollution leading to the degradation of mangroves all undermine the potential of Pakistan to become a marine hub. However, the development of Gwadar port and transportation facilities under CPEC can provide Pakistan with a foundation for economic growth through seaborne trade. Likewise, this port will improve the prospects for the shipping industry to expand in Pakistan by lowering freight costs, saving foreign cash, promoting overseas commerce, and creating jobs. Experts estimate the improvement of travel and coastal tourism sectors to the international level only can contribute up to 10 percent of GDP by the next decade.

The Gwadar port’s completion can be a great landmark in making Pakistan a regional trade hub. It has great potential to contribute to Pakistan’s blue assets upon becoming fully functional. With CPEC investment, Vision 2030 seeks to increase the trade-to-GDP ratio from 30% to 60% by 2030. This will only be achievable following FDI inflows into Pakistan via CPEC, where Gwadar is the epicenter of the development process.

However, since every opportunity comes with certain risks, a project of this large scale undoubtedly also faces significant challenges. At present, obstacles to CPEC completion include Pakistan’s domestic challenges, primarily political and economic turmoil, insecurity and violence, Afghanistan’s unstable condition, competing interests of immediate neighbors like India and Iran, particularly India’s suspicions, and US worries over the project and most recently COVID-19 pandemic that had the severe blow to the economies of the countries worldwide. Unless these issues are practically addressed, the CPEC will no doubt face various implications in the long run.

Currently, the corridor risks exasperating political turmoil flared social divides and new fonts of conflict in Pakistan. Therefore, the likely outcome of CPEC is heavily reliant on our collective response capacity, including the Federal, provincial, and local governments, the business community, the media, and civil society, all functioning in harmony with each other. If this occurs, the benefits to Pakistan’s economy and society, notably in underprivileged Balochistan and Southern KPK, will certainly outweigh the costs. However, suppose we continue our current course of rivalries, blaming, point scoring, limited territorial and personal considerations, red tape, hesitancy, and delays in problem-solving and removing bottlenecks. In that case, we will undoubtedly incur a heavy financial load.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor presents great potential to bolster Pakistan’s distressing economy by augmenting economic and strategic ties with China, one of the most important regional and global economic powers.

CPEC has the full potential not just in making Pakistan a large consumer market by increasing its regional connectivity but also in terms of the possible upgradation of its economic structure, leading to considerable investment inflows in the country and accelerating the local economic growth via resource mobilization, thereby enabling Pakistan to make an economic turnaround.

Earthquake Leaves Turkiye’s Food Security in Jeopardy


The recent catastrophic earthquakes in February this year have added to the already fragile economy of Turkiye. The immense damage inflicted on the nation’s agricultural sector – a vital business area – could be the tipping point for an economic crisis. As the cropping season approaches rapidly, farmers in the earthquake-affected area need expedited aid to avert potential food deficits throughout the country.‎

Inflation has long been a persistent issue in Turkey. The Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI) found that Turkiye’s yearly inflation rate for January 2023 was 57 percent. In contrast, the Economic National Analysis Group (ENAG), a non-governmental research institute, estimated it to be 121 percent. Experts predicted that inflation would decrease before the elections in May; however, this now appears to be an improbable event.

The approximate $25 billion worth of losses incurred in production due to the earthquake is estimated to act as an impetus to the inflationary cycle, particularly concerning foodstuff prices.‎

The adverse effects of the calamity on the food sector have already been identified. Within seven days of the seismic activity, the cost of beef significantly increased in the aftermath of the devastation inflicted upon the area’s abattoirs. The supplies were detrimentally impacted, as the most seriously affected provinces comprise 12 percent of Turkiye’s bovine industry. Since the start of the year, the price of one kilogram of meat has increased drastically, reaching approximately 180 lira, equivalent to US$9.49, representing an increase of close to forty percent.‎

The 11 provinces affected by the earthquakes are integral to sustaining the nation. They constitute 15.5% of Turkiye’s agricultural output, generating more than 85 billion lira. Approximately one-fifth of the total is comprised of vegetables. Turkey’s registered farmers comprise over 13% of the nation’s total. They are mainly situated in this region, where villages that have suffered destruction are still cut off from external assistance.‎

It has been observed that the prices of other foodstuffs have been steadily rising. In February, there was a 7% increment in the food basket, with vegetables increasing by 24% and fruits rising by 10%. It is foreseeable that foodstuff inflation will persist, mainly if agricultural production in areas affected by earthquakes does not revive speedily.‎

Some farmers have been reimbursed for the damages they have incurred. Since the disaster, Turkey’s Agricultural Insurance Pool has disbursed 11 million lira in indemnity payments. Approximately 20% of Turkish farmers have insurance; however, most of the agrarian population responsible for food for the nation have no insurance, thus requiring them to rely on limited government subsidies for production.‎

Turkey’s arable land is expeditiously sown with millet, rice, soybeans, and sunflower. To meet the expectations associated with the seasonal ‎calendar and prevent the country from facing a food crisis, growers should be provided with assistance in acquiring seeds, ‎fertilizers, and diesel fuel. Turkiye’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has declared that it will dispense a financial aid package of 2.8 billion lira to registered farmers who have endured damage caused by the earthquake.‎

To meet the expectations associated with the seasonal ‎calendar and prevent the country from facing a food crisis, growers should be provided with assistance in acquiring seeds, ‎fertilizers, and diesel fuel.

Despite the potential for fulfilling these pledges, the labor status is yet to be ascertained. What strategies could encourage those displaced from their homes, separated from their families, and estranged from their friends to resume work and cultivate the land? ‎

The workforce deficiency is one of the principal impediments to the advancement of Turkey’s agricultural sector. In Hatay province, approximately 100,000 tons of lemons were projected to export for an estimated $186 million in 2022; however, those lemons remain on trees with no one to harvest them. An additional 300,000 tons stay in storage, awaiting to be allocated.‎ The time sensitivity of the agriculture industry necessitates rapidly diminishing the time window for harvesting fruit and planting vegetables. Therefore, Turkiye’s government must develop an action plan immediately.‎

Regrettably, Ankara appears to be incapable of fulfilling its responsibilities. At present, the government is making strenuous efforts to extricate itself. The United Nations Development Program has determined that the number of debris created by the collapse of thousands of edifices due to the earthquakes was estimated to be a maximum of 210 million tonnes, a record-breaking amount of rubble for a single catastrophe. In comparison, the 1999 Marmara Earthquake registered a release of 13 million tons.‎

Removing the debris is a contentious issue for the nation’s authorities. The Turkish population has expressed deep concern about the visuals shared online, which depict garbage being disposed into water bodies and along shorelines, a practice that could potentially cause irreversible environmental detriment. An image that has been widely disseminated shows a considerable aggregation of refuse that has accumulated on the shoreline of Hatay, the habitat of turtles and over 300 distinct avian species. A video originating from a rural locality in Gaziantep depicts detritus being disposed of into tanks of water that rural cultivators employ for raising their livestock.‎

Turkiye is presently undergoing an extraordinary renewal. According to a recent report by the World Bank, the earthquake’s physical devastation was worth $34.2 billion, corresponding to approximately 4% of Turkiye’s 2021 gross domestic product. The costs associated with rebuilding could be twice the initial value or even higher. Louisa Vinton, the ‎UN Development Program’s representative in Turkey, declared that the damage inflicted exceeded one hundred billion US dollars.‎

The extent to which Turkiye’s agricultural network could feasibly be made earthquake-proof is questionable; however, how the government responds to the current situation is likely to have a considerable impact on the defense of the agricultural sector from further disasters. If the necessities of farmers are not met, it can result in long-term food insecurity problems. Turkiye has the potential to avert an additional economic crisis, yet to do so, a comprehensive and durable rural economy infrastructure plan must be adopted to ensure the maintenance of rural employment and the nation’s food supply.

Collaborating to Combat Terrorism: Pak-US Counterterrorism Dialogue


Senior officials from the US and Pakistan hold two days of Counterterrorism Dialogue on March 6th and 7th 2023 in Islamabad to discuss collaborative efforts in countering regional and global threats, improving cooperation, preventing violent extremism, and combating terrorism financing. It reaffirms their shared determination to contribute to both regional and global security and stability.

The new wave of terrorism in Pakistan particularly in the area of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is hitting hard the country’s goal to get rid of terrorism.

Many reports claimed that the attacks of terrorist organizations have increased manifold. The major target of these outfits is the police and law enforcement agencies. Throughout 2022, Pakistan witnessed a total of 512 terrorist incidents. The targets of these attacks were both security personnel and civilians, resulting in a devastating toll of 980 fatalities and 750 injuries. Of the total casualties, at least 283 were security personnel who made the ultimate sacrifice in their line of duty. In December 2022 alone, 40 security personnel lost their lives in the line of duty. These alarming figures indicate a 14.47 percent increase in fatalities as compared to the preceding year, 2021, during which 850 individuals lost their lives to terrorism in Pakistan. The ongoing threat of terrorism in Pakistan remains a grave concern and demands continuous vigilance and action to ensure the safety and security of the country and its people.

The recent victim of these attacks is the Deputy Superintendent of Police Iqbal Momand among three other police officers in Lakki Marwat and the serving Brigadiers of Inter-Service Intelligence Mustafa Kamal Burki. Keeping the prevalent situation, it is a win-win situation for both Pakistan and the USA to be inclined towards reviving their longstanding relationship and collaborating against terrorism, particularly in combating the increasing attacks of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). The ongoing talk is lent credence to it.

It is a win-win situation for both Pakistan and the USA to be inclined towards reviving their longstanding relationship and collaborating against terrorism, particularly in combating the increasing attacks of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

It is worth highlighting that the leadership of the TTP has suffered casualties as a result of US drone strikes. Bait Ullah Mehsud was the founder and first leader of the TTP. He was a prominent militant leader in the tribal areas of Pakistan and was known for his attacks against the Pakistani military and government. He was killed in a US drone strike in 2009.

After Bait Ullah Mehsud’s death, Hakim Ullah Mehsud became the new leader of the TTP. He continued the group’s violent campaign against the Pakistani government and military and was responsible for several high-profile attacks, including the 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt. He was killed in a US drone strike in 2013.

Mullah Fazlullah, also known as the “Radio Mullah” due to his regular radio broadcasts, became the new leader of the TTP after Hakim Ullah Mehsud’s death. He was known for his brutal tactics, including ordering the shooting of schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai. He was killed in a US drone strike in Afghanistan in 2018.

It’s worth noting that the TTP is a decentralized group, and several other commanders have significant influence within the organization. Some of these commanders have split from the TTP to form their factions, while others have joined the Islamic State or other militant groups. The TTP has also formed alliances with other militant groups, such as the Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda.

Ostensibly, the incumbent head of TTP Noor Wali Mehsud got triumphed to reunite some of the factions to TTP and came up with sophisticated strategies and weapons. The Government of Pakistan is struggling hard to combat the menace of terrorism on its own. It will be beneficial for Pakistan to work jointly with the USA to combat the TTP’s insurgence.

The government of Pakistan can work with the USA in the following areas: First, Intelligence Sharing: America has a robust intelligence gathering mechanism that can help Pakistan in tracking down the TTP. Sharing intelligence with Pakistan will help them to identify the key leaders and operatives of the group and take action against them. America can provide military support to Pakistan to help them in their efforts to eradicate TTP. This could include training and equipping Pakistani security forces with the latest technology and weapons.

Pakistan needs to improve the socio-economic conditions of the areas where the TTP is most active. America can provide development assistance to Pakistan to address the root causes of the TTP’s rise, such as poverty and unemployment. TTP is known for spreading extremist ideologies. Pakistan and America can collaborate to counter these narratives by promoting moderate and inclusive values through education, media, and community-based initiatives.

Pakistan and the USA must continue to work together to combat the TTP’s insurgence and promote regional and global security and stability.

Collaboration between the two nations in intelligence sharing, military support, development assistance, and counter-narratives is crucial to eradicating terrorism in the region