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Nikkei down over 12% amid the US recession fears


TOKYO/SYDNEY – Nikkei was down 12.40% on Monday, as global markets tumbled amid the fear that the United States may be heading for recession – with the losses at one point exceeding the nosedive exceeding the 1987 “Black Monday”.

But it isn’t the Japanese stocks as South Korea’s Kospi shed 8.77% with Taiwan’s benchmark TWWII sliding 8.35%.

On the other hand, ASX 200 in Australia fell by 3.7% while New Zealand’s NZX 50 was down around 1.51%

However, the bloodbath witnessed in stock markets means the safe haven currencies – Japanese yen and Swiss franc – are getting stronger.

By the time this report is being filed around 0900GMT, the dollar was traded for 142.27 yen with the Japanese currency making a gain of 2.866%. The Swiss franc, on the other hand, is up 0.875%.


Earlier on Friday, the US stocks fell sharply as a much weaker-than-anticipated jobs report for July ignited worries that the economy could be falling into a recession.

The reason why investors are in a “selling mode” is that they want to avoid risk and desperately hoping for US interest rate cuts so that the economy could be revived.


Hence, the latest developments have again made the argument stronger that the delayed US rate cuts by the Federal Reserves resulted in economic stagnation and sent a wrong signal to markets and economies around the globe.

But it isn’t just the US Federal Reserve as international financial institutions like the IMF and the World Bank have also been vigorously advocating monetary tightening. The conditions set for Pakistan under the previous and the yet-to-be finalized IMF program are an example.

That’s why businesses around the world have been calling for lowering the borrowing costs to generate economic activity and employment opportunities.

Five Years after Article 370: The Indianization of J&K

Article 370

August 5, 2019, marks yet another black and unfortunate day in the history of Jammu and Kashmir, when the BJP government of Narendra Modi repelled the special status of the region granted under Article 370 on January 26, 1950. Jammu and Kashmir have exercised autonomy in their internal affairs, except defense, communications, foreign affairs, and finance. To defend its decision, the BJP government highlighted the necessity of national integration, unity, economic development, equal rights for all Indian citizens and to improve security and stability in the region.

On occasions, the Indian leaders argued that the autonomy in Kashmir was a serious barricade to national unity and integration and to bring prosperity and economic development to the region. Equally, it was important to end the discrimination against the non-permanent residents, a law providing special rights and privileges to Indigenous Kashmiris under Article 35A.

The decision met with mixed reactions. Some hailed the decision, while others criticized it for undermining the region’s autonomy for political purposes. Given the above-stated background, this article examines the Indianization of Kashmir by the BJP and its repercussions for the Indigenous population.

August 5, 2019, marks yet another black and unfortunate day in the history of Jammu and Kashmir.

The people of Jammu and Kashmir largely rejected Kashmir’s accession to India by Maharaja Harri Singh in 1947, and the same has been demonstrated after August 2019. Since the start, BJP leadership has been touting that abrogation could bring national integration and unity to the Indian state. Still, the deceptive policy of India has been rejected by the people of Kashmir.

In 2019, Narendra Modi ordered the deployment of additional troops in the region, suspended internet and cellular networks for months, invoked curfew, denied free speech and movement, and jailed pro-freedom Kashmiri leadership. Such actions validate the illegality of the decision and a stern response from the people of Kashmir, who have always rejected the Indian annexation and colonization.

Economic development was yet another agenda to abrogate Article 370, but the ground realities provide a dark side of the story. The Indian government has unleashed a suppressive campaign in the region, damaging the commercial and private property of Muslim individuals. During search and cordon operations (SCOs), properties, orchards, and farmlands have been damaged on false allegations of terror-sponsoring.

The Indian government has unleashed a suppressive campaign in the region, damaging the commercial and private property of Muslim individuals.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, among others, have raised concerns about the impact of security measures on civilians, including property damage. On his visit to Srinagar, Prime Minister Modi announced various development projects worth over Rs 6400 crore, hailing for a new era of development.

Nonetheless, comparing the unemployment figures with the national average in India exposes abject poverty and deprivation. As of June 2023, the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) reported around 21.6% unemployment in Jammu and Kashmir, compared to a 7.8% unemployment rate in India.

The new residency law also contributes to Narendra Modi’s Indianization campaign. According to recent statistics, the Indian government has issued more than 4 million domicile certificates to non-state subjects, largely bringing demographic change to the region. The relaxed residency rules allow individuals who have resided in Jammu and Kashmir for 15 years or have studied there for seven years and appeared in Class 10 or 12 examinations to apply for domicile certificates.

Due to heavy deployment, Jammu and Kashmir has become the most militarized region in the world.

The domicile certificates, coupled with the NOC issuance to the Indian businesses, allow Indian Hindus to work and settle in the region, massively destabilizing the demographic advantage of Muslims. After getting lease certificates, industrialists are now able to set up their industrial units in the region, bringing Hindu labor, damaging the ecosystem, and depriving Muslims of their lands and properties.

Security and stability have always remained close to the heart of the Indian state, for which New Delhi has deployed around a million troops in the region. Due to heavy deployment, Jammu and Kashmir has become the most militarized region in the world, which is facing state-sponsored suppression, illegal detentions, extra-judicial killings, gang rapes, torture, and inhumane treatment. In addition to involvement in unlawful activities, the Indian army is also occupying the land in Jammu and Kashmir over the pretext of strategic significance.

After the abrogation of Article 370, there has been an increase in land acquisitions for military and strategic purposes. In December 2020, the Indian government amended land laws in Jammu and Kashmir, allowing anyone from any part of the country to buy land in the Union Territory except agricultural land. This has also facilitated easier acquisition of land for military and other purposes. Local communities have raised concerns about displacement, loss of agricultural land, and inadequate compensation, which led to social and economic disruptions for affected families.

The domicile certificates, coupled with the NOC issuance to Indian businesses, allow Indian Hindus to work and settle in the region.

The statehood was abolished through the Reorganization Act of 2019, which divided Jammu and Kashmir into two Union territories: Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. The change brought the region under the direct administrative control of New Delhi, fully implementing the legal, social, economic, and administrative laws. To appease its voter base and win future elections, the BJP also brought the “Delimitation Act,” through which political representation has been altered.

According to the commission’s final order, the Jammu region now has 43 seats, up from 37, while the Kashmir region has 47 seats, up from 46. Critics argue that the new delimitation does not accurately reflect the population proportions of the two regions, potentially diluting the political influence of the Kashmir Valley.

The actions of the BJP government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi expose its anti-Muslim and anti-Kashmir agenda to make it a permanent part of India. The domicile law, delimitation act, and the new industrial policy all demonstrate the effort of the BJP to dilute and dismantle the Muslim majority of Jammu and Kashmir, to which it has used all illegal and unlawful tactics.

Economic Times Being Economical With The Truth


Indian media continues finding excuses to blame Pakistan to please and embolden a weakened Modi government. If it can’t find any excuses and evidence to accuse Pakistan, it just invents them.

Recently, a hawkish, xenophobic, and rabid Indian channel ran “news” with red flashing screens masquerading as the breaking news that 600 SSG commandos of Pakistan had entered the Jammu valley and were busy attacking Indian occupying forces.

Indian media continues to fabricate baseless accusations to embolden a weakened Modi government.

While it used hyperventilation to create hype, no major international media picked it up, as there was nothing newsworthy about those manufactured lies.

Now, The Economic Times, from their Delhi Bureau (Not Dhaka), has come up with a lie to hurt the relations between Pakistan and Bangladesh.

“The civil society in Bangladesh has accused the Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka of interfering in the internal affairs of the country through its tacit support and active guidance to the radical student protestors in the country”.

It further says, “Several reports suggested that the Pakistan mission is in touch with a section of student protesters belonging to pro-Pakistan Jamaat, which is banned in Bangladesh.”

The paper specializing in economic news went out of its way to manufacture a news story to create tensions between Bangladesh and Pakistan when both countries have their hands full with their internal issues.

The Economic Times’ baseless allegations against Pakistan aim to damage Pakistan-Bangladesh diplomatic relations.

The recent turbulence in Bangladesh has its roots in its national history and politics, which have nothing to do with Pakistan. Pakistan recognized Bangladesh as a sovereign and independent country barely two years after its independence, and the people of Pakistan sincerely wish that Bangladesh would overcome and resolve its issues indigenously without the support and interference of any other country.

The Economic Times, being very economical with the truth, has invented some kind of non-existent “civil society” accusing Pakistan of interfering and being “in touch” with the student protesters. The paper has not mentioned any facts about this accusation. It looks more like a cheap attempt to blame and insult Pakistan in a clear attempt to damage the diplomatic relations between both countries.

Pakistan maintains a consistent policy of non-interference in other countries’ affairs.

When contacted, Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said, “Pakistan has a consistent policy of non-interference in the affairs of other countries.”

While India continues to destroy South Asian cooperation by paralyzing SAARC, it goes the extra mile to hurt the relations between other small nations in the region.

We hope that the people of Bangladesh can see through these cheap attempts to harm the relations between both countries and that they will overcome their issues soon.

Misinformation Leads to Violence : Gwadar Case

Misinformation and violence

The recent violent mob incident in Gwadar is the exposition of the increased threats that false information and group violence in the name of political or social causes present. An attack was launched by a group that called itself Baloch Raji Mochi that ended the lives of thirty-year-old soldier Shabbir Baloch and sixteen others inclusive of an officer injured. This speaks volumes not only about the vulnerability of the security force on any given day but also paints a picture of the effect of misinformation and mob violence on the social fibre of Pakistan.

Facebook and Twitter and applications of such nature have been vital in how people communicate and perhaps organize themselves but are very lethal when used by anti-social people. In the case of Gwadar, such factors as misinformation and support of the illegal and violent march by the so-called Baloch Raji Mochi were actively spread on social media. This negative propaganda is not only wrong but also dangerous to the security, economy, and society of a nation.

Organizing the actions in the social network so that the population will use violence and the creation of disorder as ways of expression, is something that cannot be allowed. Thus, politicians were always exposed to negative comments and threats on their accounts, but the targeting of the highest-ranking judicial authorities and the Pakistan Army is significant. Deeds like these are not only regrettable but also destructive to the stability of the country’s security and existence. It promotes an atmosphere of hatred that deprives all the efforts of those who strive for the emergence of a society that prevails in the prevalence of law and non-conflict.

In the case of Gwadar, such factors as misinformation and support of the illegal and violent march by the so-called Baloch Raji Mochi were actively spread on social media.

The reported act of violence in Gwadar in which a hostel was set on fire and some individuals were killed is an outright revolt against the state’s power and legal requirements. Such actions are tame and cannot be tolerated because they are the precursor to the disturbed order in a country. The death of an officer like Shabbir Baloch is a great loss, the wounding of sixteen other youths among which there was an officer, is a symbol of the struggles the security forces go through to safeguard the nation.

At the same time, the security forces themselves refrained from excessive force based on the destruction of the enemy, to minimize the potential loss of life among the civilian population. This restraint shows the professionalism and commitment of armed forces to their job irrespective of the escalating jeopardy level. The launch of a campaign to ensure that citizens do not resort to violence to adhere to the rule of law with the police force is an equally significant stage in ensuring law and order within the society since division weakens the efforts to fight certain criminal acts.

Addressing such challenges in the meantime, as a way of building a resilient society is going to require an integration of several strategies of community psychological intervention. A major step is to inform, and educate the population and reduce the presence and influence of negative messages spread through social networks. People must be provided with the means to distinguish reality from myth and comprehend the significance of an individual’s involvement or endorsement of violence.

In addition, the legal measures should be enhanced to fight the circulation of fake news and incitement to violence. This involves not only physically violent people but also those who spread violent messages on social media. The issue of accountability is critical in the avoidance of future occurrences and in guaranteeing lawfulness.

Similarly, civil society and the media should assist in the prevention of negative propaganda and the formation of mobs. This way, they can contribute towards reducing adversative information that inclines the population to disruptiveness. Professional and engaged press and an informed and engaged public – these concepts are the cornerstones of society based on the principles of peace and tolerance and focusing on cooperation.

The issue of accountability is critical in the avoidance of future occurrences and in guaranteeing lawfulness.

The meaningful discussion between and among various social and political entities would reduce tendencies of having the respective grievances within the societies be exploited by politically motivated personalities with a view of depicting the society as violent. Promoting healthy debates for matters of public interest helps society understand different perspectives and will hardly find a need to resort to violence.

It is very disturbing that even such a simple matter as peaceful protest could lead to violent confrontation and brutal actions of a mob in Gwadar a prime example of Pakistan’s struggle to provide safety and stability. The two forms of activities that should be combated actively and immediately are negative propaganda as well as violence by mobs. Lives have been lost and those who are valiant in the protection of their country have been injured which should be a call to the nation to come together and be vigilant.

By solving the causes of misperception and violence, improving the legislation in this sphere, and educating people, Pakistan can develop a strong society that will not yield to such threats. Security can only be achieved when armed forces and law enforcement agencies act in unison with the civil society and the media whereby act as a watchdog over the government to ensure peace is maintained. The lives of the people sacrificed in the course of work must not have been in vain; they help remind society of the continued fight against the delinquent individuals in society who are bent on denting the image of the country.

Youth Empowerment is key to Transforming Pakistan

youth empowerment

The dire state of education and skill development in Pakistan presents a challenge and a profound opportunity. As we stand at the crossroads of a burgeoning population and an increasingly competitive global marketplace, it is imperative to harness the potential of our youth through focused youth empowerment initiatives.

According to the data obtained during the 2023 census in Pakistan, the problem of young people’s future needs immediate focus. With more than 2.5 million children not attending formal education and the population growth rate, being one of the highest in the world, the issue requires urgent intervention. An analysis of census data shows that there is ability in the young people that can help in the development of every nation.

However, this ability cannot manifest itself if the youth is not educated properly or given relevant skills. For this potential to be fully realised and take the nation towards a direction of economic growth and development, what is needed is the development of skilled manpower.

With more than 2.5 million children not attending formal education and the population growth rate, being one of the highest in the world, the issue requires urgent intervention.

In 2017, the World Economic Forum presented the skills problem in Pakistan and placed the country in the 125th place among 130 countries regarding the skilled workforce. On this account, other South Asian nations such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, India, and Bangladesh are better placed. This lack of skills is not only a national problem, but it also hinders the travel of youth to avail employment opportunities in other countries.

Currently, people from Pakistan especially the young ones look for jobs overseas, nevertheless, they lack the adequate skills to get better official jobs. This is compounded by the lack of technical education institutions to produce competent technical persons for the country’s human resources.

There are around 3500 technical education institutions in the country which can only produce around half a million qualified manpower. This is sadly lacking, especially in the light of the large population, most of whom are in desperate need of jobs, including careers in the skilled professions.

To deal with such problems, Pakistan needs a revolutionary change in its educational and skills development policies. Specifically, the government should realize that the traditional concentration on passing exams and, consequently, on obtaining a university degree is insufficient. Today’s world economy requires people to obtain vocational education and develop technical skills and competencies. Many of the youth in developed countries are going to vocational schools rather than college education to get saleable skills.

However, there is good news regarding the issuance of policies in this regard is that the Punjab government has initiated to encourage public-private partnership for TEVTA Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority projects. The intended purpose of this regard is to implement contemporary courses relevant to market standards and even foreign languages in TEVTA institutes.

Such collaborations can help in closing the existing gap between education provision and demand in industry as the product; the graduate, will be fitted to meet the demands of the employers. However, it can be said that the suggestion to form the Punjab Overseas Employment Promoting Authority is very sensible. This authority can go a long way in outsourcing international jobs and ensuring that the youth makes himself or herself ready to meet the skills demanded by these countries. In this way, with the help of accurately oriented training programs, which correspond to international standards, the personnel of Pakistan can be improved and get the opportunities to work for an international company.

The Punjab government has initiated to encourage public-private partnerships for TEVTA Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority projects.

The trade secret can also greatly be enhanced through the services of trade officers attached to various countries’ embassies across the globe. They can therefore be useful to technical training institutions as they indicate trades and specific skills, needed in different countries.

These are the facts, which can be employed to develop the training programs for overseas job markets within Pakistan; in this way, the probability of finding the job by the Pakistani youth will be elevated overseas.

Thus, to build the Pakistan of tomorrow, the education, health, and skill development of human capital is unquestionably the most important long-term investment. This calls for a change of education policy, specifically quality compulsory education up to the higher secondary level. On the same note, there should be a plan to expand the vocational training colleges with market orientation to address the demand for skilled human resources.

These institutions must be fashioned to offer training by the modern standards of the industry and new technology. In this way, Pakistan can produce a human resource that they could use at the domestic level to fuel their economy and can compete in the international market.

Arab Spring: A Decade of Change?

Arab Spring

The concept of Arab Spring had surfaced in late 2010s with protests and uprisings across the Arab World. Tunisian Mohamed Bouazizi burned himself due to financial problems and the policy of persecution and oppression followed by the authorities on December 17, 2010, in Tunisia. It resulted in the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on January 14, 2011. This first victory led to the creation of similar movements in other Arab countries. In Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak stepped down from power on February 11, 2011, because of a revolution, but General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi’s military coup put an end to a brief democratic stint in 2013.

Bahrain’s monarchy, aided by some Gulf States, started a crackdown on violent protests on February 15th, 2011. Meanwhile, unrest in Libya resulted in a civil war and the death of the long-standing dictator Muammar Gaddafi on 20th October, 2011. The uprising in Syria was initially nonviolent, but eventually turned into a civil war, which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of people being forced to flee their homes.

Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh stepped down in February 2012 and the country plunged into armed conflict underscored by interregional wars. The expectations of freedom and change of power ignited by the Arab Spring were realized on a political level up to a certain extent; however, many of the goals were left unfulfilled, causing the continuation of internal conflicts in the Arab countries.

The image of politics in the Middle East and North Africa has changed significantly after the Arab Spring, which overthrew authoritarian systems. Results have ranged from new types of regimes, political changes and continuation of authoritarianism. Transitional states appeared and uprooted the traditional hierarchies, but more often, they paved the way for hybrid political systems or new forms of authoritarianism, unlike that witnessed in Europe after post-totalitarianism.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE continued with the rentier state plural to access to resources and voices, political alteration, and coercion. Syria was the only nation that remained autocratic under prolonged conflict under the leadership of Bashar al-Assad. However, other countries faced different political changes. This diverse political environment demonstrates the development of political structures in the region and emphasizes constant difficulties and uncertainties of further evolution. The Arab Spring brought the emphasis of Middle East countries from the international politics on the political situations in their own countries.

Transitional states appeared and uprooted the traditional hierarchies, but more frequently, they paved the way for hybrid political systems.

While Saudi Arabia launches a confrontation with Iran using its oil resources, Qatar applies gas to gain its influence. Currently, Egypt, which at one point was among the countries deemed influential in the region, is experiencing political and economic challenges. Consequently, Iraq continues to suffer the impacts of external forces and conflict. Historically, the Arab powers have become weaker, and emerging powers like Iran, Turkiye, and Israel are taking up the power vacuum. Nevertheless, the US aids Israel despite hostility in the region; Turkiye increases its influence by being a model democracy; and Iran sees the Arab Spring as a continuation of its revolution.

Turkiye and Iran support different sides in Syria but do not attack each other directly. Nine years on, expectancies of reforms have remained mainly unmet. Seemingly, many of these uprisings took a violent turn and brought back authoritarian rule in countries such as Syria, Yemen, and Libya, while Egypt reverted back to the military regime. Tunisia remains the only country that has managed the change towards democracy.

Protests that recently occurred in Algeria and Sudan brought down dictators; however, their future is ambiguous. Specifically, violence, sectarian conflict and migration have been propelled by the interferences of external powers. Hence, long-term stability is only achievable by embracing democracy. Sadly, two years after the Arab Spring, the world’s interests faded while problems stayed. That being the case, infamy and ruthlessness persist, which is evident in the case of Syria, despite the removal of some rulers.

Some countries favor monarchies and may not embrace change as easily, while other leaders exploring the Islamic religion can suppress people’s rights and liberties. Democratization is still a challenging concept, and it can produce adverse consequences. However, Egypt’s latest constitution contains some positive additions that can be discussed. Nevertheless, some of them are still rather uncertain in their nature and may turn into odious ones in the future.

It can be seen that the movement in Algeria back from democracy and the enthusiasm of Libyan revolutionary processes show that stable governance and protection of the minorities are the pressing issues. The support for human rights and democratization must continue to be supported internationally. A decade later, large-scale change is not expected.

The problems that initiated the Arab Spring are still relevant, and people have taken to the streets again.

The problems that initiated the Arab Spring are still relevant, and people have taken to the streets again, calling it Arab Spring 2.0 in Algeria, Lebanon, Sudan, and other Arabic countries. Modern protests are mostly peaceful, and all the participants are dressed, which indicates skepticism towards the existing leadership and the need for new leaders. Old symbolisms of monarchic and dictatorial powers monopolized by oil wealth in the region are decreasing, but building a just form of governance is still not easy.

Some demonstrators denied that they were interested in military or Islamist groups as heirs to the current regimes. Dictators have quelled democratic presidents, yet PFOK reports growing discontent in 12 of the 22 Arab states. However, the unpredictable results suggest that there is still a chance for change because the tactics used by the actors are strategic and nonviolent.


Afghan Taliban

ISLAMABAD – A former Afghan Taliban commander has claimed in a video statement that “Iran is responsible for the death of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh”.

“We will soon avenge Haniyeh’s death from Iran,” he added.

Abdul Hamid Khorasani aka Nasir said “Iran and Israel are two sides of the same coin” and “targeting Iran is even more crucial than targeting Israel”.

“Such actions would not be possible without support from within.”

The video circulating on different social media platforms shows Khorasani and his associates equipped with advanced weapons and communication devices.


Khorasani, a Tajik-origin member of the Taliban from Panjsher province, has been a prominent figure within the group, while frequently featuring in media and social networks.

During Ashraf Ghani’s rule in 2019, the Ministry of Interior Affairs placed him on the wanted list for charges including murder, extortion, hostage-taking, and drug smuggling, which he denied.

In 2021, Khorasani joined the Taliban and was appointed as the security chief for Panjsher province. He survived an assassination attempt by the National Resistance Front (NRF) in January 2022.


Reportedly, he received significant support from Sirajuddin Haqqani, a powerful figure in the ruling Taliban regime.

In February 2022, Khorasani led a Taliban operation against the National Resistance Front (NRF), targeting and occupying caves and mountaintops in the Panjsher Valley.

However, in March 2022, he was removed from his position after releasing a controversial video urging supreme leader Hibatullah Akundzada to dismiss Mullah Qudrat Ullah as the governor of Panjsher.

According to the available details, Khorasani in 2023 became the chief of Ahmad Aba district and later threatened Iran on Twitter following a clash.

During border skirmishes in March 2024, he warned Pakistan of potential eradication if ordered by Hibatullah Akundzada, the Taliban supreme leader.

Khorasani also released an audiotape calling for the trial and punishment of Taliban members responsible for killing demonstrators during the 2024 Badakhshan protest and criticized the group’s linguistic policies, threatening to leave if justice was not served.


He has consistently asserted that non-Pashtun commanders and fighters face discrimination within the Taliban’s ranks.

At times, he openly criticized certain policies of the Taliban’s Supreme Council, which has contributed to his marginalization.

Despite this, sources indicate that Khorasani still commands a significant number of non-Pashtun Taliban fighters.

However, the Afghan Taliban have not yet issued an official response to his video.

British-American Journalist Deported for Visa Violation!

Visa Violation

Authorities in Pakistan on Wednesday deported Charles Glass, a British-American journalist and author.

Why? Because he was visiting Pakistan on a visit/tourist visa but wanted to interview the incarcerated PTI founding chairman – Imran Khan.

He had reached Islamabad after applying for and obtaining a visa from the Pakistani embassy in London.  Although some circles are creating an impression that the deportation is an attempt to muzzle media, the facts are otherwise.

When contacted, reliable sources explained the reasons behind the move. According to the sources, when a journalist is visiting a country on a visit/tourist visa, he is not allowed to engage in journalistic activities.

Nevertheless, Glass started journalistic activities that were against media ethics, international norms, and procedures. Media reports suggest that Glass was earlier spotted around the Adiala jail, where Aleema Khan – a sister of the PTI founding chairman accompanied him. It is said that the British journalist is a close friend of Imran, which is the reason why Aleema

In these circumstances, the authorities had to take this extreme decision. In the era of the post-truth world, here are some important points concerning the issue. Tourist visas typically prohibit any form of work, including journalism. Violating visa terms can result in deportation, fines, or bans from entering the country in the future.

Moreover, engaging in professional activities without the appropriate visa is generally considered a violation of immigration and labor laws. This can result in legal consequences, including arrest and deportation.

At the same time, practicing journalism under a tourist visa can be seen as deceptive and unethical. There is another factor that must not be ignored: Respecting the host country’s laws and regulations. It is a fundamental ethical consideration for journalists.

The way Glass was pursuing his objective also coincided with an organized campaign launched against the national institutions. That’s why foreign elements have been very active in distorting facts about what is happening in Pakistan.



9/11 attacks

WASHINGTON – Khalid Sheikh Mohammed – the accused mastermind of 9/11 attacks – and two of his associates have agreed to plead guilty, the Pentagon said.

The major development, however, reportedly involves a plea deal – a move that has been immediately criticized by the Republicans. It comes just months before the US presidential election with a showdown between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

It means the prosecution will now not seek death penalty for the accused after reaching the plea deal.

Mohammed along with Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al-Hawsawi are among the persons imprisoned at the US Navy base at Guantanamo Bay for years. They have spent all these years without going to trial.

The US-educated Mohammed was captured along with Hawsawi in Pakistan in March 2003.

However, the US Defense Department says “the specific terms and conditions of the pretrial agreements are not available to the public at this time”.


Mohammed is accused of presenting the idea of hijacking and flying planes into the US buildings to al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. He also helped recruit and train some of the hijackers, says the prosecution.

Thus, the deadliest attacks on the US soil were carried out on Sept 11, 2001 with hijacked passenger planes, which crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington.

Meanwhile, the fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania due to the resistance offered by passengers.

Among others, the charges include attacking civilians, murder in violation of the laws of war, hijacking and terrorism.


It is the “enhanced interrogation techniques” which have delayed the trial for such a long period.

There are fears that brutal interrogation techniques could have undermined the evidence against the detainees.

Reportedly, Mohammed went through “waterboarding” [stimulated drowning] and other measures for at least 183 times. The critics describes these as torture.


Mohammed is, perhaps, not only the most “famous” Guantanamo Bay inmate but also of any other prisoner around the world.

The notorious detention facility was established in 2002 by the then-US president George W Bush to house foreign militant suspects following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

Once housing around 800 prisoners, its population has now shrunk to 30, according to the BBC.

The reason behind setting up this detention facility was that habeas corpus laws could not applied to Guantanamo Bay because of being outside the US territory.

Hence, it helped the President Bush administration meeting the requirements for a presidential order that allowed an indefinite detention of foreign nationals without charge.


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell condemned the move as “a revolting abdication of the government’s responsibility to defend America and provide justice”.

“The only thing worse than negotiating with terrorists is negotiating with them after they are in custody,” he said.

The War Chests of 2024: Who is Funding Whom?

US election 2024

With the 2024 presidential election fast approaching the campaigns of Kamala Harris, the sitting Vice President of the USA and the defeated President Donald Trump are in the spotlight concerning fundraising. The two candidates have mobilized fairly good amounts of money, which has shown strategic direction as well as support from their constituencies. These major campaigns are explored comprehensively by examining which donors fund them, where the money for these campaigns comes from, and what this information says about the next election.

Kamala Harris stands as the very first female on a presidential ticket and has proven not only active but extraordinarily effective at fundraising; the ticket has pulled in $200 million in one week (CBS News, 2024). Her campaign referred to large donations and many people donated amounts as small as five dollars, meaning the support base is spread wide. Significantly, a well-known liberal group, Act Blue, said that Harris donated $46. 7 million of the donation from small-dollar donations only according to the Wall Street Journal 2024.

Kamala Harris Raises $200 Million in One Week, Showcasing Extraordinary Fundraising Prowess.

The fact that Harris can bring together contributors increases her popularity due to the fact that she is going after a large market. These show that her strategies align well with the Democratic programs and the Biden presidency to achieve more influence among the voters, at the same time enhancing the campaign’s financial profile.

If Harris’s campaign finance reports are analyzed, it would be apparent that she has generated substantial funds from other sources apart from the small individual donors. Prominent high-tech industry givers and long-standing Democratic Party supporters have greatly enhanced her fundraiser (Yahoo Finance, 2024). Harris’s strategy would be to involve average people in donating small amounts of money online, alongside involving wealthy individuals donating large amounts of money (NPR, 2024). Thus, this double strategy guarantees continuous cash inflows and develops a tight bond with a vast number of voters.

Contrary to this, Donald Trump operates a camp of big-buck benefactors who still fund him a lot of money. His campaign is endorsed mostly by individuals with high net worth and famous businessmen and women (Reuters, 2024). Some of the prominent funders include Sheldon Adelson, Elon Musk, and Bill Ackman, who in this historical past been related to the conservatives (Axios, 2024). It also shows that Trump still has supporters within the GOP and also his ability to quickly amass significant funds. Nevertheless, legal and political challenges have pierced Trump’s fundraising activities, which are still vigorous to this day, thanks to his popularity among the conservative-affluent population.

Trump’s Campaign Backed by Big-Buck Donors Like Elon Musk and Bill Ackman, Reflecting Conservative Support.

Thus, contrasting the financial support provided to the campaigns of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump makes it possible to articulate the differences. This makes Harris’s campaign more diverse in terms of funding since aside from the small-dollar donors, her campaign receives sizable contributions from the Democratic elite. These broad spectrums of support can be useful in rallying a large voting base and keeping the campaign going (CBS News, 2024).

On the other hand, Trump’s heavy reliance on big-dollar donors can be concluded as pointing at the fact that he’s credible amongst business people and pulls a conservative demographic. But this is prudent in his approach as it gives him a huge source of financial revenue (Reuters, 2024), though limits his chances of mobilizing a large turnout of the population, especially at a period of political polarization.

Since funding is one of the major concerns of any candidate standing for elections, Harris and Trump’s financial plans and strategies, and the donor pool that they shall engage to finance their plans shall form the skeleton of their campaigns and ability to interface with the voters. The fact that Harris can appeal to so many types of donors means that the campaign can appeal to a wide variety of voters, meaning it can be flexible to address voters’ needs and worries for (Wall Street Journal, 2024).

Harris’s Fundraising Strategy Involves Both Small-Dollar and High-Tech Industry Donations, Ensuring Broad-Based Financial Support.

One needs to look at his sources of funding to see that he has several billionaires endorsing his campaign to fund it, thus pointing towards the fact that he is capable of facing major hardships. However, his reliance on heavyweight donors can also turn off voters who are wary of the influence of the powerful elites in the political process.

The financial support that a candidate receives whether individually or from parties will define his campaigns and chances of winning. The available data does not allow us to forecast the outcome of the 2024 election; however, the funds raised by Harris and Trump are informative in terms of assessing their political potential and their voter base.

Why the big businesses like Musk are backing Trump? Many rightly believed that the tendency is natural, as Trump believes in tax cuts and protecting the interests of Wall Street. Moreover, history shows again and again that affluent classes have always stood by dictators or those promoting authoritarianism which suits them by minimizing the role of legislature and other democratic players.

Trump’s Fundraising Hampered by Legal Challenges but Bolstered by Affluent Conservatives, Highlighting Divisive Political Landscape.

Who won’t love Trump who has a proven history of tax cuts and materializing limiting the dream of a limited government? At the same time, Musk and others also firmly believe in curtailing the freedom of speech in the name of freedom of speech. They see Trump as an ideal candidate for this purpose. Hence, they aren’t hesitating to pump money into the far right-led Republican machinery.

The contestation for the presidency in 2024 is, among other things, a battle of political philosophies fundraising models, and supporters. The amounts are Sabastian Vettel-style fundraising among other sources, and the strategies of raising funds in the case of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump may be classified as equally different. It is difficult to imagine that, as the election nears, the financial features of their campaigns will not affect the directions to the White House and the possibilities to attract the American people.