The recent announcement of the African Union (AU) becoming a permanent member of the G20 has sent ripples across the geopolitical landscape. This decision is seen as a testament to the growing importance of Africa in the global economy and politics, and its implications for the BRICS+ are immense. The BRICS+ is a group of emerging economies comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and other developing nations. Their role in the global economic landscape has solidified over the past decades, with each country representing a major regional economy. The addition of the AU to the G20 is a testament to the importance of the African continent in the current and future global economic landscape.

With AU’s inclusion in the G20, there will be an increased opportunity for cultural exchange between Africa and BRICS+ nations. Such exchanges promote understanding, reduce mistrust, and can be the foundation for stronger diplomatic and economic relations. African music, dance, art, and literature can find new audiences in BRICS+ nations and vice versa. These cultural exchanges can become a soft power tool, allowing nations to influence global opinion and foster friendships without resorting to hard political or economic tactics.

BRICS+ nations and the African Union can now take collective stances on pressing global issues such as terrorism, global health crises, and human rights abuses. By standing united, these countries can exert considerable influence on global decisions and policies.

The new alliance can see a surge in student exchange programs, scholarships, and joint academic research between African institutions and those in the BRICS+ nations. Such educational interactions can lead to breakthroughs in various fields and cultivate a generation that understands the complexities and potentials of both sides. Africa is experiencing a startup boom, especially in Nigeria, South Africa, and Kenya. With technological hubs, BRICS nations, especially China, can collaborate with African tech startups, leading to mutual growth and technological advancement. Such partnerships can create solutions tailored to emerging markets and challenges in the Global South.

Africa’s challenges, such as infectious diseases and lack of health infrastructure, are areas where BRICS+ nations, particularly China, with its pharmaceutical prowess, can play a significant role. Joint ventures can lead to affordable medicines, health technologies, and improved health outcomes for millions. Both BRICS+ and many African nations grapple with poverty, illiteracy, and unemployment issues. Collaborative social programs, knowledge exchange, and joint initiatives can be instrumental in addressing these shared challenges.

Climate change affects both BRICS+ nations and African countries. They can jointly advocate for the interests of the Global South in international platforms such as the UNFCCC.

By pooling resources, knowledge, and technologies, they can develop more resilient systems against climate challenges and pursue sustainable energy sources. Africa hosts some of the world’s most biodiverse regions, while countries like Brazil and India also have rich biodiversity. Collaborative conservation efforts, research, and eco-tourism initiatives can mutually benefit and advance conservation science.

With its vast resources and strategic geopolitical position, the African continent is crucial for global security. However, parts of Africa have been historically susceptible to conflicts and insurgencies. With stronger ties through the G20 platform, BRICS+ nations can collaborate with African countries to foster peace, counter-terrorism, and enhance regional stability. Joint military exercises, intelligence sharing, and capacity building can contribute significantly to these endeavors. Many BRICS+ countries, including China and South Africa, have extensive coastlines and significant interests in ensuring the security of maritime routes. The strategic waterways adjacent to Africa, such as the Gulf of Guinea and the Horn of Africa, have been hotspots for piracy and other security concerns. Joint naval exercises and patrols can ensure the safety of these essential trade routes, benefitting both African and BRICS+ economies.

The AU’s inclusion in the G20 cements Africa’s growing importance in geopolitics. For BRICS+, this means that in the coming decades, strategies will shift, and Africa will play a pivotal role in global affairs. BRICS+ nations would do well to foster deep-rooted ties with Africa, looking beyond mere economic transactions and focusing on long-term, sustainable, and mutually beneficial partnerships. As the global economic center shifts, BRICS+ nations and Africa will be at the forefront of this new order. Their combined economic might, if harnessed correctly, can redefine global economic dynamics, offering an alternative to traditional Western-led economic paradigms. In the grand tapestry of global politics and economics, including the African Union in the G20 is a significant threat. It acknowledges Africa’s rightful place on the global stage and reshapes the future of BRICS+ nations. Collaboration, mutual respect, and a shared vision will be crucial as they navigate this new landscape. The world watches with bated breath, hopeful about this new alignment’s promise for the future.

The journey of the African Union’s inclusion in the G20 and its implications for the BRICS+ countries is an unfolding narrative. It presents a world of possibilities where emerging economies and nations unite for a common purpose – a world of shared dreams, prosperity, and a brighter future.



  • Sohail Javed

    The author is a respected media professional serving as Chief Executive of National News Channel HD and Executive Editor of "The Frontier Interruption Report." He can be reached at

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