Good and bad, justice and injustice, peace and chaos have always remained firm and ground on earth since the recorded history of mankind. Some people learn from history while some don’t. There is an imminent need of strategical implications to be made for peaceful reformations where the high demand of unity among nation is the need of time.

If a nation fails to establish or maintain unity, this means a fall of the system which is upholding the nation. We can take a lot of examples from Pakistan’s neighbors like China and Afghanistan where through unity, they have achieved their suitable governmental structure that they have now.

The historical context of Pakistan reveals that unity among its diverse ethnicities is crucial for maintaining stability and governance.

It is a fact that Pakistan is diverse and contains various ethnicities, belief systems be it political or religious. Still there are a few things the nation unites upon. Figures like Allama Iqbal and Muhammad Ali Jinnah were beloved by majority due to their straightforward ideology and message to the nation.

Today, we Pakistanis have become dispersed, divided in chaotic beliefs. The reason we as a nation fail in many terms is disunity and lack of proper reason of ideology, that is that Pakistan is a nation built to be an example for all Muslim nations while implementing and experimenting Islamic thought. This ideology makes Pakistan a leader to all Muslim nations only of this is understood.

There is no doubt that Indian/Bharat funded elements play a vital role in destabilizing the country to the extent to the plan to break Pakistan into half. In Balochistan, KPK and Sindh we have open examples of Indian influence in terrorism and chaos. Illiteracy is another strong enemy of the state. Where politicians have intentionally kept the nation illiterate for the purpose of vote counts, which is among the biggest attacks to the nation.

External influences, particularly from India, exacerbate internal divisions and contribute to instability within Pakistan.

No doubt with pure education, the current democratic setup cannot remain whatsoever. The image of Pakistan’s military which has become massively damaged can still be recovered with just simple precautions, after all this is a matter of national security. The army has a duty, like all other institutions have duties, army’s role in securing nuclear however becomes invisible to the eyes of many, just as other high security precautions.

But only if security measures be taken against all kinds of pure terrorism within the country with a touch of a change/transition of cutrent democratic setup is enough to secure ot gain back army’s status, duty and social security. Just as all institutions are important, not all hold absolute authority.

The current setup of parliament is going to cause nothing but pain to all, even to the setup itself as it is already as of now. In the past, the nation has experienced a technocratic government, that is not the sole answer to all our problems. A disease needs modern cure. All knows that all need security, having military training for fifty million people is not a hard task, for now the security forces are capable of such tasks to train, but not all know that all can be trained, Israel is an example where almost all are trained.

There always is a sense and intelligence for forgiveness, but only to the cost of refining or re-application of past mistakes practiced by the regime. With great power comes sensitivity of actions, where actions are so vital, that can cause peace or instability depending upon the decisions made.

Education is essential for empowering citizens and reducing vulnerability to manipulation by corrupt politicians.

What the nation needs is mental and physical security. This current democracy is doing nothing but helping hands in destabilizing peace and security of all the nation which without a doubt has a huge cost of blood and disunity.

In war rooms, of calculated actions not be taken in this sensitive situation, blood and chaos is the only thing which is imminent. The world situation is not as peaceful as it seems, global destabilization is on the rise engined by Israel’s actions. Bloody eyes of Pakistan’s enemies are only waiting for the right time. Pakistan is not what actually matters, what matters is the idea of Pakistan, which is not usual.

Only if the security forces focus solely on security and physical stability militarily and new form of government be made to be separated on democratic structure and separate itself from the legal realm, would be the best thing for all. Corruption and traitors are present in all institutions, with them being unchecked, results only to instability, which is not good for either corruptors or to those upon whom injustice has been made.

A reformed democratic structure that emphasizes security and accountability can restore faith in institutions and promote national unity.

There is a no win for anyone if the destabilization of a nation is taken advantage of, and this is something many know about. Times of now, especially after the protest, people have come to realize that this is the way of pure revolution, while it is not. A true revolution is only through a peaceful process and does not always demand blood.


  • Muhammad Adnan Safdar

    The author is an Advocate Punjab Bar Council, and actively collaborates on legal research with senior lawyers.  The author, with majors in Journalism and Political Science, brings a diverse perspective to the intersection of law and global affairs.

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