ISLAMABAD – Recently-seized documents from the central media cell of PTI in Islamabad have established an undeniable link between the Imran Khan-led party and the propaganda launched against the state institutions, sources say.
The documentary evidence shows the PTI leaders were in constant touch with foreign personalities and media representatives.
It is forensic audit of the equipment seized during the raid, which proved the organized nature of this campaign, the sources say.
One of the startling revelations is the relationship between Raoof Hasan – the PTI information secretary – and Ryan Grim who is an American writer and journalist.
Grim is currently associated with Drop Site News, which he co-founded along with Jeremy Scahill. They had earlier left The Intercept – another joint venture.
According to the findings of the latest probe, Raoof formally contacted Grim in January 2024, as they regularly consulted on different issues. The sources say this association is shown by conversation they had on WhatsApp.
Grim has written several writeups in favor of Imran and all of these were designed as a propaganda weapon against Pakistan and its national institutions.
In one of such conversations, Grim wanted to confirm the material written by the PTI founder, which was published on May 15, the sources said.
The details show that Grim first inquired about the attack in which Raoof was targeted. He later asked whether “the material” was written by him. Another question whether they won’t share his name.
However, the sources added that Raoof opted for a WhatsApp call to answers the questions shared by his partner.
Another aspect which reveals the extent of this organized anti-Pakistan propaganda is that Grim along with Murtaza had been portraying Imran as a hero even when they wrote for The Intercept.
One may recall that the PTI moved the Lahore High Court (LHC) against the physical remand of Imran obtained by police last month in 12 cases related to May 9 riots. But a two-member LHC bench overturned the decision and quashed the remand.
Later this week, the prosecution filed a plea before the anti-terrorism court (ATC) concerned for a forensic audit of evidence against the PTI founder. However, the judge refused to hear the request on the grounds that he could not hear or decide on the applications as he was a duty judge. The prosecution should wait for the administrative judge who was on leave, he added.
Earlier, Imran Khan had refused to undergo polygraph, photogrammetry and voice matching tests in the cases related to May 9 violence. He took the stance when a police team from Lahore tried to interrogate him at the Central Jail Rawalpindi Adiala jail – the commonly known as Adiala jail because of the neighborhood it is located in.
In one of the interviews for foreign media, the PTI founding chairman had made claims about solitary confinement and lack basic amenities. It was also published that he neither had access to his legal team nor could meet any other visitors.
But when facts were shared with the Supreme Court and general public, every claim proved wrong.
One of the most important things is that the reporter didn’t bother to verify his assertions and contacted the government authorities for their version – one of the basic practices for media persons.
So, it was again foreign media that played into their hands by promoting fake news, which could only be described as a part of overall campaign.
This leads us to the principles of effective propaganda: keep it simple and short, repeat and portray those challenging you as an evil, and create an impression that the savior is here you.
Meanwhile, no one can blame the PTI as well as its promoters and facilitators made sure that all these ingredients were there.
A thorough investigation into the coordinated malicious campaign has again highlighted the importance of a scientific approach in dealing with such matters. Criminology is a science, not something based upon whims and personal affiliations.
However, it is possible only if there are no hurdles.
Both the civilian and military leadership have repeatedly pointed to the delay in punishing the culprits involved in the May 9 incidents – from the planners to the executors.
However, the relief obtained by the PTI through courts under one pretext or the other means that neither the investigation agencies can a detailed probe nor the prosecution file a solid case.
It also shows why Imran declined to fully comply with the requirements of the Lahore police team, thus sabotaging the entire investigation process.
Hence, it also explains the reasons behind the anti-Pakistan campaign which is revolving around spreading disinformation and propagating fake news on mainstream and social media so that an environment could be created within and outside Pakistan where those attacking the state and inciting a coup in military are listed as innocent victims.