The essence of a prosperous society lies in the unwavering adherence to a sense of duty and punctuality. These foundational values, when compromised, pave the way for moral and social degradation, as observed in today’s society where wealth acquisition overshadows all other pursuits. This moral decay is evident in the constant reports of corruption and systemic decline across various sectors, as highlighted by the media. The pervasive narrative of doom and gloom, perpetuated by political leaders and economists, foresees an impending debt trap that threatens to engulf us. Despite noticeable improvements in our situation, a widespread belief persists that the world is against us and that we lack the capability to manage our affairs. To dispel this cloud of despair and hopelessness, we must rekindle the pursuit of higher goals in life.

The key to igniting these sparklies is the inspiring stories of our great leaders. Their achievements, marked by common sense, perseverance, and selflessness, shielded the Muslims in the subcontinent from cultural assimilation by the British and Hindus, ultimately securing freedom through unparalleled political and constitutional struggles. These historical narratives can light the lamp of hope, dispelling the darkness and dismantling the barriers of low self-esteem and timidity. The teachings of the last Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and the divine guidance from Allah, the Lord of the Universe, constantly remind us to have faith in Allah’s mercy and seek goodness in this life and the hereafter. For a nation teetering on the edge, turning wholeheartedly to these sources of guidance is imperative.

The root cause of the economic crisis we face today is our tendency to live beyond our means. Islamic teachings advocate simplicity and austerity, elevating contentment to a form of piety. The life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the greatest leader of the most significant revolution in history, exemplifies simplicity and austerity. Despite enduring hunger, his lifestyle remained simple, and he inspired his followers to strive for the highest ideals, far above material gains.

This sentiment is beautifully encapsulated in a poem: “A desire to achieve the goal thus cleansed from greed, we could not bow to the times, we could not flow in the flow of time.”

Islamic teachings emphasize accountability for the blessings we use from Allah Ta’ala. This principle was instilled in us from a young age; for instance, my mother, while performing ablution, always ensured that water was not wasted, and every resource was used judiciously. In today’s challenging economic climate, it is crucial that we live within our means and save a portion of our income. Embracing conscious austerity can significantly alleviate financial problems. At the governmental level, adopting this attitude can help overcome major difficulties. Unfortunately, our elites often feel entitled to spend lavishly on public resources, leading to severe wastage. The accountability system remains alarmingly ineffective, and the fear of God is diminishing. Recent statistics reveal that our ruling classes, judges, and senior military officers are enjoying benefits worth thousands of billions while wasting trillions of rupees. Eliminating this massive waste of resources can undoubtedly lead to economic stability. To achieve this, we must cultivate and practice the spirit of self-reliance throughout national life.

Recent efforts have shown improvements in our economic indicators, highlighting areas where income sources can be enhanced. According to the National Economic Survey, Overseas Pakistanis remitted over $3.2 billion in foreign exchange in the last financial year.

If our government and embassies fully engage with Overseas Pakistanis, addressing their legitimate demands and enhancing their skills, these remittances could grow significantly, providing a substantial boost to our economy.

Another critical factor contributing to economic growth is the agricultural sector, which has played a significant role this year. Therefore, it is essential for both provincial and federal governments to prioritize the agricultural sector and support farmers. Positive steps have already been taken by the President of PML-N, Mr. Nawaz Sharif, and Punjab Chief Minister, Ms. Maryam Nawaz, including the issuance of the Kisan Card. However, these measures require further enhancement. The agricultural sector has long been neglected, and our villages still lack modern infrastructure. Providing more facilities in rural areas will enhance national wealth. Improving the lives of the backward classes necessitates converting government schools and hospitals into quality institutions and focusing government efforts on education and health.