Media plays a major role in informing people about happenings all around the world i.e., from Asia to Australia we know everything through media today. With media getting digitalized in the 21st-century people can find out anything, and they buy the information they are getting through a click on their smart devices.  It’s human nature that we all have the curiosity to know everything happening around us. For centuries human beings rely on information, but little they know the consumption of information affects our perception related to things. Media is an important part of our life has the power to shape and build our perception, as the news we consume from media tends to form a public opinion.

Many states rely on media houses to expand their foreign, economic and political policies designs. Indian media is being used as mouthpiece of the government in order to accomplish political objectives.

Media has been playing pivotal role reshaping global politics. It has direct implications on society and playing important role in perception management. Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities. In 2021, over 4.26 billion people were using social media worldwide, a number projected to increase to almost six billion in 2027. Many states in the world are relying on media houses to expand their foreign, economic and political policies designs. In some cases, media is being used as mouthpiece of the government in order to accomplish certain objectives.

The EU Disinfo Lab report has revealed a huge Indian network propagating falsehood influencing EU Parliamentarians and international public opinion against other countries including Pakistan.

India is prime example of this controlled media environment where government is using media houses to enhance its outreach and projecting the success of ruling politicians including Prime Minister Modi. Indian media has been repeatedly exposed globally for its irresponsible reporting/ peddling fake news especially with regards to propaganda against Pakistan. The EU Disinfo Lab report has revealed a huge Indian network propagating falsehood influencing EU Parliamentarians and international public opinion against other countries including Pakistan.  There are numerous examples of international news channels such as France 24 and BBC which at different occasions pointed towards the ethical lacking in reporting by Indian news channels.

A careful analysis of the Indian media reporting on the subject highlight a visible pattern of propaganda

Pakistan has been the primary target of Indian state sponsored falsehood, recently Indian media with a lapse of two years have again started a malicious propaganda campaign accusing Pakistan for cross border terrorism in IIOJK. A careful analysis of the Indian media reporting on the subject highlight a visible pattern of propaganda. Since the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution three years back, Indian media started claiming rapid improvement in state of normalcy in the troubled occupied region of Jammu and Kashmir.

The tall claims by Indian military command also supported Indian state narrative. The statements of GOC 15 Corps deployed in IIOJK bear the testimony.  “We have stopped infiltration to a large extent. In 2020 there were 130 attempts of infiltration in Kashmir; this year, the number is less than 30, the decline in the infiltration incidents from across the borders was due to the Indian Army’s effective measures”.

Indian propaganda regarding surge in cross border terrorism from Pakistan seems that Indian government have ulterior motives to build a data base to intrude and invade Pakistan.

Leading Indian media houses be it print or electronic are working as mouthpieces of BJP for the propogation of Hindutva driven policies of ruling party. Leading Indian newspaper Economic Times highlighted GOC 15 Corps statement “At least in the Kashmir Valley, there have been zero ceasefire violations. Also, there has been no instigation from across the border”. Interestingly for continuous two years after the Indian highly illegal move to strip the Kashmiris from their right of autonomy accorded as per the UNSC resolution, India boosted the military achievements of completely seizing cross border terrorism. Moreover the Indian government and senior army leadership trumpeted about bringing level of so-called militancy to near zero.

The latest Indian propaganda regarding surge in cross border terrorism from Pakistan seems that Indian government have ulterior motives to build a data base to intrude and invade Pakistan. International community must come forward and caution India to refrain from the state sponsored policy of falsehood to initiate propaganda campaigns against Pakistan. Pakistan has time and again reiterated its stance of solving Kashmir problem through peaceful dialogue in line with the UNSC resolution.

Indian media is proliferating blunt lies while targeting certain organizations, they are doing this fuss and propaganda at the behest of incumbent warmongering Indian establishment.

International media has been wise in this regard while giving any news or opinion. They are somehow following proper journalistic approach before breaking any news. However, in Indian case, the situation is different. They are proliferating blunt lies while targeting certain individuals, groups or organizations. It is pertinent to mention here that they are doing this fuss and propaganda at the behest of incumbent warmongering Indian establishment.

Likewise, Information, transmitted through communication or media, plays an important role in the communication between individuals and communities. This information raises awareness about the events. On the other hand, information in news is not always conveyed correctly. Agenda-setting is the most important media perception theory which refers to the media’s coverage of a particular issue that becomes the focus of public attention. In simpler words, the media gives importance to a particular topic to shape public opinion.