Librarianship finds itself in a state of crisis in the present century. Its stereotyping as a custodian of books, controller of books, shushing people, sensible shoes, big glasses, and outdated dresses were few a cunning ruse developed in different countries. Some argue that librarianship is a declining profession with a low societal image.
Librarianship is transforming globally into roles like digital literacy specialists and data librarians, embracing new technology-driven paradigms.
Particularly with the advent of advanced technology, it was felt that librarians would lose their jobs because technology is an alternative tool to the library. In many countries, librarianship falls under the social sciences group; in some countries, it has been considered the sub-discipline of management science.
In developing countries, the profession is declining for many reasons, like financial constraints, heavy cuts in library budgets, and ineffective leadership skills of librarians, etc. Some non-professionals have been adjusted in libraries. Unlike in developing countries, librarianship in advanced countries like the USA, Germany, the UK, and Russia got immense recognition.
Librarianship in advanced countries emerged with new names like “the information providers, digital literacy specialist, data librarian, data specialist, digital librarian, and electronic librarian, etc.
Unlike in the past, people in advanced countries regarded librarianship as a New Breed Librarian, anarchist librarian, underground librarian, Belly Dancing librarian, street librarian, etc. Such kind of controversies have badly declined this profession. Some argue that librarians have been too slow to embrace the paradigm shift in information from analog to digital, to this end it has become the reason for the death of librarianships, still, in most countries, particularly in developing countries, librarians fear that ICT would replace the status of books which can badly affect the value of librarianship.
Librarians face stereotypes and undervaluation, yet their unique expertise in meeting information needs remains indispensable.
Many academic institutions have a sharp competition between IT and library staff which affects this profession as a declining one. We know that IT Staff mostly deals with library websites and technical issues like hardware and software; however, it is the librarians who know how to fulfill the information needs of their patron in academics.
In today’s era of information technology, librarians do not rely only on the degree of librarianship but also get additional certificates and diplomas in IT domains. It is said that whoever abreast themselves with the latest technology will have enormous reputations in their institutions.
Every discipline has a body of theoretical knowledge, similarly, librarianship has a body of theoretical knowledge at college and university levels, studies by research, exchanged amongst educators, and communication between professionals in the field; It has been declared as a recognized discipline that can be taught at BS, Master, M. Phil and PhD levels.
Each discipline has its core values, similarly, The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) has defined some core values for librarianship, these are services to the community, freedom of access to information, intellectual freedom, democracy, equity of access to information, respect for diversity, commitment to reformation literacy and lifelong learning, respect for copyright and intellectual property etc.
Advanced technology like AI, Blockchain, and Virtual Reality has reshaped librarianship into a modern, dual-service profession.
The core value of a professional is set out by the professionals’ associations through which a practitioner becomes registered and accredited within their profession. Most of its schools in Western and other developed countries are accredited by the American Library Association. It is not easy to pinpoint library schools worldwide; however, still, it has been argued that there are more than 500 library and information Science programs globally.
As per the website of ALA, more than 60 schools are accredited within the US and Canada. As each discipline has its theoretical body of knowledge, librarianship has become a vibrant discipline in social and management science globally. It has an up-to-date course curriculum, published literature, conference proceedings, overarching theories, various philosophical positions, and discourse on the internet which make them a prominent discipline.
Many believe that advanced technology like AI, Blockchain technology, RFID, Virtual Reality, and Mobile technology has positively transformed librarianship from a traditional setup to a modern profession. Now, librarians are considered information providers on two fronts, i.e. traditional and digital services.
The blurred boundaries surrounding the profession of librarianship and the changing nature of information acquisition are some factors that negatively devalue librarianship. Many librarians proclaim that librarians do not get the same respect from their clientele in organizations as other professions; that’s why all we are asking for is respect. Some literature in the past denotes that librarians have been deprived of recognition in most institutions.
Mostly, librarians have never been engaged in administrative affairs, editorial work, and curriculum development processes. Such negative images in the organization have left a black spot on the value of librarianship. A person can become a librarian by completing all required academic courses, meeting the credit hour requirements, conducting research, and successfully finishing research projects.
This comprehensive training prepares individuals for diverse roles in library and information science. Organizations need to treat librarians with the same respect and standards as other professionals, such respect can motivate them to contribute more effectively to achieving organizational goals.
Respect and recognition for librarians are essential for their full contribution to organizational and societal goals.
To build a positive reputation, librarians should focus on being welcoming to patrons, refrain from negative criticism of their profession, promote the value of librarianship, and continually upgrade their skills by staying updated with new technologies. Some scholars like Alan Bundy in 2001 argued that to sustain its value, librarians need to rediscover themselves.
Librarians have the potential to elevate their profession through government policies and initiatives focused on the information economy and knowledge-driven nations. In the 21st century, technology views data as a valuable commodity, and it is librarians who can effectively leverage this data to enhance its value.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. They do not represent the views, beliefs, or policies of the Stratheia.