In the complex geopolitical landscape of South Asia, the Afghan Interim Government must reassess its perception of India. The notion that India is a friend of Afghanistan is a dangerous misconception. India’s historical and current policies clearly illustrate a pattern of deceit and hostility towards Muslims and specifically, Afghan Pashtuns.

India’s internal policies and cultural outputs reflect deep-seated anti-Muslim sentiments. Films such as “Padmaavat” and “Panipat” portray Afghan Pashtuns as barbaric and treacherous. This portrayal extends beyond cinema, with the Indian film industry routinely depicting Muslims as criminals, drug dealers, and terrorists. This deliberate misrepresentation is part of a broader agenda to foster hatred and prejudice against Afghan Pashtuns globally. The impact of these portrayals on the global audience cannot be understated. They perpetuate stereotypes and reinforce negative perceptions of Muslims and Pashtuns, painting them as enemies of humanity. This cultural strategy aligns with India’s broader political objective to marginalize Muslim communities and undermine their credibility on the international stage. By shaping public perception through media, India ensures that its anti-Muslim narrative gains traction and support, both domestically and internationally.

The plight of Afghan refugees in India further underscores India’s duplicitous nature. Among the 21,000 Afghan refugees in India, 11,000 are seeking asylum but have not been granted official refugee status. This lack of recognition leaves refugees in a state of limbo, unable to access basic rights and services. Their uncertain status reflects India’s unwillingness to provide genuine support and protection to those fleeing conflict and persecution. Additionally, India’s recent cancellation of visas for 2,500 Afghan students has left their futures uncertain. This act of betrayal undermines trust and disrupts the educational pursuits of Afghan youth.

By expelling Afghan students from universities under the guise of administrative reasons, India betrays the fundamental principles of international cooperation and educational exchange. This move not only affects the individual students but also damages the bilateral relationship between the two countries.

India’s involvement in Afghanistan is not limited to cultural and political undermining. By supporting terrorist organizations like ISKP and TTP, India has sown unrest and instability in Afghanistan. These groups, funded and guided by India, target China’s interests in South and Central Asia, operating under a unified agenda against Afghan interests. ISKP leader Abdul Rahim Muslim Dost’s connections with India highlight this disturbing collaboration, revealing India as a key player in perpetuating violence in the region. The strategic use of these terrorist organizations serves multiple purposes for India. It creates chaos and instability in Afghanistan, weakening the Afghan government and making it more susceptible to Indian influence. Moreover, it allows India to counter Chinese influence in the region, aligning with broader geopolitical strategies. This manipulation of terrorist groups illustrates India’s willingness to exploit regional conflicts for its gain, regardless of the human cost.

India’s alliance with Israel further reveals its anti-Muslim stance. Since establishing military ties in the 1960s, India has been a steadfast supporter of Israel’s actions against Palestinians. Recent shipments of 27 tons of lethal ammunition from India to Israel, alongside joint ventures like the production of HERMES900 drones used against Palestinian Muslims, highlight this unholy alliance. The replacement of Palestinian workers with Indian laborers after the October 7 attacks exemplifies India’s willingness to contribute to Palestinian suffering for economic gain. This collaboration extends beyond military support. It represents a shared ideological commitment to marginalizing and oppressing Muslim populations. The historical and ongoing support for Israeli actions against Palestinians underscores India’s alignment with policies that directly harm Muslim communities.

By participating in and supporting Israel’s military endeavors, India positions itself as a complicit actor in the ongoing conflict in Palestine, revealing its true stance towards Muslims globally.

The Modi government’s policies have exacerbated the suffering of Muslims in illegally occupied Kashmir. Over the last decade, India has imported military equipment worth $2.9 billion from Israel, using these resources to oppress Kashmiri Muslims. This military collaboration underscores the shared objectives of India and Israel against Muslim populations. The use of advanced military technology against civilians in Kashmir illustrates the extent of India’s oppressive policies. These actions are not isolated incidents but part of a systematic approach to control and subjugate the Muslim population in the region. The use of Israeli weaponry, known for its effectiveness in urban warfare, against unarmed civilians highlights the brutal nature of India’s occupation and its disregard for human rights.

Under the guise of promoting religious diversity, India has built Hindu temples in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Bahrain. This move, however, masks a deeper agenda of eroding Islamic cultural and social roots, undermining the religious and cultural integrity of Muslim communities. By establishing these temples, India seeks to project an image of religious tolerance while simultaneously undermining the foundations of Muslim-majority societies. This strategy of cultural infiltration is part of a broader plan to diminish the influence of Islam in the region. By promoting Hinduism in Muslim countries, India aims to create divisions and weaken the unity of Muslim communities.

This cultural imperialism is a subtle yet effective way to exert influence and control over the region, furthering India’s geopolitical objectives.

Given these realities, the Afghan Interim Government must acknowledge that India is neither a friend nor a trustworthy ally. India’s consistent betrayal and subversive activities necessitate a complete severance of ties. Afghanistan should take decisive action against terrorist organizations funded by India, expelling them from Afghan soil. Cooperation with Pakistan to eradicate these groups is crucial for regional stability and peace. By focusing on economic prosperity and regional harmony, Afghanistan can uphold the true spirit of Islam, protecting its people and fostering a future of peace and development. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan must recognize that India’s friendship is a facade, and its true intentions are detrimental to Afghan sovereignty and Muslim unity. The Afghan Interim Government should act swiftly to safeguard its interests and ensure the well-being of its people, free from the deceptive influence of India.

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