Since the birth of polytheism dispersed before but later finally migrated to India. Hence Islam did spread to the Indian sub-continent and since Islam’s emergence in Hindustan, there have been continuous wars between both religions.
From direct hand-to-hand battles to modern psychological warfare. This war means a mental conquer of the brain, which in fact makes the body surrender when the physical presence of the conquering force appears.
Wars do not promise peace, but ideas. If ideas create peace in nations, only then is peace accomplished with education.
The situation although of majority Muslims in the sub-continent is no longer monotheistic, meaning worship of one God. The situation presents the worshipping of idols in the shape of graves, shrines, stones, elements, pictures, etc. making a separation between monotheism and polytheism.
Various under-cover intellectual elites including major religions have undermarked the destinies of militia and the shape of nations throughout centuries. Every religion possesses an element to spread the religion or belief but some men decide to take an ugly path on the way.
How polytheist form of practices are present in Pakistan and India is a no-fault, but a systematic structure to construct their ideology into the conscious of it not all, but most.
Fortunately, this does not mean that this spread will end to its completion. However, there are sentiments/elements which do not accept this idea. These idealists are based on strong grounds either united or in some cases disunited and are free from systematic mental slavery.
Great wars are won based on relevantly united ideas. The weapons and their supply are a magnet to such idealists, although, there have been very few in history.
The global elite corporate world has injected the idea of survival into the new world order, manipulating natural laws through the digital revolution.
Wars do not promise peace, but ideas. If ideas create peace in nations, only then is when peace accomplished with education. Education brings about the easement of life. Some nations like Pakistan and India are lucky to not possess the easement of life.
Easement is the middle point at the right which is implementing the right actions through educated ideas of the time and the left is where there is effortlessness, which ultimately leads to collapse or run out of maintenance of a system.
In today’s world, only those nations that pursue pure education are those whom others follow. For a long time, the right education had not been provided. This is something that makes or breaks a country.
If such an elixir remains ignored, the future may not seem bright for a country or be it the world. Education is something that can make a nation a leader in the world itself. The good part of this idea is that the collection of the right information for every educational student of every class is at the distance of gathering the rightful intellectual heirs of the nation.
And with the cost of their time and energy, this can be accomplished. Making all followers of religions practice their own religion separately without disturbing another.
Education is the elixir that can make a nation a leader in the world, yet its neglect risks the future of humanity.
This if achieved in the society, creates a fine nation. Although there is no hate in this article, the activities of many Muslims in the sub-continent are architectured, if not, it is also a fault of Muslims and the message conveyed by the great Islamic leader, Prophet Muhammad PBUH is not being followed in the majority.
However, there are true followers as of now. People who live and die for the idea of Islam, some united while some separate, but in the entire world at the same time.
In this analytical presumption, the polytheistic spreading ideology is not in isolation. The global elite corporate world has injected the idea of survival into the new world order. Through various sources such as the commonality of the digital world is the greatest and the idea that this digital world presents is a revolutionary victory of this elite. This directly is a manipulation of the natural laws of nature.
Nature’s resistance to the unnatural ensures that justice and balance will eventually overshadow the dominance of artificial constructs.
Widespread use of artificial intelligence is only going to boost the ideology of becoming a battery for the global elite’s bank account engines. Meaning that the idea of making the entire world a slave nation is the idea that the NWO sells and presents.
This however is a dangerous idea that to date only causes blood and sweat. Thus, this unnatural revolution tends to become an evolution for the entire planet. Practically, these are some things that cannot be accomplished because the natural laws that are being broken, come with a cure, that cure being the global resistance which in actuality is represented by nature itself.
And the history of humanity is filled with examples where nature overshadows the unnatural in time. Humanity’s interaction with the digital world is a mark of this NWO, which will not remain but be eliminated to the extent that today’s modern-day world system and technology, and ways of life will remain only in the history books of the future.
Such a world will be free from the dominance of the NWO and hence naturally will be known as the ‘New World’, for whomever they are, but free from injustice and corruption as these elements will haunt that very world for centuries.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. They do not represent the views, beliefs, or policies of the Stratheia.