Pakistan has seen various ups and downs in the last few decades. The developments in our region compelled policymakers in Islamabad and Rawalpindi to reconsider their economic and foreign as well as strategic policies to align them with the current changing geostrategic environment in the region. Likewise, the global conflicts especially wars in Ukraine and Palestine pushed the third-world countries on the brink of economic collapse. Despite facing tough global conditions such as rising economies oil prices, the countries struggling to find alternative ways to boost their economies.

Pakistan’s government and armed forces both are on the same page and working tirelessly to uplift the country and provide safe and secure platforms to domestic and foreign investors, who aim to establish businesses in the country. For that matter, the government of Pakistan established the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC), which is an apex body to determine and facilitate investors. Prime Minster is head of the SIFC and Army Chief is also a member of the body along with senior government officials.

Pakistan’s SIFC leads efforts to attract global investment.

The sole purpose of SIFC is to garner and facilitate maximum foreign investment, particularly from friendly states such as Middle Eastern countries. Recently, business delegations from various countries have visited Pakistan to explore economic as well as business opportunities. The visiting delegations held extensive meetings with Pakistani counterparts and government officials. They also held extensive talks with military officials as well to get the overall picture of the security situation in the country.

Pakistani government made it clear that it will not tolerate any kind of negligence in economic activities. A few elements have been trying to destabilize the country to create the impression that the law and order situation is not favourable for foreign investment. However, Pakistani forces are acting against these anti-state actors, who are out to spread chaos among the masses. With the successful operations against them, global investors have agreed to come to Pakistan and invest in the country; which is a practical demonstration of our armed forces’ valour, commitment and determination to eradicate this menace of terrorism. With this, various states such as UAE, KSA and Qatar have announced to invest in Pakistan in various sectors. They have also finalized their PC-1 of some projects. These projects are likely to create employment opportunities for local people and also boost the confidence of other investors.

UAE and Qatar commit to investing in Pakistan’s economy.

In this changing global strategic environment, economic bonding is playing a crucial role in shaping up the policies. States are setting aside their differences and working for economic integration. Such kind of actions prevent conflicts/ wars and enhance economic opportunities, which ultimately have positive implications for future political and economic ties of states. In developed states, we have seen various agreements, which are boosting their global standing while preventing terrorism and extremism. These economic and security accords are the major reason for their development. Unfortunately, developing states are unable to follow these models and follow propaganda narratives for political, economic and strategic gains.

Pakistan is following the model of developed states to enhance its global economic standing. It has engaged various states and organizations for that matter, which yields positive results. SIFC is a major player in this regard, which has successfully grabbed the confidence of local and foreign investors. Unfortunately, some hostile and anti-state elements are trying to spread fake propaganda against Pakistan’s economic outreach and SIFC. They are maligning the state and its department for political gains.

Government and military unite to address anti-state threats and enhance confidence.

To counter the fake propaganda of these hostile elements, the Pakistani government with the help of armed forces established a special cell. The purpose of this cell is to identify anti-state elements and stop them from spreading fake information. For that matter, our law enforcement agencies are also helping the government to stop these elements from further creating chaos in society. They have successfully eradicated this cycle of misinformation and keeping a vigilant eye on these elements.

The role of the masses is very important to deal with these anti-state elements, who are working on the agenda of hostile elements. No war or operation can be won without the support of the masses. It is the responsibility of the masses to critically evaluate any anti-state material before making any decision or mindset. Hostile elements are using fifth-generation warfare to spread venom against the government and its departments.

New cell set up to tackle misinformation and bolster economic initiatives.

The announcement to set up business activities in Pakistan by foreign investors is likely to enhance our economic outreach and will also compel other states to revisit their approach towards Pakistan particularly in the economic domain. Pakistan is pitching for aggressive economic diplomacy with regional and global partners, which will help the country out of its economic crisis. It is high time for global investors to take maximum benefits out of the government’s business-friendly initiatives.
