In the adjusting world structure and multi-polarity world economy Strategic partnership between Moroccan and China based on economic Cooperation and Interests. As two culturally oriented yet physically distant countries, the parties have been interested in defining new opportunities for cooperation in such fields as trade, infrastructure, education, and technology.

Morocco’s strategic location makes it a gateway for Chinese investors into Africa and Europe, aligning with China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

Morocco and China have been enjoying strong and stable relations regarding economic relations in the last few decades with commercial relations being the core pillar of the relationship between the two nations. Chinese companies invest in electronic devices, textile industries, machinery, and chemical products and Morocco is one of China’s biggest trading partners.

On the other hand, Moroccan exports consist of, phosphates, costumes, and agricultural products to China. The balance of trade has been more inclined to China, since Morocco exports far more to China than it imports. This imbalance is not unusual, and of course, is not specific to Morocco; it does however offer the two countries the chance to find ways of bringing about a better balance in bilateral trade that fosters diversified beneficial exchanges.

This means that the country has the potential to expand its export market to China especially in farming, and in the exploitation and exportation of natural resources. It has high-end minerals such as phosphates which is used in fertilizers that might satisfy the growing Chinese market for agricultural produce. Also, the export of some Moroccan products like argan oil, which is known today to have health benefits, can also have a ready market in China. Since the Chinese middle class is expanding fast and their eating habits are changing, Morocco could diversify its exports, particularly in the food, drinks, and luxury sectors.

On the same note, Morocco has the advantage of being a doorway to Africa for Chinese investors who intend to venture into the African market. Morocco is also geographically located on the Mediterranean coast thus it is a perfect gateway for Chinese investors willing to penetrate both Europe and Africa. Indeed, after increasing cooperation with Morocco, the Chinese may leverage the North African country to boost its influence across the whole African continent, which remains a focus of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to China.

The BRI, which China conducts to construct a web of international important connectivity stretching from Asia to Africa and Europe, has been central to the bilateral ties and Morocco has been part of the initiative. Since Morocco joined the BRI in 2017, Moroccan has recorded a boost in the flow of Chinese investments in the infrastructure sector including ports, roads, and railways. For instance, Tangier Med Port – a large African seaport – has been bolstered financially by Chinese investment in Morocco’s efforts to upgrade its transport connections to global markets.

Chinese investments in Moroccan infrastructure, like Tangier Med Port, enhance Morocco’s global competitiveness and connectivity.

Infrastructure development can be named one of the major aspects of further enhancement of the Moroccan-Chinese strategic partnership. Morocco can keep on improving its infrastructure through construction that is being financed by China and this will make it even more competitive in the international market. Furthermore, the construction of new railway and tarmac tracks for highways will open the Moroccan market in the African and European Union Common Market for Moroccans as well as Chinese traders and industrialists.

There is also a good potential for joint ventures not only in broader infrastructure development but in the sphere of renewable resources as well. Morocco is among the African countries that have embarked on the production of renewable energy especially solar and wind energies and has further made more goals towards producing more renewable energies in the future decades.

Currently, Morocco has identified renewable energy as a priority area, and as a leading manufacturer of renewable energy technology, China is uniquely positioned to assist Morocco. The men can sponsor renewable power projects in Morocco and thereby assist in the reduction of carbon emissions whilst making themselves a strategic ally of clean power in Africa.

As in the case of so many other countries, trade, and infrastructure remain the primary framework of the Moroccan-Chinese connection, yet, unlike in certain other countries of the Global South, culture and education represent an essential vector of both relations as well. Over the years, both countries have exercised efforts to improve mutual cultural awareness. Being an old Arab country, Morocco can provide China with ample opportunities to tap a different cultural zone in the Arab world, while experiencing, in turn, a brand-new civilization, traditions of elder times, and forward-looking policies.

Joint ventures in renewable energy, particularly solar and wind, align Morocco’s green goals with China’s technological expertise.

Another significant cooperation, which has not been really developed, is educational exchange. China has been one of the favorite studies abroad destinations among Moroccan students with an interest in engineering, medicine, and business. On the other hand, Morocco will be a better destination for Chinese students to learn more, especially at the university education level in agriculture, the environment, and the Middle East in general.

There is still much potential to expand relations between Moroccan and Chinese academic institutions in terms of the number of jointly implemented academic programs, scholarships, and research collaborations, with knowledge flowing in a dual fashion between the two countries.

In addition, there is potential for the exchange of tourism between the two countries for reciprocity’s sake. As the middle class expands in China, more people are venturing into the global market for travel and holidays, and Morocco an exciting and culturally and historically rich country is on the map for Chinese consumers.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. They do not represent the views, beliefs, or policies of the Stratheia.


  • Dr. Zukun Lyu

    Dr. Zukun Lyu is a research scholar in the Department of Political Science at the University of Siena. She has been to national and international conferences and written 21 research articles that have been published in international journals.

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